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Some random chav tried to have a fight with me today (in front of his friends). He was walking on the other side of the path, barged into me and started shouting "You startin on me?"


I didn't react at all (just carried on walking at the same speed), by the third "You startin on me?" he sounded extremely confused. Which was quite funny.

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I'm pretty unwell, I've been feeling like I'm about to vomit since last night. I still went bowling for the playoffs to get into third place in my league, problem being we were battling against the best team there. Lost two games, then my defeatist friend decided to throw in the towel because his back was hurting, and we had no chance of a comeback. Finished the league in 4th place, I'm really pissed off at him.


In other news I just watched Balls of Fury, which was alright.

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I'm pretty unwell, I've been feeling like I'm about to vomit since last night. I still went bowling for the playoffs to get into third place in my league, problem being we were battling against the best team there. Lost two games, then my defeatist friend decided to throw in the towel because his back was hurting, and we had no chance of a comeback. Finished the league in 4th place, I'm really pissed off at him.


In other news I just watched Balls of Fury, which was alright.



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Broke my diet pretty badly yesterday, doubt I'll lose enough weight by next weekend to fit in to my outfit for Sparkle, good job I've got several other options. Also found out I'm going to be meeting someone unexpected at Sparkle who wants to give me a good spanking, that cheered me up.

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We had an end of exams party last night, which was fun. Afterwards a bunch of people went around a mates house and played Rock Band for bloody ages. It's really hard to play when you're drunk. Anyway, I didn't end up leaving til five in the morning and I had to walk back to my house which is about twenty minutes away. The walk back was... awesome, being five in the morning there were people or no cars about (and it was also daylight being June). The air was incredibly fresh and the only noises you could hear were the birds and the owls. I could have done anything if I wanted, I could have run down the streets naked. Okay, I'm rambling now so I'll stop talking.

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My uncle isn't doing so well, I just heard there that his kidneys are starting to fail. He's only just started treatment, so not looking very hopeful. :(


Edit: my dad just came into my room after I posted this, he's somehow managed to melt the fan of his graphics card, the fool XD

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Some random chav tried to have a fight with me today (in front of his friends). He was walking on the other side of the path, barged into me and started shouting "You startin on me?"


I didn't react at all (just carried on walking at the same speed), by the third "You startin on me?" he sounded extremely confused. Which was quite funny.


Ugh I fucking hate that. I was a super chicken shit back in the day, so when this happened to me (all the time) I did get quite nervous.

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Wow. Everybody just totally ignored Daft there...


Sorry to hear you're low, I am sure things will improve. Just step back for a moment and assess what you can do logically, make short term achievable goals and you'll get there.


lol, I've had a lot of that over the past week. :heh:


Ashley was nice enough to lend an ear while I moaned. :bowdown:


The problem is there is nothing I can do. I always look at the situation logically so I'm not really that upset about the money (realistically there is nothing I can do about that right now) its everyone's attitude thats driving me nuts and putting me under pressure.


Thanks for the concern :smile: . Its the fact that its not in my control so I'm just venting a bit.

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We had an end of exams party last night, which was fun. Afterwards a bunch of people went around a mates house and played Rock Band for bloody ages. It's really hard to play when you're drunk. Anyway, I didn't end up leaving til five in the morning and I had to walk back to my house which is about twenty minutes away. The walk back was... awesome, being five in the morning there were people or no cars about (and it was also daylight being June). The air was incredibly fresh and the only noises you could hear were the birds and the owls. I could have done anything if I wanted, I could have run down the streets naked. Okay, I'm rambling now so I'll stop talking.


Get my hopes high and then BAM just dash then away!

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Heh, I think for the first time I'm ever I'm actually drunk. My body is making movements I don't want it to make, and I'm typing all sorts of letters I don't want to type (I still know what is the right spelling so I make my fingers go back and retype every word they type wrong... even though it means this took about a minute to type). It's sad that the only place I can get drunk though is at a freaking neighbourhood party, by drinking wine so I can forget how lonely I feel every day.

I think I'll try to fall asleep now before I cry my eyes out again.

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I spent most of my day trying to defeat Sephiroth on Kingdom Hearts 2.


It would be way easier to do if I actually leveled up, but for some reason I've just been trying over and over.


I got so close on a couple of times, but it's just the moves where you have to press triangle or you die instantly that alway get me.

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Last night was my Leavers Ball/Prom. It was so. SO awesome.


Pics to follow later on, but here's one for the nows.




Rhaposy (Queen tribute band) ftw.




I was wearing the exact same kind of suit and tie tonight! Though you definately look MUCH MORE sophisticated! :awesome:


Was at front of house for my Mum's choir concert thing. It was long but I enjoyed it. :D


The rest of my day went by without me realising. I played some games, watched some anime and fatted about on the Internet. It's all good.

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Heh, I think for the first time I'm ever I'm actually drunk. My body is making movements I don't want it to make, and I'm typing all sorts of letters I don't want to type (I still know what is the right spelling so I make my fingers go back and retype every word they type wrong... even though it means this took about a minute to type). It's sad that the only place I can get drunk though is at a freaking neighbourhood party, by drinking wine so I can forget how lonely I feel every day.

I think I'll try to fall asleep now before I cry my eyes out again.

:|. That makes me feel like shit. Come over to the UK for a laugh :D

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Heh, I think for the first time I'm ever I'm actually drunk. My body is making movements I don't want it to make, and I'm typing all sorts of letters I don't want to type (I still know what is the right spelling so I make my fingers go back and retype every word they type wrong... even though it means this took about a minute to type). It's sad that the only place I can get drunk though is at a freaking neighbourhood party, by drinking wine so I can forget how lonely I feel every day.

I think I'll try to fall asleep now before I cry my eyes out again.



We :heart: youuu :)

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Hmm Im drunk to.


My day was girls are confusing and i now have no idea when im living next year. Girl whom I have a most complex history with wants me to move in with her. Very scary.


Oh also Dyson I told you thatd you would pull lol. Even if you didnt pull it looks like all the girls wanted to hang with you! You must have boasted about your xpert skills to them!

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:|. That makes me feel like shit. Come over to the UK for a laugh :D



We :heart: youuu :)



It's true. Mmmmn hmmmm. We do, we do.... we do hooooo.


I'm pretty drunk myself, so it's all good.


Awww thanks guys. X3

I would come over to the UK but at the moment I don't think money and parents would permit it. =P


So yeah, I woke up at 6:44 to go to the toilet, and even though I'm still tired I can't fall asleep anymore. D:

Yesterday was weird... my cousins probably thought it was super funny to see me get kinda drunk from all that wine, and they said I should join them to other parties in the future... but honestly I feel like I've gotten too old for those things, plus I don't know anyone there. And a two hour bike ride to a party doesn't sound fun to me either. XD


And the wine didn't help to stop the tears, though there was only one before I fell asleep, so that's not too bad. Also managed to send text messages to my ex again after a long time of no talking on my end. Will see if we can talk online again tonight or swap some more emails and see what comes from that.


*pointless babbling*

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