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I had a snide chunk of pie and gravy in the dodgiest cafe in Durham today - with Hannah (my fiance.) Was nice, if a little "OAP". We then ate midget gems and watched some Hey Arnold on youtube on the couch at her house. This went on for a good hour then I came home and proceded to play the hell out of my DS (which aint been getting enough love as of late).


A completely boring day really. (The life of a uni student.) So, work at 5am tomorrow. Bonus. At least it's something to do. F'show.

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"Shebang" is such a lesbian word. Anyway! Er, I have no idea why I continue to splay my day to y'all in such a frequent fashion, nor do I have a clue whether this sentance makes sense... But, um, yeah. Decided to catch up on Bleach from ep. 110 onwards with a few Blackthorns in my side. Mask-making has been put back 'til tomorrow, but Shorty has this velvet-type mask that he might transform into a hollow mask (Bleach again), but to be honest without altering it at all it's the scariest thing I've seen for a while.


Tried to load GTA and LTA london on my pc but the cd seems to be utterly unrecognisable, which is rather annoying.


Um. Yeah. I hate life etc!

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"Shebang" is such a lesbian word.






Its a ballymenian word...



My family think I'm strange enough as it is without declaring myself a lesbian.


I heard the word "phase" being thrown around the room a few times, in regards to my blue hair. XD

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Unlucky man!! What happened?


At least you can let MGS4 blow you away. :D


2 major 9 minor


Tad unlucky. Basically failed in the first 10 minutes. CAme up to a set of lights in the high street but this driver suddenly stopped close to the curb on the left lane with no indication. I went in the right lane ready to go forward but a red light ensued and i was in the wrong lane.


Came up to another set of lets near the end and stayed behind the line whilst waiting for oncoming traffic to turn left when i wanted to turn right. red lights ensued and i hadnt gone during green light. I shouldve edged from the line and gone the split second between last car and red light. At least thats what I gathered from the invidulator. My instructor wasnt to happy. He had never seen him and whilst I was out was told that he had a complaint nearly every time with distractions and bad explanations o the candidate both on and after the test. This happened on mine as while he was explaning he was stuttering as if he didnt know what to say or justify not giving me the benefit of the doubt. My instructor didnt like that.

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My day has been pretty good.


Went to bank and sorted out my savings account. In the process realised I have across three accounts about £10,500. Win.


Went and saw my mom. Umm...my The Format shirts came and they are made of so much win. Work wasn't too bad. One table annoyed me because they did the whole tired "so who is this meal for?" "him....nah its for me HAH! Im so amazingly witty!" routine and I'm like 'yeah...better things to do with my time thanks' but they did tip me £2...


Oh and recently I've also realised everyone who has seriously pissed me off has ended up suffering. Always nice to know.


Oh and my dream last night mocked me. I tend to half wake up in the morning and for some reason think I've missed my alarm so I check constantly and I kept doing that in my dream...but like in a mocking way.

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My day has been pretty good.


Went to bank and sorted out my savings account. In the process realised I have across three accounts about £10,500. Win.


Went and saw my mom. Umm...my The Format shirts came and they are made of so much win. Work wasn't too bad. One table annoyed me because they did the whole tired "so who is this meal for?" "him....nah its for me HAH! Im so amazingly witty!" routine and I'm like 'yeah...better things to do with my time thanks' but they did tip me £2...


Oh and recently I've also realised everyone who has seriously pissed me off has ended up suffering. Always nice to know.


Oh and my dream last night mocked me. I tend to half wake up in the morning and for some reason think I've missed my alarm so I check constantly and I kept doing that in my dream...but like in a mocking way.


Karma has its way in the end. :smile:

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Mr jayseven sir, do the whole so bad it's good thing for the masks.


Just get a paper plate and poke your finger through twice for eye holes. Then do the same for the mouth but drag your finger down. Then decorate the mouth with sloppy red colour, and the eyes with sloppy black. (Lipstick and eyeliner)



Then just get some elastic attached. It'd be awesome.

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Guest Stefkov

Got up only half an hour or so ago. Got an exam at half 1 which I've revised the past half an hour for. My clocks getting slower, I should change the batteries. I just have to read the time and then read it 20 minutes ahead. Gets confusing though.

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How damn depressing, Ive been back from holiday for a week already. Gone so quickly.


And glancing at the calander, for the first half of the year there is 4 bank holidays/national days off work, and for the second half theres 1. Sucktacular.


(Not including xmas/new year)

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You ever had the feeling that your being left out of a loop? My bosses have said there skint, there downsizing the company and everyone but the 2 owners are out of a job on the 1 July. (Yes cry me a river, and yes i would love the sympathy votes thx). Yet this morning one owner bought us all breakfast and dropped his wad of £20's on the floor (about £1000 easy), then there acting as if everything is normal.


Now they have told me that if i resign before the 25th June i can leave straight away and they will pay me a full month wage on Jun 25th and a full month wage on July 25th.


But there supposed to be skint and on the verge of going under. And it was only 3 days ago they were talking about buying a villa in spain, 3 weeks ago they had a week in Portugal, the company is always busy....


I dont get it >.> Its so fucking annoying. I reckon they may take all the money and leave the country.

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Started the day off with my homemade breakfast pizza, sausage, bacon and egg in case anyone is wondering. Popped out to the shops to pick up a few bibs and bobs. Spent the rest of the day taking things easy and am now going to start getting ready to go out later.

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My day was like this, and this, and this.


Very amusing, first one was a little freaky and i'm still thinking about what you were arguing about in sign.


My day was boring. Servers went down in work today for 6 hours, had nothing to do except play Pinball and Solitaire which got tedious after 2 hours. At least lunch was different and i could go out and about for a walk to occupy me.

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EEK! I look so mental. I was playing a random game with a rolled up bit of paper (like a telescope) with a mate and she pushed it into my eye. It's made a massive round circle mark all around, and it made my eye (the bit where the tear duct is) bleed ever so slightly. I was laughing all the way through it though, it could only happen to me. She's so awesome!



Awesome day, went to the coffee shop again then wondered around town for a bit.


Ended up tagging along with a friend to get an invite to a party tonight which is on in a couple of hours so I'm looking forward to getting a little ratarsed for the first time in a few weeks. Should be a good laugh anyways. :D

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Cold shower 'cos the boiler's broken

Bathroom is soaked because the bathroom two floors above leaks through

So we can't use the electrics, so I had to wear dirty clothes

Housemates rushing onto campus to revise so they can get their cushty banking jobs, so no breakfast or drink or time to dry myself from shower

Boring exam, bullshitted and daydreamed for 3 hours

Still doing a course I tried to quit unsuccessfully 2 years ago

ATM swallowed my card

No credit to cancel the card

Phoned home and no one asks how I'm feelin' after I tell 'em all this stuff


I sympathise with that MORSE student who threw himself under a train the other day. Kid had brains.

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Cold shower 'cos the boiler's broken

Bathroom is soaked because the bathroom two floors above leaks through

So we can't use the electrics, so I had to wear dirty clothes

Housemates rushing onto campus to revise so they can get their cushty banking jobs, so no breakfast or drink or time to dry myself from shower

Boring exam, bullshitted and daydreamed for 3 hours

Still doing a course I tried to quit unsuccessfully 2 years ago

ATM swallowed my card

No credit to cancel the card

Phoned home and no one asks how I'm feelin' after I tell 'em all this stuff


I sympathise with that MORSE student who threw himself under a train the other day. Kid had brains.


Don't be sad :(

You'll be screwing girls and partying it up in your mansion before you know it!


seriously though, what are you currently taking at Uni?

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