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Then she went into shock and bursted out into tears in the living room, all this 5 minutes before she had to leave for a maths exam.


Am I right in thinking they take things like recent pet deaths into account when it comes to a final grade after an exam? Or have I been reading the Daily Mail again?

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Unlucky Martinist =[ Hope he's okay!


So my day has been good, until this evening where a lot of people have managed to become killjoys and ruin my positiveness.


I think most people are just bothered about exams now and I guess I am, whereas some have no reason >_> Stupid people. SORT IT OUT.

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That's how I read it too.


Anyhow, off to the Doctors this afternoon to see if they can work out why my leg is making strange noises.


Ooooooh that sounds so awfullll :(:(


My hip has been playing up so badly today. I injured it somehow, I could hardly walk and its never been the same since... its a hideous grindy feeling. I sat at work terrifying myself about hip operations and the like >_>


I just read over that... I feel annoyed that I sound like an oap :(

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Haha, just re-read it there and it did sound like it. Not like I had much time to perfect it.


Had a funeral for her an hour ago. Got a nice box/casket, lay down some tin foil and hay, then put her in it, tied the box up and burried her. When we were moving her from the shoe box to the casket thingy, well, needless to say, my sister broke down again and started crying and shouting her name. Then she said goodbye in the garden and she got burried.


Now back to studying for me ¬_¬


How old is your sister Shadow? :hmm:

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Old enough to care about a pet it seems, I'd bawl my eyes out if one of my dogs died.


Urgh feeling really low, I don't even know why, I should be pretty damn happy, well except the order I made thats 51 dollars that I may never see again.



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*Cheers up Nightwolf* - Martinist that sucks, hope you're holding up alright.




Tonight turned out so awesome! Went to Monks Cross for a while after my exam, and then we decided to go and see a random movie which ended up being "Shutter". It was alright, but the company was far better. I've never laughed so much in my entire life - literally I was in pain for half the film.


I swear the couple fondling behing us were getting pissed off, but who cares at least they were getting some. :p I need to go to the cinema more often, it's always utterly EPIC.

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It comes to something when you have to go to the library to socalise with your friends during the night. Still, was nice to see people again. Oh and I went to get my Cube stuff from my friends (from when we moved) and he gave me a whole binliner full of stuff. Lord knows how I'm going to get everything in one small car next week :/


Oh and truth fact: I have 19 weeks off for summer. That's just over a quater of the year. Madness.

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Old enough to care about a pet it seems, I'd bawl my eyes out if one of my dogs died.


Urgh feeling really low, I don't even know why, I should be pretty damn happy, well except the order I made thats 51 dollars that I may never see again.




Cheer up Nightwolf :)

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Day has been ok i think. Work is as eventful as ever. Had a laugh as it was two peoples birthdays and there was two sets of cakes/donuts to choose from. Came home, had dinner and now sitting back enjoying Indiana Jones.

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Bah, I bought some new oil pastel set today for the portrait I have to do, but they're quite crappy. I bought them cause they have more colours in it than the ones I have, but they seem to be less "oily" than I'm used to. -___-;


Means I will have to find the time to go to the art store again and see if they sell separate crayons.

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Today has been a good day!


I've done lots of past papers for maths, with my lowest mark being 83%, and my highest being a straight 100%. :D


In more worldly affairs, the abortion limit has stayed at 24 weeks, lesbian couples can now have IVF, stem cell research wasn't illegally yesterday, and Mehdi Kazemi, a 19 year old gay Iranian asylum seeker, has been a granted asylum, as going home would result in his arrest and execution. +450 respect points to the government.


Oh, and Edward Kennedy has a brain tumour. Rats. :blank:

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has stayed at 24 weeks, lesbian couples can now have IVF, stem cell research wasn't illegally yesterday, and Mehdi Kazemi, a 19 year old gay Iranian asylum seeker, has been a granted asylum, as going home would result in his arrest and execution. +450 respect points to the government


You fucking beauty. I've been worried about the Human Embryology Bill but luckily my faith in democracy has been deserved rather than faced a serious kick in the groin sack. It's all coming roses after a week of bollocks.

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In more worldly affairs, the abortion limit has stayed at 24 weeks, lesbian couples can now have IVF, stem cell research wasn't illegally yesterday, and Mehdi Kazemi, a 19 year old gay Iranian asylum seeker, has been a granted asylum, as going home would result in his arrest and execution. +450 respect points to the government.


What does him being gay have to do with it?


Oh and I feel that the abortion should be lowered to 20 weeks. Abortion is serious and if you haven't decided by then then you are obviously unsure.

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Guest bluey
Is that the reason for him to be executed?

in iran, yes. it's illegal and the penalty is death.

i wont even START on how bullshit that is.. :nono:

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I'm hoping to buy one of your posters next month eenuh ^.^


I feel alot better today thankfully, thanks guys for the support <3, I went into college and you know when you've been sat working on something for weeks not able to understand it and without a reason you suddenly find out what's wrong and everything just clicks? I've just done that with my program.


Happy steph, still gutted that I might not get my plugs from bodyartforms, they are such a good place to buy from but they do jack shit if your stuff doesn't turn up and blames it on the postal service, so I'll have to buy from livejournal from now on, oh well.


Other than that I've had some tea ^.^ and thinking about the very very strange dream last night, at least for once in the last week it didn't involve my ex, so that's a plus >_>

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Guest Jordan

I just had a 2 and a 1/2 hour progress meeting regarding how documentation should be organised... supprisingly i wasn't bored.

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