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Whats it on? Use pictures. Everyone likes pictures.


Also, most people fail at public speaking anyway, at least in my school. I know I do, my hands shake like a recovering alcoholic and I stutter a bit. People are more sympathetic to the terrbleness of the actual presentation if you stutter and shake like an idiot.


This are bad pieces of advice. Hence why I am not supposed to give advice,


Well the powerpoint presentation is finished and has pictures in it (has to, since it's on a graphic design group). Thing is it's a groupwork thing, and I'm not sure everyone knows what they have to say, since we never got to discuss it (people not responding to emails, gah!). >.<;

I always get so nervous though, start talking too fast and I get ugly red spots all over my neck and chest and sometimes my arms (like blushing but the ugly version). =(

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I may not be a woman....


But having looked after my nephew for a several hours before absolutely tires me out as he always needs attention and as much as i love him and enjoy his company i can see how hard it is to be a mother as my sister has that 24/7! :)


Also everyone knows by now i have seen the video of a woman giving birth 8 times!! :o If i was a woman i would be so scared by now that video does not help anyone it needs to be LOCKED AWAY!!! :shakehead


Children are hard work :heh: My cousins were the same, always having to keep them entertained! You just want give them back after a few hours!


I'm not entirely enthralled about the idea of children, but I won't say I'm against it fully.


I admit the birth process sounds a little scary yes :heh:

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seen the video of a woman giving birth 8 times!! :o If i was a woman i would be so scared by now that video does not help anyone it needs to be LOCKED AWAY!!! :shakehead




I missed sex ed and all that business. no school bothered to teach it. I swear they just thought fuck it, its a mixed school, if we leave them to it, they'll figure something out.


Well the powerpoint presentation is finished and has pictures in it (has to, since it's on a graphic design group). Thing is it's a groupwork thing, and I'm not sure everyone knows what they have to say, since we never got to discuss it (people not responding to emails, gah!). >.<;

I always get so nervous though, start talking too fast and I get ugly red spots all over my neck and chest and sometimes my arms (like blushing but the ugly version). =(


Oh damn that sucks. I'll take my stutter and shakes over that any day. Also, I have run out of advice. Imagine the people watching naked or whatever the standard, completely useless advice is. Or do the presentation naked.


See, I am not supposed to give advice. I'm sure it will go fine, can't you get the other people to do the majority of the presenting, especially if you did the majority of the work?


Also, groupwork with random people does not work, ever. One person does everything, always.

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Today, had to give a 30 minute presentation to my class about Physical Theatre. Didn't too that much prep for it, but my drama class is unique in the way that there are no dicks on the register, so it ran pretty smoothly. Must have done anyway: got a distinction! :D


Not in the same boat as passing a driving test, but still good stuff :heh:

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I missed sex ed and all that business. no school bothered to teach it. I swear they just thought fuck it, its a mixed school, if we leave them to it, they'll figure something out.




Oh damn that sucks. I'll take my stutter and shakes over that any day. Also, I have run out of advice. Imagine the people watching naked or whatever the standard, completely useless advice is. Or do the presentation naked.


See, I am not supposed to give advice. I'm sure it will go fine, can't you get the other people to do the majority of the presenting, especially if you did the majority of the work?


Also, groupwork with random people does not work, ever. One person does everything, always.


Barney Gumble:


"Picture them in there underwear"


I always get this wrong and say "picture them in your underwear" :wtf: which is just wrong....




I think you have something here!


If i walked into every situation naked then I'd have nothing to worry about...


But i probably would get locked up for indecent exposure Perhaps it's best for everyone if i kept my clothes on!


on second thoughts add me to the list of people who shouldn't give advice! :heh:


Oh and i agree groupwork never works! I'm always in the rubbish group!


Last time i had to be in a group i refused to do it! :D I WON the battle. :yay:

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I had a strange experience today.


Last semester I had to write a section of a novel for a creative writing course. I set a scifi/fantasy novel in New York and did some research. I wanted to find an attraction that had some significance, but wasn't a stereotypical tourist destination. I settled on the Unisphere in Queens. I did a lot of research, looked at maps and images and based a large portion of my prose around it.


Today, without ever meaning to, I stumbled upon the Unisphere in Grand Theft Auto IV. It was really strange to me to suddenly be wandering around a 3D rendition of a place I had written descriptions of, but had never seen. The R* team recreated it well, and I even found the nearby subway station that my story lead on to. Very bizarre experience....


Edit: Well shit, now I'm seeing places I've been in real life, that's just topped it.

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Aching from Wii Fit and not done a great deal. Nearly finished all my assignments for this year, just a few hundred words on the two that are left. Lecture was...meh. Had a careers woman come in and patronise us because its a third year module and thus not relevant to me this year. Plus annoyingly she gave us a quiz which had stuff like "What should you put on your CV: a) your education and work background, b) your personal details c) something else (ant remember)?" and I put all three and she was like "No you shouldn't put all your work experience." And I said "well, thats not what it said." and she ignored that.


Anywho yeah. Might watch My Neighbours the Yamadas then sleep...

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I think it may actually be the same one dithering from last week, jumping up to hit me again.


I'm on immuno-suppresant medications, so it can take months to knock a normal cold >_>


That sucks, my birthday was Saturday as well which made it even more annoying!

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Guest Stefkov

This forum looks ace on the ipod touch. Its even got a spell checker.

Today was a good day. Started my graphic exam, continued my photography exam. Day started bad, got pissed off before I even stepped foot out of the car. But it got better I suppose.

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Guest Jordan

Another day without pay... man this sucks. Theres been an issue with the bank at work and even if it gets sorted today i wouldn't get paied till Friday.


I think i have less than £3... >_>

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After yesterday I have come to the conclusion that letting my Dad do stuff on the laptop I´m using is very very stupid...

The power off button is gone! Literally gone! I have no idea how to shut off my laptop without doing it manually...

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Another day without pay... man this sucks. Theres been an issue with the bank at work and even if it gets sorted today i wouldn't get paied till Friday.


I think i have less than £3... >_>


That really sucks. Is there nothing you can do about it? Surely there must be some protection for you in cases like this as you obviously need money to buy food etc...

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Guest Jordan
That really sucks. Is there nothing you can do about it? Surely there must be some protection for you in cases like this as you obviously need money to buy food etc...


Thankfully, i only live 10 minutes walk from work so i'll just pop home for lunch for the next couple of days.


It just really sucks, its not like i have any other lines of support outside of my parents for money and i really hate doing that. Letty has no money after spending god knows how much on something she bought the other day, and she lost £15 in her room... which we still can't find.


I have £3.23 in my account (thats -£497 in real terms), i'm a week behind on rent now but thank fuck i have alot of food at my place or i'd basically be royally fucked right about now.

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