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Today? I went ICE SKATING! For the first time in my life :D




Me and 5 friends went to the Guildford Spectrum, and guess what? I can't do it! I fell over about 9 times in 2 hours and failed miserably. Had some spectacular falls though; and kept flailing and trying to grab the nearest thing by me. This either resulted in me grabbing a friend, stabalizing myself somehow or, most frequently, falling over.


And because it's on fricking ice, some of the falls are amazing and hilarious to watch. Whenever I fell over all I did was laugh for ages :D



I'm sure paying for it now, though. My left leg is in agony and I can't move it without it hurting; but I'd sure as hell go again, despite the fact I can't go 10 metres without falling down ;)

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Today? I went ICE SKATING! For the first time in my life :D




Me and 5 friends went to the Guildford Spectrum, and guess what? I can't do it! I fell over about 9 times in 2 hours and failed miserably. Had some spectacular falls though; and kept flailing and trying to grab the nearest thing by me. This either resulted in me grabbing a friend, stabalizing myself somehow or, most frequently, falling over.


And because it's on fricking ice, some of the falls are amazing and hilarious to watch. Whenever I fell over all I did was laugh for ages :D



I'm sure paying for it now, though. My left leg is in agony and I can't move it without it hurting; but I'd sure as hell go again, despite the fact I can't go 10 metres without falling down ;)


Hahaha ice skating is pretty epic. I used to go a lot when I lived in Scotland and we had a local one close to us. You do get good after lots of practice! Keep at it!

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Recovering from night out and watching 30 Rock. Thanks for recommending this Tom its classic!


I've been raving about it for over a year :p Anywho, it is indeed fantastic.


Woke up. Made cookies. Sorted out work experience. Went to town. Dodgy deals at Game. Got Wii Fit. Went home. Procrastinated while waiting for dad to take me home (took him like four hours in the end). Found out my mom is leaving him. Finally got home. Showered. Watched Doctor Who. Played Wii Fit a bit. Going to watch Arrested Development (re-watching the whole show again, tonight is the last two eps). Then sleep.


Average day.

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Guest Stefkov
Today? I went ICE SKATING! For the first time in my life :D

I remember going skating a few years back. It was great, falling over is the funniest part of it. I've done it in the past but I could totally not do it when I went last. Over the time I was there I got better. Which reminds me one of the guys there started saying something involving чорний people. :\

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I've been raving about it for over a year :p Anywho, it is indeed fantastic.


Woke up. Made cookies. Sorted out work experience. Went to town. Dodgy deals at Game. Got Wii Fit. Went home. Procrastinated while waiting for dad to take me home (took him like four hours in the end). Found out my mom is leaving him. Finally got home. Showered. Watched Doctor Who. Played Wii Fit a bit. Going to watch Arrested Development (re-watching the whole show again, tonight is the last two eps). Then sleep.


Average day.


Oh yeh I thought it was a sci fi show for ages cause of the name so I just avoided it lol. Its so good it reminds me of AD. The last episode is classic


"Im gonna get some hot sailors better yet some hot seame.."

"I prefer hot sailors!!"

"Mmmm so do I"



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Oh yeh I thought it was a sci fi show for ages cause of the name so I just avoided it lol. Its so good it reminds me of AD. The last episode is classic


"Im gonna get some hot sailors better yet some hot seame.."

"I prefer hot sailors!!"

"Mmmm so do I"




And the apperances from Will Arnett helps makes 30 Rock extra special.


(Sci-fi...its named after a building :p)

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I went ice skating years ago spent most of the time either hanging on to the edge or in the middle with my face to the ice!


It's really hard when you crack your bum on the ice! :heh:


Today and this weekend has been Revision in the morning! Then playing Mario Kart/Wii/Internet. :) all while listening to Music

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I've been raving about it for over a year :p Anywho, it is indeed fantastic.


Woke up. Made cookies. Sorted out work experience. Went to town. Dodgy deals at Game. Got Wii Fit. Went home. Procrastinated while waiting for dad to take me home (took him like four hours in the end). Found out my mom is leaving him. Finally got home. Showered. Watched Doctor Who. Played Wii Fit a bit. Going to watch Arrested Development (re-watching the whole show again, tonight is the last two eps). Then sleep.


Average day.


i was in a major jam on the M5 today, aka stationary for 1 1/2 hours. I sat there bored for a while, then I remebered I had 5 episodes on Arrested Development on my phone, which made the jam far more pleasant!

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Me and 5 friends went to the Guildford Spectrum, and guess what? I can't do it! I fell over about 9 times in 2 hours and failed miserably. Had some spectacular falls though; and kept flailing and trying to grab the nearest thing by me. This either resulted in me grabbing a friend, stabalizing myself somehow or, most frequently, falling over.


And because it's on fricking ice, some of the falls are amazing and hilarious to watch. Whenever I fell over all I did was laugh for ages :D



I'm sure paying for it now, though. My left leg is in agony and I can't move it without it hurting; but I'd sure as hell go again, despite the fact I can't go 10 metres without falling down ;)


Guildford Spectrum? Haven't been there in ages, used to go relatively often with a rollercoaster forum (Southparks). Bit of a bitch to get to though.

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And the apperances from Will Arnett helps makes 30 Rock extra special.


(Sci-fi...its named after a building :p)


Oh god i just saw that one so so good I love him "Im gonna make your heart explode!"


And the woman hes marrying hahaha it just reminds me of a gay evil GOB which is classic also David Schimmers apperanace again superb.


"It wouldnt be a lemon party without old dick."




30 rock is immensley good. My current day is starting very well haha.

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Currently very aware that I only have one and a half cans of cider left. No point leaving any, which means I have to find something to populate my time -- which means going to bed at 4 at the earliest, which means missing uni tomorrow again, which means I've still failed to go to uni since before easter... Hmm.


Read multiple versions of Rapunzel today. Lettuce has never seemed so ridiculous. Watched Lost in Translation, and am currently debating the choice between deuce bigalow, citizen kane, bowling for columbine, some like it hot and Alan partridge series 1. Such is life.


Been getting all hyper recently about the onsetting summer, consciously avoiding the struggles it will involve with my ex and our shared friends. Suddenly I'm aware about how lame it will be; remembering how silly my friends are, how insane and quirky they can be as well as their lack of reliability. I think I'm going to fall back into the plan to work my ass off - both with my summer job and also with the pen-and-paper thingum. Just immerse myself. Worried that I'll not have anything new to watch, seeing as I've averaged two tv seasons per week over the last 2 months or so... Money shall be exiting my pocket swiftly.


er, yeah, back on topic; Fuck today for the minor parts. Praise it for the large. Here's hoping that I'll remember more frequently just how petty it all is.


EDIT: and ash; hope the whole split-thing isn't too shocking or naught. You know where I'm at for a bitching session if you ever want it! I'm sure I can give as good as I get.

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Guest bluey
Honey, we've already had it! Don't you remember going for dinner with my family before you left? English mothering sunday is different in dif countries. Fathers day is not far off though. June i think...


i thought so :wtf: oh well.. in that case my mum will be very surprised and happy with the little card and phone charm i panic-bought for her yesterday! haha.


my day was pretty average yesterday... went to work, where i'm slowly making friends with this fairly quiet aussie guy ~ i'm totally on a mission to bring people out of their shells over here!! then i accidentally left work early 'cause the temp staff at the school i was working fucked up the rota...


it was ok tho cause i came back for the lesson, just 10 mins late... all the students were angry at first, but forgot/forgave me when i answered "so why did you decide to come to japan?" ("decide to" being the structure i was teaching ^^ so proud!!) with a nervous look aorund the room.. then i leant in to the middle of the table and whispered...


"dont tell anyone....but..... i'm an international spy." :blank:

...they go nuts for deadpan humor over here... and an indepth discussion about 24, and my alleged close personal friendship with him.


then my japanese lesson in shibuya was good! upon leaving the station from the famous hachiko exit (the exit with the massive zebra crossing~) i was greeted by the FREE HUGS brigade.... HELL yeah free hugs??! GIMME!! so cute ^__^ and i learnt soooo much jappyjap in my lesson... how to say "my favourite drink/food is~" and "i hate natto!!" aand "she/he/i/you are/is breaking/playing soccer/drinking/looking for..."


"i was looking for my train pass, but i couldnt find it!" heheh. i need to practice much more tho cause my teacher is pretty strict! O_o but he said my pronunciation was great once i'd learnt a word... and gave me a set of mickey mouse crayons that someone had inexplicably given to him as a business-gift... haha SCORE!!


then i came home again and watched "wicked" the musical on youtube while talking to jamba and eating a nutella sandwich :grin:

today i have to work and clean up my room, and tomorrow i have to get up at 5am to go meet my friend at narita airport~ she's visiting for golden week ^_^

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how to say "my favourite drink/food is~" and "i hate natto!!" aand "she/he/i/you are/is breaking/playing soccer/drinking/looking for..."

Do you actually hate it? It's so legendary, I've got to try it this summer. People seem to either love it or hate it, depending on whether they're Japanese or English respectively. :heh:

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Today? I went ICE SKATING! For the first time in my life :D




Me and 5 friends went to the Guildford Spectrum, and guess what? I can't do it! I fell over about 9 times in 2 hours and failed miserably. Had some spectacular falls though; and kept flailing and trying to grab the nearest thing by me. This either resulted in me grabbing a friend, stabalizing myself somehow or, most frequently, falling over.


And because it's on fricking ice, some of the falls are amazing and hilarious to watch. Whenever I fell over all I did was laugh for ages :D



I'm sure paying for it now, though. My left leg is in agony and I can't move it without it hurting; but I'd sure as hell go again, despite the fact I can't go 10 metres without falling down ;)


Lolz, sounds like you did better than me. Seriously like Ice Skating is like the thing that I am worst at!


And I swear I was the only one that that couldnt do it. They were probably all olympic pr0s or something...

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Currently very aware that I only have one and a half cans of cider left. No point leaving any, which means I have to find something to populate my time -- which means going to bed at 4 at the earliest, which means missing uni tomorrow again, which means I've still failed to go to uni since before easter... Hmm.


Read multiple versions of Rapunzel today. Lettuce has never seemed so ridiculous. Watched Lost in Translation, and am currently debating the choice between deuce bigalow, citizen kane, bowling for columbine, some like it hot and Alan partridge series 1. Such is life.


Been getting all hyper recently about the onsetting summer, consciously avoiding the struggles it will involve with my ex and our shared friends. Suddenly I'm aware about how lame it will be; remembering how silly my friends are, how insane and quirky they can be as well as their lack of reliability. I think I'm going to fall back into the plan to work my ass off - both with my summer job and also with the pen-and-paper thingum. Just immerse myself. Worried that I'll not have anything new to watch, seeing as I've averaged two tv seasons per week over the last 2 months or so... Money shall be exiting my pocket swiftly.


er, yeah, back on topic; Fuck today for the minor parts. Praise it for the large. Here's hoping that I'll remember more frequently just how petty it all is.


EDIT: and ash; hope the whole split-thing isn't too shocking or naught. You know where I'm at for a bitching session if you ever want it! I'm sure I can give as good as I get.


Its fine, she deserves better really. But we'll see. Thanks though.


Plan for today;


Lecture. Assignment work. Sainsburys. Wii Fit. Book hairdressers appointment...about it.

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School at the moment, D2 is easy as pie. ICT/Physics not so much.


Sitting here, is meeh.


Apparently got 'til thursday until my coursework has to be in >_<


Also Bluey, what was tha drink you were going on about, going to china town soon and they should sell it there ^^;

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I cried for the first time in 2 years yesterday. And that was only because someone asked me about my last relationship and why it ended. I shall explain all later, when i get time at home.


Anyway, work is currently good. Just need some more to last me until 4:30pm then the journey home awaits.

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Slightly pissed off. Basically my last manager was a bit (lot) of a bitch, and she basically put me in a box (performance wise) that said, I was meeting expectations for some and more is expected in other (Out of the many options - adherence, well above bench mark, number of calls - almost always the most in the whole centre, quality - not quite to what it should of been (bench mark is like 95% and I was on about 92% ish) and so I got a slightly worse bonus because of that, and just found out my new pay rise.


Last year it was £1000 for doing well. Ive basically changed nothing at all - seriously, and because im in that box its like £300 this year, and my current manager (who is awesome) said If I continue what Im doing it should be at least £900 next year.....Even though Ive changed nothing.


I find it extremely irritating how some bitch has just screwed me out of a fair amount of money. Kinda annoying - especially because I hope to save up and move out with Claire asap, and this hampers this a bit.

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Does the new manager know you got an extra £1k last year?


Yeah, he was the one who told me lol.


Ive gone from him when I started to female person, then from her to another different guy, and then recently back from him to him again. My first one (and nicest)


Hope I dont change because he is soooo much better than the alternatives.

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Today? I went ICE SKATING! For the first time in my life :D




Me and 5 friends went to the Guildford Spectrum, and guess what? I can't do it! I fell over about 9 times in 2 hours and failed miserably. Had some spectacular falls though; and kept flailing and trying to grab the nearest thing by me. This either resulted in me grabbing a friend, stabalizing myself somehow or, most frequently, falling over.


And because it's on fricking ice, some of the falls are amazing and hilarious to watch. Whenever I fell over all I did was laugh for ages :D



I'm sure paying for it now, though. My left leg is in agony and I can't move it without it hurting; but I'd sure as hell go again, despite the fact I can't go 10 metres without falling down ;)


Last time I went one of the kids fell 37 times. That was impressive.


I picked it up pretty quick, although my left foot is bent so I kind of skate with the right and drag with teh left. Zombie skating still works though.

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