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Guest bluey

i've had a pretty meh day... feeling a little better but still have a cough...

one of my housemates just knocked on my door and sign-languaged to me (he cant speak english bless him ^^) and tried to offer me some cough medicine :grin: SO SWEET!!! i sign languaged back that i'd got a menagerie of drugs from the doctor and he gave me an "oh i see better not take any more drugs!" look. ^__^

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You've probably got Celeron's purposfully downclocked and a few kilobytes of ram...


I have no idea, but apprently all they do to solve ALL problems is to reset the server which takes a good ten minutes.


Not done much today when I should have, though I've got more points than I thought so that's good, they've blocked here though at college haha, all gaming sites, even a website that ISN'T in any form a games site xD

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Aww, please don't. What's wrong? =(


It's complicated, I've been lying to my wife for the last week and a half and it's killing me inside. She practically forced me to go do something I knew would upset her, but she was adamant that it was OK, so I did it. After doing it though I knew it was going to hurt her, no matter what she said, so I told her I didn't do it, for her own good. Now I'm left not wanting to hurt her, but not wanting to lie to her either. It's really doing my head in, antidepressants aren't helping either, drinking just sounds like a good idea right now.

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I "accidentally" missed the bus for my Geography trip today. Oh noes! Normal lessons were much better, but in pyschology a mate (commenting on why I looked a little down) said "God, who died!". I just gave him a really evil stare, before realising he didn't know. The girl next to me burst out laughing (but "omg!" sort of laughter) and the guy apologised after I explained to him. I ended up laughing about it, and I feel terrible now.


Other than that, the day was pretty good. I missed being at college, it's always nice being around my mates at lunch in the common room. We have such a laugh. For some unknown reason, my best mate said "Midriff" and I burst out laughing. I literally couldn't stop for 10 minutes. I have absolutely no idea why. I hadn't laughed in over a day (Thats a huge deal for me, I never stop) so I suppose that must have been why.


Anyhoo, overall a good day. :)

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Guest Stefkov

I had one of those nights where I was wide awake. I really didn't feel like sleeping; I wasn't tired. 4 o'clock came though so I trundled into bed.

As for my day.

I made some eyewear. Fits perfectly behind my glasses.

Also it was my last ever Photography lesson today. It's quite saddening I'll never have that lesson again. 15 hours of exams for it will suffice though.


Finally I went hardcore eating an apple whilst playing Animal Crossing on the toilet.

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Hmm, I had a Japanese oral exam today. It really didn't go as well as it could've, mainly because we were briefed really badly (told we could use English notes, told we could restart the recording if we wanted to) when in actuality we were only allowed 7 minutes with no notes. I blanked and completely forgot my phrase for "how about the tenpura?" and we didn't even get to the end of the second script. Didn't help that we only got one of the scripts 4 days before the exam, even though we were supposed to have two weeks. Hopefully I can make up for it with the reading/writing/listening exams next Wednesday.


And it's hot. Srsly hot. My socks are too thick. I need to drive to Tescos and get some food. I need to practice for all the exams I'm going to fail coming up. Blehhh

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You sound like such a nice person :) Why would you do that sort of thing?


My day has been average.


I am a nice person to everyone i meet and know, i'm just not nice to this person in question (Linzi) because she spends all my money and doesn't leave me alone.

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Got up really early not done much played case 4 of justice for all.


Sierously this is so epic. I cant quite get how classic it all is I love the music that accompanies the return and the twists so far have been awesome its kinda a scary case I love it!


So yeh I wasted a day haha.


It's complicated, I've been lying to my wife for the last week and a half and it's killing me inside. She practically forced me to go do something I knew would upset her, but she was adamant that it was OK, so I did it. After doing it though I knew it was going to hurt her, no matter what she said, so I told her I didn't do it, for her own good. Now I'm left not wanting to hurt her, but not wanting to lie to her either. It's really doing my head in, antidepressants aren't helping either, drinking just sounds like a good idea right now.


I know its a cleche but drink really isnt the answer how about taking a walk getting your mind cleared a bit I know your want to escape and forget the situation so drink probably looks appealing.


I know we havent always got along on the boards im not tryna be judgemental in anyway its just I have a dad who has suffered with drink and depression and have seen the effects first hand. Either way I hope you sort it out and it sounds like your wife has a strong attachement to you so she'd not want you to harm yourself.


Hope you have a better day tommorow.

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I know its a cleche but drink really isnt the answer how about taking a walk getting your mind cleared a bit I know your want to escape and forget the situation so drink probably looks appealing.


I know we havent always got along on the boards im not tryna be judgemental in anyway its just I have a dad who has suffered with drink and depression and have seen the effects first hand. Either way I hope you sort it out and it sounds like your wife has a strong attachement to you so she'd not want you to harm yourself.


Hope you have a better day tommorow.


Have you got any idea how many walks I've taken?

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Have you got any idea how many walks I've taken?


No :/


I realise I dont fully understand your situation and all youve gone through im sorry I just tried to suggest something and I guess it came off as stupid.


I hope you find a way to get through this.

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well.. just finished my 2 essays (1 is 1200 words the other 1500) .. after i finished the second one i got told it was extended for another week due to some technicality with a shortage of books (i,e the wasters had waited to the day before the hand in date to start the essay) - but i told the gay i was handing it in tomorrow as i had it done


got a media workshop file to do for next thursday (about 1000 words) and another 1500 word essay + an "alternative representation" of the family in photoshop for the thursday after that - meh


busy times - and HELLO N-EUROPE

its been since the 16th that ive signed in and had a look around

bought a wireless router though so i can be online during the summer!


ooo.. managed to squeeze dexter into my photography (really photoshop) coursework



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Went to my hometown to visit my friend as he was covering Game (thought it was just for one day but turns out its for two weeks) so had lunch with him. And during the day I bumped into about ten random people which was nice. Finally bought a birthday present for housemate's boyfriend, some watersoakers. Tomorrow should be fun. Had a few G&Ts in the bar and made cookies and watched Chuck. Been pretty fun. Although theres a lot of noise outside, damn students :p


And two more things.


1) Still can't decide how much to charge for this wedding photographing. £150-200? Don't want to rip him off, but nor do I want to rip myself off.

2) Received some conundrum-inducing tidbit.

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Epic phail day partly.


Woke up Live down = epic downer as no Halo in the morning which gets me up and ready/brain working/off sets the depression of work. Work was okay, epic lolz with friends as usual but still meh, then cinema (Forgetting Sarah Marshall = great) then Noodle Nation. :shakehead Had to wait like 10 minutes to be served, then 10 minutes for the bill and another 10 to actually pay and then they short changed me! I actually couldnt believe it. (Service there is usually instant btw)


Now Im home, shaved, and typing this.

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