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I just had a weird feeling i couldn't remember whether i had had dinner or not!


It was odd....


Right now i'm looking up University Courses! :) I'm finding hard to get interested in it though!


What do you have in mind?


Alright people emergency!!!!! I have an insane!! coke craving! is there anyways to get it without leaving the house! caus it is literally raining cows...

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Guest Stefkov

What the hell. 3 times I order from the hmv website and 3 time they say my card cannot be accepted. I put £20 more in my debit card account and they accept the order and it's been sent.

I don't understand I had £17.99 in there but they wouldn't accept it...


Apart from that I spent all day playing R6V2.

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That's the problem! I haven't a clue!


I'm interested in Psychology and Philosophy i think! :)


Oooooo! that is very cool ......(ness bear)


couldnt resist! Xd


Are you planning to go into being a psychologist or something?


Get out of my mind!!! I would say..

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Oooooo! that is very cool ......(ness bear)


couldnt resist! Xd


Are you planning to go into being a psychologist or something?


Get out of my mind!!! I would say..


Haha! : peace:


No I haven't really got any plans!


I'm really not prepared for the next step at all! I don't think i think ahead more than a few hours at a time! :heh:


Those are the two subjects that interest me though so i should take a course in something i enjoy? :)

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Haha! : peace:


No I haven't really got any plans!


I'm really not prepared for the next step at all! I don't think i think ahead more than a few hours at a time! :heh:


Those are the two subjects that interest me though so i should take a course in something i enjoy? :)


yeah caus I was going to say if you are going to do two subjects but want to be like a psychologist you might not have the time to do all the modules that you want to be one.


(Well that is what it is like in law anyways >.<)

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yeah caus I was going to say if you are going to do two subjects but want to be like a psychologist you might not have the time to do all the modules that you want to be one.


(Well that is what it is like in law anyways >.<)


Ah Ok, Thanks! :D


Maybe just a psychology course then! as i'm more interested in that! :)


I'm going to some UCAS thing next week that might help me a bit!

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Ah Ok, Thanks! :D


Maybe just a psychology course then! as i'm more interested in that! :)


I'm going to some UCAS thing next week that might help me a bit!


Yeah they are good things to go to but frankly a good sixth form support helps a lot! Especially when drafting your personal statement! Though some of their views are often wayy off! (i.e. i started my personal statement for law with the quote "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers" from shakespeare's henry VI) - a no brainer TBH :P

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Today I didn't get much done for school (had no inspiration), so to make up for it I'll be staying up till 2 am to revise a bit.


Found myself someone who has some stories he'd like to be illustrated; read one of them and it was pretty nice (about the creation of rainbows). So I said I would do it. Now I just have to find the time to actually draw those things. =P


And oh yeah, finding a publisher someday. But I might check if they'll accept a collaboration in the illustrator's contest here. Price of €7500 and getting the book published. Yes please! X3

(though now I'm just dreaming)

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my day was ok, although i think that this overtime is going to get annoying. 10 1/2 hours a day sat in an office. plus commuting. means 12 hours a day travelling or at work, and thats before i even attempt to have a social life. still, needs must.

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Darn, I just realised I missed Dexter.


My day's been entertaining but unproductive. In fact the only thing I made was this¹ after seeing a horrific Half-Life 2 mod².


The last few weeks I've been kicking myself repeatedly, mainly because I've realised that I should have applied to go to university years ago. At the time I didn't think I was good enough so I didn't even seriously consider going. Needless to say that's making things more difficult now.



¹Don't click it yet!

²All right, you can click the earlier link now.

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Today I didn't get much done for school (had no inspiration), so to make up for it I'll be staying up till 2 am to revise a bit.


Found myself someone who has some stories he'd like to be illustrated; read one of them and it was pretty nice (about the creation of rainbows). So I said I would do it. Now I just have to find the time to actually draw those things. =P


And oh yeah, finding a publisher someday. But I might check if they'll accept a collaboration in the illustrator's contest here. Price of €7500 and getting the book published. Yes please! X3

(though now I'm just dreaming)


Gahh I hate late nights doing work! *cheer eenuh* Thing is though you might not see it the drawing are definitely more than just scribbles as they have an air of professionalism. Might be because of the finish but regardless.

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I spent most of today tired. I was woken hideously early by the postman who brought me three packages, then drove to town to buy my girlfriend some hair dye, then proceded to dye the hair. Moving on, I tidied the house, a bit.


Then some guy showed up.

Some crazy guy.

He's been playing Smash Bros.

I managed to snap a picture of him.




You might recognise the guy =o

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Gahh I hate late nights doing work! *cheer eenuh* Thing is though you might not see it the drawing are definitely more than just scribbles as they have an air of professionalism. Might be because of the finish but regardless.


It ended up being something like 2:40 when I stopped. Didn't even get too much done again cause I'm so slow. D:

And thanks, I hope my art has a bit of professionalism to it, cause I'd be sad if it didn't by now, after all those years. X3


And this is getting ridiculous, but now another one of my drawings is featured on the main page of RedBubble. That site loves me too much (and vice versa). ='D


Edit: and my new shirt just got featured as well (in the clothing department). O.o

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Most Haunted Live was pretty awesome last night to be honest with you. They are in Turin (sp) which is apparently the mouth to hell/city of satan etc. Apparently they came in contact with this spirit called Ambrose, who said he was a diciple of Satan.


I still remain fairly skeptical but its pretty impressive. Theres a para psychologist on it who is always looking for scientific answers and stuff, but this book was thrown behind him entitled "The Devils" and like boxes were thrown off shelves. It was really awesome.

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Had a really good night last night, but didn't sleep 'till half 5 so I'm a little tired. House parties are always a good laugh.:)




I've managed to become addicted to The Sims 2 again. It happenbs every few months, and I just can't stop playing it for about a week. Argh!:shakehead




I loathe the head of 6th form at my college. He's my Ethics teacher, and I was ONE day late with my AS Level coursework (I was off college that day!) and he said "I'm sorry, but you were late so I don't have time to mark it so you'll have to finish it without any help". Come on! How unfair is that? I now have no idea what sort of grade it's at, so it could be terrible and I'd have no idea. :(

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Most Haunted Live was pretty awesome last night to be honest with you.


That piece-of-shit programme took the place of So You Think You Can Dance, which i realise you will probably slate, but damnit, i wanted to see it! I hope it's back next week.

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Guest Jordan
Most Haunted Live was pretty awesome last night to be honest with you. They are in Turin (sp) which is apparently the mouth to hell/city of satan etc. Apparently they came in contact with this spirit called Ambrose, who said he was a diciple of Satan.


I still remain fairly skeptical but its pretty impressive. Theres a para psychologist on it who is always looking for scientific answers and stuff, but this book was thrown behind him entitled "The Devils" and like boxes were thrown off shelves. It was really awesome.


Does that... guy still present that? He's a fucking psycho.

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