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Its been a good Friday! :heh:


Met up with my mates, had lunch at Yates's, went around the shops buying easter eggs, then went to a retail place for a bit and it really suddenly absolutely hailed it down amazingly!


I took a video of the experience, which I am sure you will agree is uber lulz.



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Man, easter eggs; I'm rather glad I'm not going home this festive period as I reaaally can't afford to buy stupid eggs for my stupid friends and stupid family stupid stupiders.


Last few days I've had my cousin up to stay. Basically been drowning in cider, going to bed at 5am after manic gaming/movie sessions, waking up waay past midday, then drinking some more.


Fun but... well I tend to usually sleep through my hangovers. Having my cousin here meant I had to get up a few hours early. Also he has practically no money, so I've been spending a fair bit on booze and food...


So now a weekend contemplating the possibility of giving up booze for a month in may, and seriously cutting down on fags while getting more exercise. Good luck, my future-self. Please don't get too depressed.

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I hate it when people you think you're good friends with go and do something to ruin it all. Screw being mature, I want to get even, now. *ponders*




Other than that, my days been fine. Nothing fun really, just sleeping/watched a few movies. :)

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Explain your woes!


Lol. Erm, I'll try and do the abridged version. Fun times were had yesterday night > I was having a conversation with one of the girls that came along, an awesome mate of mine > said guy was apparently watching and got jelous because he likes the girl > I go on facebook to find angry messages saying how much of a **** I am, and find out he's been telling everyone I and said girl have been going out for ages and doing things behind peoples backs.:zzz:


I really thought people were old enough for stuff like this not to happen anymore, it's like primary school. You know things are messed up when you aren't even allowed to have a conversation with a good friend because it might be considered something else. :heh:

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Aye 5ft11ish here.



Nightwolf... its awesome being tall! Don't give a shit what short people say! They are just jealous cause they can't reach things we can ^____^


Besides kissing short people gives you neck ache (for a boy). My girlfriend is about 5'5/6" and I sometimes get neck ache.

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Woke up late (like 12.30). Tidied house. Played Smash Bros. But on the productive side I've made notes on the tv show im analysing for one of my assignments, and the reading for it. That way I can sit in Nero all day Monday and write up that assignment.


Also analysed two copies of Radio Times (which was dull as fuck) so just two more to do on Sunday and then I can start working on that. Meaning I should have done two assignments before I start back at uni in a weeks time which will be nice. So im feeling good :D


Now just to watch some Death Note and sleep (hopefully there will be no repeats of last week's early morning shennanigans)

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Gigantism or giantism, (from Greek gigas, gigantas "giant") is a condition characterized by excessive growth and height significantly above average. As a medical term, gigantism is rarely used to refer to the rare condition of pituitary gigantism due to prepubertal growth hormone excess. There is no precise definition of the degree of height that qualifies a person to be termed a "giant." The term has been typically applied to those whose height is not just in the upper 1% of the population but several standard deviations above mean for persons of the same sex, age, and ethnic ancestry. Typical adult heights of Americans of European descent to whom the term might be applied are 2.25 - 2.40 metres (7'6" - 8 feet). The term is not applied to those whose heights appear to be the healthy result of normal genetics and nutrition.


thats what wikipedia thinks.


pity, as for a brief moment there I had hoped that at 6'4" i was a giant. Ah well.

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