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Guest bluey
When do you depart?


wednesday... feels so weird to think that i'll be writing from tokyo this time next week O_O!

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Guest Stefkov

I did some work today. Officially the work on Unit 4 for both my Graphics and Photography are not to be worked on. We now start our exam.

I am far behind.

I told myself last year I would do the work this year. Damnit.

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Guest Stefkov

I've just lost 50,000 bells on Animal Crossing because of Nintendo's shit wireless connecting shit. I am so pissed off.

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I went to bed at about 10am today! Was up all night watching Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Withnail & I, Sarah Connor Chronicles s01e03, veronica mars s03e04, dexter s0203-5. I would've watched more but I was getting hungry, so I went to sleep!


Today; getting pissed.


I did some work today. Officially the work on Unit 4 for both my Graphics and Photography are not to be worked on. We now start our exam.

I am far behind.

I told myself last year I would do the work this year. Damnit.


how many units in the graphics? I remember when I did graphics,then product design, and nobody ever finished in time for the submission dates. Don't crack! Just figure out how much time you hvae to finish the work, and start doing it. Good luck and shit :)

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Guest Stefkov
how many units in the graphics? I remember when I did graphics,then product design, and nobody ever finished in time for the submission dates. Don't crack! Just figure out how much time you hvae to finish the work, and start doing it. Good luck and shit :)

3 Units in both lower 6th and upper. This year Unit 4 was a massive one which we started in September. Our exam, unit 7 we have 4 weeks to prep then 15 hours to do the final piece. Fun fun fun.

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I went to uni and saw my supervisor, he doesn't know I made up some results, but he advised me of some dogdiness to help my stats work(not *really* dodgy, but a bit sneaky). I am also quite sad, cos they didn't turn out how I wanted them to(only I could make up results that don't fit my hypothesis lol) and I've written all my introduction with it in mind. I have the option of handing this in friday after(2 weeks time like) or wednesday coming, and I could go with friday and do some research to make it better, but at most I reckon I'd improve my degree by 1-2%, and I really cannot be fucked with this anymore, I want it done and out the way so I can get royally munted.


EDIT:Thought I might mention my good point of the day. I totally don't get betting(well, I get it more now) but given it was the Cheltenham gold cup, and that my dad and brother like to watch the racing, I thought I'd get my dad to give it a go for me. Got him to put 50p to win on the second favourite, then some on the next 4 favourites, figuring I'd break even at worst. Of course, I calculated totally wrong as I didn't know what I was doing, but my dad did it and put the last 4 each way, I think. My luck, 2nd favourite won and 5th favourite placed third, so I won like £2(overall, given losses and profits)! Small win, but it kind of makes me all happy for some reason :yay: I also now understand things a bit better :D

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Freeloader and Brawl didn't come :( Sat around for a while, played Super Mario World a lot with my roomie. Went to town in the hopes somewhere would have a Freeloader, but nobody did (which was no big suprise). Saw CEX which is opening soon and looking for staff. So me being the big masochist I am is going to go hand in a CV tomorrow as they're having an open day.


Writing CVs are fun when you don't take them seriously; "I enjoy servicing customers," "I decided to GET THE FUCK OUT of Game," and under Skills "Womanising. Oral. Sodomy." (note; none of that made the final cut)


Now I just need to do some uni work.


My day has just had two geeky yay moments:


1. Me and my housemate just finished Super Mario World (storyline wise, gonna go for 100% now)

2. A book I wish listed on Amazon called "Teen Television: Essays on Programming and Fandom" has just been given a cover, which features Veronica Mars :D

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Our house was just under fucking attack. About an hour ago I was lay in bed and I heard someone bang on the door. Being half asleep I presumed it was morning and it was the postman so I went to go answer it but in the walk I realised this was someone attacking the door, quite vicously.


It was our neighbour. Hes moaned at us before for being loud and we've made an effort to remain quiet. He did this before about a month or two back, but I wasnt in that night. He then left a note apologising saying he was "off his face" and "obviously being a ****". Anyway he was banging away at the door (bear in mind he's a boxer) and then he alternated between the door and my window (as I live in essentially the front room) and I was so fucking petrified. I was worried he was going to come through as its not the strongest window. I was literally trapped in my bed nowhere to move. Couldn't turn my phone on as its noisy when it starts up and I just wanted to pretend like I was asleep (which obviously nobody could sleep through that, worse than the earthquake).


When he seemed to have gone I went to my housemate's room as theres only two of us left here easter and he was on the phone to the police. We reported it and they came round to talk to us and we decided not to ask them to go speak to him, incase he then came back. And me and my housemate have just been sat up for a while.


I am shaking, still. Scariest thing I can ever remember. I was afraid for my life because if he came in theres no way I could protect myself against that. Were going to go see them tomorrow to see how we can sort this out, speak to the landlords and im gonna buy a dictophone so if this happens again I can record it.


And I cant sleep. Planned to be up at 7.30 anyway so I think im going to stay awake. Even if I were tired I couldn't sleep in that room, so im on the sofa for tonight.

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Shit ash, that's not cool. When I was in Australia I stayed in a crappy little hotel for three nights and on the second one I had two guys who were running from the police run up the fire escape and start shouldering my door trying to get in... I called the front desk and they simply didn't believe me, and I was like "can't you hear them bashing and yelling?! Can't you just... send someone, or something?" ... I ended up leaning against the door for about five minutes before they gave up.


So yeah. Spent the next week in the nice posh hotel up the road ^_^ I'm guessing you can't do that...


EDIT: So yeah, can you eat tomato soup cold from the tin?

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Update: It's been an hour and I'm OK! Raw tomato soup is gooood.


Lmao, doesn't tomato soup take about 5 mintues to heat up? :heh:



I was at work this afternoon and for the last hour I was on with a girl who goes to my old school. From the moment she walked in she obviously had something to say, so I gave her the chance and she came out with "I heard about you and Bekki". Bekki being the girl I got with last Friday who is really nice, but doesn't really look that great. I can't remember if I've told this story already, and if I haven't I can't be bothered explaining it. The basic jist of today's story is that apparently the whole school think I slept with her, when I didn't. Which is rather annoying as Bekki has a stigma about her, lots of people don't like her because she's quite high maintenance and she used to be fat, but isn't really anymore.

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