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In my computing class today, my teacher kept making THE WORST jokes about cpu's, for example, he was trying to explain the difference between a data bus and an address bus;


'How does the postman know where to take all the letters (data) go? He takes the address bus!! lolololol' and 'Now this is the DPS. I dont know what it stands for, but I remember it by Damage Per Second,'



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I am clearly in deep trouble. You know when you are clearly in deep trouble when your best friend can pull (despite already having a girlfriend )and your other friend can pull (again, already has a girl friend) and the friend of your friend can pull (same situ) and you just can't pull. I just cannot pull. God, I am crap, aren't I?


*starts weeping uncontrollably*


Ah, dude. Apart from last week I'm in pretty much the same situation. And it sucks. I'm pretty sure it's a matter of confidence. But it still sucks. Gah.


He said it wasn't your fault though?


Yeah, but he still did something he shouldn't have, even if it wasn't his fault.

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Guest Jordan
In my computing class today, my teacher kept making THE WORST jokes about cpu's, for example, he was trying to explain the difference between a data bus and an address bus;


'How does the postman know where to take all the letters (data) go? He takes the address bus!! lolololol' and 'Now this is the DPS. I dont know what it stands for, but I remember it by Damage Per Second,'





...Wow, thats bad.

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Anyway, I have a meeting with my tutor in an hour or so... I need to convince a German engineer who happens to speak Japanese that I want to change to linguistics.

Well that was fun... I need to set up a meeting with someone else next term, and have a long debate about when exactly I can do it and what exactly I can do, and also need to convince them, interview style. And also I have to get a 2:i or better in my current subject.


I reckon I can manage that.

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Well that was fun... I need to set up a meeting with someone else next term, and have a long debate about when exactly I can do it and what exactly I can do, and also need to convince them, interview style. And also I have to get a 2:i or better in my current subject.


I reckon I can manage that.


Are you actually at Cambridge University? First year? What are you studying? A girl I know from school who I went to Malawi with in the Summer is studying medicine down there and is in first year.. She emailed me today saying she gets home for the Summer this weekend too!! What's that all about (maybe I read it wrong? and its Easter holidays she means?)

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Are you actually at Cambridge University? First year? What are you studying? A girl I know from school who I went to Malawi with in the Summer is studying medicine down there and is in first year.. She emailed me today saying she gets home for the Summer this weekend too!! What's that all about (maybe I read it wrong? and its Easter holidays she means?)

Yep, I'm a first year currently studying natural sciences... chances are I don't know her, unless she goes to my college. (Magdalene)


The Lent term ends this weekend, but we definitely aren't breaking up for Summer - we have five weeks off for Easter and then the Easter term, which is exam term...

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Guest Stefkov
He said it wasn't your fault though?

Either you read it wrong or I didn't explain it right. The roundabout and the indicating incident were totally different.

I failed because of the roundabout. It was a 3 lane roundabout, I should have been in the right most lane. I'm seriously sure there wasn't 3 lanes though.

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Either you read it wrong or I didn't explain it right. The roundabout and the indicating incident were totally different.

I failed because of the roundabout. It was a 3 lane roundabout, I should have been in the right most lane. I'm seriously sure there wasn't 3 lanes though.


Oh shit, that sucks man. Roundabouts are a pain in the arse. I thought I failed my test for taking a roundabout in the wrong lane.


In other news ;






You may remember a few weeks ago I posted that my letter got printed in my favourite comic Invincible




Well I just found out my letter got printed in one of my other favourite comics! YEEESSS!!! Same guy/writer/owner. Im so chuffed. Can't wait to read it.


I wrote in a third letter to his other comic, but an issue of that hasnt come out yet. Fingers crossed! So epic win!

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today hasn't been bad.

Someone at work is universally annoying, and to make things even more frustrating isn't even very good at her job. Consequently we are falling way behind. She keeps saying she'll stay late, but then at 5:30 is straight out of the door. I reckon she thinks you get as much kudos for saying you'll stay as you do for actually staying.

So, today i stayed behind for nearly 2 hours and finished her work for her. Bitchy and devious I know, but i reckon it should get results. And of course got me a shed load of kudos.


I have also, thanks to Ashley, been writing again for the first time in ages. Its one of those stories that you dont even know if they'll get finished, but the act of simply writing down what you're thinking and feeling is immensely therapeutic.


It's waaaaay to autobiographical so far for me to even consider letting anyone who know me IRL to ever read it though!

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Reading about people getting a five week Easter break or breaking up for summer in five weeks makes me go booooh. D:

I only get two weeks off (after another week) and then I don't break up till mid or end of June I think. =(



Anyway, just got back from an evening at a sauna type place. They have tonsssss of different saunas and all kinds of stuff and it was so relaxing, mmmm. Got a free glass of yummy champagne as well, so yay! =D

Now I'm really tired though because of it; I could so fall asleep right now. I think I will actually just do that, and then maybe wake up a bit earlier tomorrow to work for school. ='3

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Sounds like a great eveining Eenuh! :D


My Easter Holiday is in a weeks time for 3 weeks and apart from all the chocolate i will be eating it will be mainly Revision!


Today has been great! I finished all my work at school as i had one lesson today so i didn't have much to do this evening so i did a spot of revision. Finally school is back to normal! ^_______^


Then I played Bloons which is very Addictive! :grin: Also i'm one Pokemon away from Completing the Pearl Pokedex in order to get the National Dex then i'm going for them all! :awesome:


And My evening has been very relaxed! I've just had a bowl of tasty Cereal! Yummy!

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I have also, thanks to Ashley, been writing again for the first time in ages. Its one of those stories that you dont even know if they'll get finished, but the act of simply writing down what you're thinking and feeling is immensely therapeutic.


It's waaaaay to autobiographical so far for me to even consider letting anyone who know me IRL to ever read it though!


Yay for me. I have also spent the last hour writing (well, plotting). Getting the main overall arch down so I can then work around that.


Anyway. My day. Housemate dragged me to her family friends about 40 miles away to get her makeup tattooed. Stopped at a small pub for an awesome lunch, and their house was massive. Huge 50"inch screen TV in one room, 40-odd in the other. In the back they had several avaries, a pond and a monkey house and other stuff down the back I couldn't see.


Although I no longer fit in my skinny jeans (I am, ironically, too skinny). I mean, they still fit obviously but not as flattering as before.


Also decided if I ever have a son I'm naming him Stosh. Combines two names I like into one even better name.

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City link have fucked up again. Yesterday after they made a huge balls up we rang them and asked to redeliver at my mum's workplace. So what do they do? Try to deliver at my house again. So now I have to wait until monday when me and my mum will be in.


I swear if they fuck up again I'm going to take my Sting replica and make it glow fucking red.


"Urge to kill, RISING!"

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Reading about people getting a five week Easter break or breaking up for summer in five weeks makes me go booooh. D:

I only get two weeks off (after another week) and then I don't break up till mid or end of June I think. =(



Anyway, just got back from an evening at a sauna type place. They have tonsssss of different saunas and all kinds of stuff and it was so relaxing, mmmm. Got a free glass of yummy champagne as well, so yay! =D

Now I'm really tired though because of it; I could so fall asleep right now. I think I will actually just do that, and then maybe wake up a bit earlier tomorrow to work for school. ='3



Dear lord I wish I had 5 weeks off!!! =[, well today my mate isn't in she's on holiday so now it's time to get my butt off here and go get some work done.


Though I forgot my phone to ring my dad later, so now I have to get a phone to text my mum to let my dad know that I want picking up so they can text back to my mates phone to let me know.

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Guest bluey

i get butterflies every time i even consider thinking about japan...


i'm spending the weekend with jamba...but trying not to think too much about leaving is really starting to get to me ~ its not working at all.

i'm excited to go ~ but... i have to leave ...:blank:

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i get butterflies every time i even consider thinking about japan...


i'm spending the weekend with jamba...but trying not to think too much about leaving is really starting to get to me ~ its not working at all.

i'm excited to go ~ but... i have to leave ...:blank:


You'll be fine ^.^, though I definetly want japan goodies for english goodies :yay:

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Dear lord I wish I had 5 weeks off!!! =[, well today my mate isn't in she's on holiday so now it's time to get my butt off here and go get some work done.


Yeah I wouldn't mind five weeks off either. My two weeks off will be over in no time, especially since they'll be filled with assignments (and hopefully some Super Smash Bros.).


School is boring again. We have two days to find a subject for our Sociology paper and we have no clue where to start. No ideas, boooooooh.

And I just had my lunch (three slices of bread) and I'm still hungry. =(

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