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Well, since everybody but me was free today, and I am now sitting at work makes me a bit bummed out. Especially since my girlfriend came home at 4 o clock in the morning and woke me up with a drunken smile, which was in a way somewhat nice but also pissed me off since I had to go to work at 8... anyway, I am not that happy. Need sleep. And beer.

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There aren't as many as people make out. :P I think I saw one the whole year. Granted it was semi-big and shot venom at me whilst I was trying to get into the shower but it's a rare occurance. It's the "Mumma Cockroaches" that freak me out. They flew up as high as my ninth floor balcony.


Jesus! That's pretty terrifying if you ask me. (Yes, I'm a wimp). Cockroaches don't bother me, even if they were that size, but spiders freak me out. I'd leave the country if I tried to get in my shower and one shot venom at me :p


I can't kill them because I think it's too harsh, but I can't move them because I won't go near them, so I always end up stuck in some room till' someone else moves them. (Only if they're large though, small ones are fine).


Have fun anyway!

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Not particularly good thanks.


Went to bed at 5am this morning after watching my Seahawks completely embarrass themselves last night , only to be woken up at 9.45 by some Jehovahs who wanted to shove some leaflet 'Is The World Doomed' (not yet , but yours maybe) down my throat.


The rest of the day has been spent trying to get straight on all the ebay stuff I have been selling , the after effects of the postal strike have made me lose track completely.


Other than that , the recurring theme has been the undeniable shock of the Hawks performance last night and I have spent a large part of the day on various related forums trying to console myself/find solutions to what was an epic display of ineptitude.


Next stop is to try to stay awake for MNF later on , this may not happen though.

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Jesus! That's pretty terrifying if you ask me. (Yes, I'm a wimp). Cockroaches don't bother me, even if they were that size, but spiders freak me out. I'd leave the country if I tried to get in my shower and one shot venom at me :p


I can't kill them because I think it's too harsh, but I can't move them because I won't go near them, so I always end up stuck in some room till' someone else moves them. (Only if they're large though, small ones are fine).


Have fun anyway!



Well I was recovering from a rather long weekend and was needing to go to work. It took me about half an hour to kill it. I couldnt leave it in my flat. lol

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Had a pretty good day surprisingly. I got a crap mark on my test but all my other work is pretty good and I'm keeping up with it for once. I've finally confirmed that PGR4 was placed in the post on Friday so it should get here maybe as soon as tomorrow. Its my Birthday on Thursday and I've basically got a whole week of parties to look forward to....


And I just got back from the gym and I feel pretty good!


How many people on this forum have already passed their test? Everyone seems to be learning.


Passed second time with one minor....which I shouldn't have got!

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Got up early to get the coach from Milton Keynes to Leeds. Went to a 3pm lecture about Soviet Cinema with a study and screening of Taxi Driver. Spent the rest of the evening listening to Ayo Technology on repeat and procastinating whether I should make the 5 minute trip to Morrisons... just can't be bothered to do a weekly shop. Also going to have to stay up late to produce some advertisements in Flash but I am very tired :(.

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Passed first time with like....8 minors was it? Whats the max? Might of been like 11 minors.


Nice one. Failing sends you into horrible depressions (I would know). You'll find that your driving will start to improve vastly over the following months (assuming you have a car).

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Erm, got to sex guinea pigs and rabbits....rather boring once you've done it a thousand times before.


With each other. I dissaprove of this. There will be scary gabbits everywhere.


But really, do you like poke them with sticks and say "do it. do it " until they hump each other furiously and many baby guinea pigs are born instantly.

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Woke up and only just got in time for work (7:59 on the clocking in machine :D)

slow morning and fast afternoon gah 4 more days of it before weekend


got home to discover blue dragon is here :D along with skate. and saints row..which my bro brought for some reason and after me saying the 360 is mine he went out in a huff with the 2 games lol. He has never played the 360 even thou ive owned it for over a year and out of the blue he buys 2 games what the hell.


I then went on splinter cell to finish a mission..still not done thou will finish in a min prob.


Went on net then to discover a thread about harribo and ant being banned which i missed the action last night (if any) gunna miss harribo to be fair :(

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Lets see, my day was good


Got up at 6:30am, got the bus at 7:20am and got to work about 7:50am, 10 mins before start time. Morning went a little slow but sped up later on.


Got home about 5:15pm, played some PDZ on the 360 completed a mission on there. Now playing SVR 07 completing story mode and acquiring the WWE title and the achievement of getting all titles.


May go out to pub later for a pint or two then shall watch Red Dwarf or Home Improvement before bed later.

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Got up at 6:30a.m, ad got to work before 8:00a.m. Quite an ejoyable day, plenty to do, but people didn't have much to talk about. Got home just after 4:30p.m, and had Fish for tea. Been surfing the web, played some Mario vs Donkey Kong 2 on my DS and just been for a walk around the village, since. Plan on reading a bit more of Hurricane Gold later, and might watch something on DVD or TV.

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With each other. I dissaprove of this. There will be scary gabbits everywhere.


But really, do you like poke them with sticks and say "do it. do it " until they hump each other furiously and many baby guinea pigs are born instantly.


:laughing: but i think she mean to type six than sex.

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Nice one. Failing sends you into horrible depressions (I would know). You'll find that your driving will start to improve vastly over the following months (assuming you have a car).


Yeah, this was like 6 months ago, and yes it improves massively.


Although I havnt told anyone this but I lost control a bit on Saturday. Like when the car skids around the road a bit.


Good thing it was really late, or could of been really bad. But...big lolz.

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Had a bit of a crap day, was in college from 9 -5 with hardly any breaks, after only 3 hours sleep last night, and I have a shitload of college work to do along with a ton of applications to fill out before Thursday if I want to actually use my degree and get a job next year after college.. But besides from that, it's all good :D

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I thought of something the also makes the day more fun.


Oh forgot to say, theres this ace kitten that comes on our garden everyday (It may aswell be our cat for how long it spends here) anyway its an expert tree climber here are some cute pics of it, It's names Molly :P





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