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School was so awfully boring and seemed to last forever. Which isn't too surprising with six full hours filled with lectures. Didn't help that I was hungry and my stomach was producing loud growling noises during the last two hours.



Got some not so great news today that apparently grandpa isn't doing so well, emotionally mostly. He's really missing grandma (her birthday would've been next week) and he doesn't really eat much anymore and sleeps most of the time. He also doesn't want to go to any social gatherings anymore or anything like that.


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a stranger bought me a bar of chocolate.

what more can i say...? :grin:


What you did in return...


Woke up at 7.45 and fell back asleep twice, I never do that. Musta been tired. Anyway. Lecture. Average shaped. Broke up with boyfriend then watched Desperate Housewives with him. Came back, made small talk with people I don't know. Watched Death Proof. And now im gonna watch 30 Rock and sleep. Long day.

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Guest Stefkov
I coudln't deal without N-Europe in my life so after a huge week break i decided to come back.


Therefore this is quite possibly the best day of my life.









On a lighter note I am very very tired but I am forcing myself awake.

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i WAS gonna get work done today, but didnt do much any, then got invited to a house party and my mate came back from uni to the area and so he picked me up around 5ish, drove to the shop where we bought drink, ended up back at his til around half 8(though we were gonna go much earlier to the party). However, I've had my eye on a car on ebay for the last few days, and with some pressure/encouragement from him and his family, I only went and fucking bid on it. Not only did I bid, but a second last minute bid of £602.00p at ~8pm won me the auction on this car I've never seen. I bought a motherfcuking car on motherfucking ebay, and I'm still a little shocked. I then proceeded to get drunk at the party, but man, a fucking car!! Everyone I've told since is all like 'you bought a car without looking at it?!" or saying it's gonna be sold by pikies(it's well known pikies are around 10 mins from dartford town centre) and all this shit, and now I'm half bricking it that it'll turn out crap :(

Seriously, what the fuck have I done.

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I coudln't deal without N-Europe in my life so after a huge week break i decided to come back.


Therefore this is quite possibly the best day of my life.


To be fair thats an amazing avatar. (MA emphasis on amazing)


Yeah, that chick left, it was her going away night out last night, which was lol, but now shes gone. *Sigh* :(


I have work today. Damn.


Unlucky Weeyellowdude, you'll get it next time.

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Pffff, time for work. I went to bed way too late last night (3:30) and I'll be sure to feel it in a bit. Also, the weekend is one day too short in my opinion.


Last night was the last episode of season three of Desperate Housewives. Which means I'll have to wait a year (well, September I think, maybe) to see the new ones on tv. =(

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Yeah, that chick left, it was her going away night out last night, which was lol, but now shes gone. *Sigh* :(


I have work today. Damn.


How depressing! The last email from her!


I just spoke to a lady who lives on Buttercup Lane. How AWEsome is that. Where do the Balls live>>>>??? I hope its somewhere cool like 'Ramsay Street' or 'Spooner street', lols


I love how I am asking you a question when I know you cant answer, I wont be here, booooage.


Bye bye Mikey J, MSN soon yeah? Yep. Ends. xxxxx


Works gonna su-huckkkk.

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Ever feel like you're ready for conflict? I woke up this morning and saw I had a moany text off the manager. (Which is annoyingly because something someone else did but long story). It being my last week I don't have to play nice anymore too. So if she starts moaning... Today could be fun.

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So just come back from a week of skiing in Austria. Was epic! Completely knackered myself out. I think the best thing about the holiday was that I spent more on booze than I did on food!


On the last day, me and two others went down the Harikuri, which is the steepest prepared run in Europe (38 degrees). Scary stuff, especially as someone died on it last year!


Also got massively sunburnt and have big goggle marks branded on my face.


All in all, a good week.

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Woke up to a phonecall -- got dinner plans ;) Also found out I've got a timed-essay to do in my lecture first thing monday... I thought it was next monday... Luckily the questions are 'seen', so I checked 'em out online and... well they're not too tricky. I'll pass, just a question of how well...


So in the last week I've; Watched season 1 of veronica mars (and first 3 eps of 2), watched a bunch of movies including; Falling Down, Battle Royale, Panic In The Streets, Barton Fink, Blood Simple, Big Fish, Monsters Ball, Twelve Monkeys, Reservoir Dogs, Amelie and One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.


I've got Stand By Me, Short Cuts, Collateral and the Animatrix to (re)watch and then... Well then I have Quantum Leap season 1 to watch, Band of Brothers to finish and Series 3 of league of gentlemen... but THEN i'm stuck.

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i went to sleep with a phonecall :smile:

hahaha jamba i napped after all! screw you! ^____^


today i woke up early, did some stuff, watched half an episode of trigun, had a cup of tea and answered ECC emails... then i got a call from jamba, which made me feel sleepy, so i took a nap! now i'm awake, i'll have some dinner and go to work 'till 10pm. happy days~

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Went to manchester to get my tragus checked they said it'd be fine and whatnot phew!


Bought some stuffs (as you do!), went to the train station went to go the toilet...walked into the mens xDLOL!


I walked halfway in and was like...eh this isn't right and ran back out haha ^.^ whoops.

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What's that all about? A comic called Invincible? Is it good, what's it about? I saw mention of Ultimate Spiderman and you hooked me.


Its amazing, Its called "Invincible" its about a guy who starts developing super powers, hypersonic flight, super strength etc. The government catches wind of this and employs him, whilst he struggles balancing his life with this. Its got LOADS of twists and its just extremely well written indeed. Never thought Id say a non-Marvel comic is my favourite but this is. Its available on Amazon and Play, combination of for the graphic novels. Theres about 7 or 8 graphic novels.



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Guest Stefkov

Can't even have fun anymore on these forums.


Today I sat listening to an import again try to talk English to me. It was great the TV was behind his head.

Apart from that it was a mediocre day.

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I worked for 8 hours, and we were understaffed because some stupid whore called in 'sick' AGAIN - when shes obviously just slept in and was hung over. Therefor there was 4 of us.


Also - I stole an entire meals worth of food as compensation!

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