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FML to be honest. I don't even want to think about it or talk about it. I'm too devastated by my own poor performance. I just want to forget it happened and relocate to the Moon.




If it makes you feel any better, you probably did better than me....

Seriously though: chin up. Interviews are kinda hard to take but you're clearly awesome. You'll be fine :)

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I am having more success with my organising of trips thing. Does anyone know what the rules of driving abroad are? Part of me is saying its to have been driving for 3 years? Or age 25? *Shrugs*


You can legally drive in any EU country as soon as you pass your test.


However you need to be over 21 and been driving for 3 years to rent a car.

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You can legally drive in any EU country as soon as you pass your test.


However you need to be over 21 and been driving for 3 years to rent a car.


Swwweeeeeet. And thanks for the AA thing Goafer. I'm still devastated you're not coming BTW, just for the record. But I know its not your fault. I just don't want you to feel bad if I mention it here. But I'll knock your socks off in the true sequel. (And I'll make sure we don't have to spend a night in a lay by this time)


Anyway it has transpired that a shuttle to the area is apparently SUPER easy (specifically times to the flights).....but I'm still a little scared. But its a lot cheaper so will probably do that.


Also Ryanair charge £30 for luggage, so I'm just gonna take hand luggage = freebie. But less obv. Etc. FTW BBQ.

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Swwweeeeeet. And thanks for the AA thing Goafer. I'm still devastated you're not coming BTW, just for the record. But I know its not your fault. I just don't want you to feel bad if I mention it here. But I'll knock your socks off in the true sequel. (And I'll make sure we don't have to spend a night in a lay by this time)


Anyway it has transpired that a shuttle to the area is apparently SUPER easy (specifically times to the flights).....but I'm still a little scared. But its a lot cheaper so will probably do that.


Also Ryanair charge £30 for luggage, so I'm just gonna take hand luggage = freebie. But less obv. Etc. FTW BBQ.


Just make sure the next one is in the summer holidays or a weekend! If not, I'll cut myself. Might cut my Mum out of spite too.

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Just make sure the next one is in the summer holidays or a weekend! If not, I'll cut myself. Might cut my Mum out of spite too.


Oh I'll be ensuring your attendance.


I could have worded it "I'll make sure you come" but someone would twist it into something it is.







Something its not, I mean. Yeah. Not.

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Had my one day off a week today, which was nice. Had a driving lesson in which I managed to reverse the car and park it and all that jazz...that's coming along smoothly. Played Beatles: Rock Band for the rest of it and had a pretty relaxing day. It was great. Which is just as well too, seeing as it's my birthday tomorrow, and I'm working. And no doubt my manager will keep me there for an extra hour or something. Is it wrong that I'm used to being this exploited?


Feh. I'm hoping it goes quick and doesn't drag so I can get out and see my family and my girlfriend in the evening, but inside I know that's an unrealistic expectation.


Happy days!

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Does anyone know much about shopping online for food?


I've been on Asda, Tesco and Sainsburys but they all charge...


I thought if you bought more than like... 30 quid you'd get free delivery.


Also I think on the Tesco one it said that you pay the driver... that's incredible; I can order my food, book a time, but unable to pay online?



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Does anyone know much about shopping online for food?


I've been on Asda, Tesco and Sainsburys but they all charge...


I thought if you bought more than like... 30 quid you'd get free delivery.


Also I think on the Tesco one it said that you pay the driver... that's incredible; I can order my food, book a time, but unable to pay online?




I'm fairly sure that's not the case... We've been getting Tesco deliveries for about 6 years now and it's usually me who has to sign for it etc, cause parents are at work and I've never had to pay the driver...


I know Tesco do cheaper deliveries at certain points throughout the day, but to be fair considering how much easier it is and after you factor in petrol money (of course you might live a mile away from the nearest (decent) supermarket, I live about 15) then I'd say it's definitely worth it.


My day?



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Oh god I feel bad heh. I managed to sleep in until almost 12 (yay!), but since then all I've done is play Spirit Tracks. Oh dear. >.>;


And now I have a headache cause the house smells from the plaster and the plaster person (he smells of smoke, plus he farts/burps quite often X3 ). But yeah, time to open a window and get cracking on some work! Or at least try to heh.

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All this talk has got me hungry for cigarettes, so the first thing I will actually do with my day is go buy some smokes.


Cooking some spaghetti meatballs for a mate tonight - he's providing the booze in return, and we'll watch some movies and play some games.

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Does anyone know much about shopping online for food?


I've been on Asda, Tesco and Sainsburys but they all charge...


I thought if you bought more than like... 30 quid you'd get free delivery.


Also I think on the Tesco one it said that you pay the driver... that's incredible; I can order my food, book a time, but unable to pay online?




Cmon dreamer :heh: of course they charge for delivery, they have to pay the people who go around and do your shopping for you and then bring it to your door with something.


As for paying the delivery man, nono. Don't know where you read that but it's wrong. What you may be referring to is that you are charged when your food is delivered, so if there are any changes, or substitutions that you decline when they arrive, or any offers which go out of date before the food arrives (all detailed during purchase process), you are charged the correct final amount at the moment of delivery. This means you won't see the final, offers-included price at the moment of checkout, only a guide price.

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