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Dad just went out in the Land Rover, apparently it's sheet ice beneath the snow, so if the Landies sliding about the place I don't have a chance of getting anywhere in my Clio...


Oh well, the college I'm doing some work for is closed anyway :heh:



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Because we're a pathetic bunch of miserable cunts. We whinge all year that we hate our jobs, then when a geniune reason not to go comes up, we whinge that we can't get to work anymore.


People need to chill the fuck out, enjoy the scenery of it all and throw some snowballs at some kids.


Outside is gloriously white and it's still coming down. Majestic.


Britain in my eyes as well as your own it seems are miserable wimps. Even the flipping council can't be bothered to clear the roads to keep them open and allow people to commute (only 1 motorway lane open). Other countries that are more used to this snow keep going. End of the day, it is just weather.


I personally say it is a good time to go out and have a walk, making sure that the shoes you wear are high-gripped (walking boots etc) and have fun. Make the most of it because by next week it will be gone in most places according to the forecasters.


Round here, it is expected for at least the rest of the day before it vanishes.

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Tripped to town, got my presents from the postie, picked up a coursework result of 60% (woo not a failure!), picked up something from argos that was finally in stock for Shorty's birthday present for nearly a month ago, ambled home, got some scrumpy, about to get jiggy with Batman for a bit!


Love the snow. I can see how horrendous it can be for traffic, though.

Also, a conundrum that has been bothering me today. Often you can see the moon during the day, surely this means that it is night on the opposite side of the world but there is no moon. How can this be or am I just being dense.


Often it's night and there's no moon too :P DENSEFACE

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Why are you lot only just going on about the snow now?


It's been a foot and a half deep here for the last 3 weeks!


Us in the South didn't get much in December (except in the hills/mountains etc). Now we seem to be getting a lot more this time around compared to the hills/mountains.

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I think i just messed up in gettting a job as an IT support technician.

Sent in an email, waited for the reply.. When i got it, it was them telliing me there weren't any attachments.

Lols aside, everybody makes that mistake, I've done it with clients, and clients have done the same to me. Make light of it, and send along the attachment.


Alternatively, use a different email address and pretend to be a whole new person.


Britain in my eyes as well as your own it seems are miserable wimps. Even the flipping council can't be bothered to clear the roads to keep them open and allow people to commute (only 1 motorway lane open). Other countries that are more used to this snow keep going. End of the day, it is just weather.

Other countries as standard have winter tires which they all use for half the year, and more funding goes into road clearing. Why should we put more tax into paying for something that only lasts a week or two a year?

Edited by Shorty
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I think i just messed up in gettting a job as an IT support technician.

Sent in an email, waited for the reply.. When i got it, it was them telliing me there weren't any attachments.


I once sent an email for a job with the job I was applying for spelt wrong in the email header. Still got an interview. Failed that interview, but they kept me on record and I now work there. Good times.



On the topic of sorting out the roads: The last 3 times I took out the "good" car, I got sprayed by the salting trucks. Our local ones are clearly out there (and have it in for me apparently).

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Really it should just be councils get off their asses and grit the roads..the other week was incredible, not one gritted was about in manchester/sheffield/cheshire, just idiotic.


The snow has been falling for a few weeks now. It was definitely here when I travelled to Brighton on the 18th...so that is almost 3 Fridays ago now. You'd have thought they would have got their arses into gear and done something about it. Apparantly its going to be like this for quite a few weeks now, but I doubt anything will be done about it.


Outside was amazing. Basically, I live in a corner house, so I can see in all four directions from my bedroom window and from my brother's window. Outside, what can only be described as Gang warfare in snowball form was taking place in the middle of the road. The two sides were on opposite sides of the road, taking long range snowball shots. And then, one bomb-rushed the other, shouting "AHHHHHH!" It was just like a war epic, haha.


Then, the cavalry arrived, in their cars...they drove past the on-coming army, armed with snowballs. The car took a few hits, haha. Funniest thing I've witnessed so far this year.

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They were pretty on the ball near me over the past few days.


Given I live next door to winsford, one of the largest salt mines in the country, you think my parents area would be the best gritted.


It was pathetic in sheffield when I left for home the other week, near 2 inches of pure ice on my road, which is pretty busy as it comes off a main road. I am glad I know how to drive in it if I wheelspin/skid etc.

Useless councils.

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I think i just messed up in gettting a job as an IT support technician.

Sent in an email, waited for the reply.. When i got it, it was them telliing me there weren't any attachments.


that's fantastic!

they should give you the job just for that :santa: good luck!!


i'm ill again.. i had a lump in my neck before christmas which turned out to be a branchial type 2 cyst which'd gotten infected and swollen up around the long muscle in my neck - which hurt like hell >_< luckily i got it drained (yum!) before xmas but it's come back now... i'll need an operation to have it removed.

it's quite interesting though... the branchial cleft is a left over thing from when we had gills!! so if we all devolve and return to the sea, i'll be severely handicapped. but as it stands, it's a minor op, i just have to wait for it and feel kinda rubbish till then.


and woooooo!!!! it's snowing rrrrrreally hard and i have to go out and put money on the electric/gas thingies :weep:

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Great. Just checked the Cardiff website, and schools have been closed early today. Not only that, but pretty much every school has been shut in Cardiff for tomorrow and maybe Friday due to the snow. So, probably no more supply teaching for me this week.


For fucks sake, Britain.

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Other countries as standard have winter tires which they all use for half the year, and more funding goes into road clearing. Why should we put more tax into paying for something that only lasts a week or two a year?


Don't people pay enough council tax and tax as it is.


Really it should just be councils get off their asses and grit the roads..the other week was incredible, not one gritted was about in manchester/sheffield/cheshire, just idiotic.


Now that the snow has stopped, the gritters/plowers should be out. Only reason they wern't out earlier round here was that the snow kept coming thus zero point doing this.


I've been hearing of people complaining that the pavements are not gritted either. To be honest, in Germany where i used to live there is a law that states that the people must clear paths to the house and the pavement outside the house as well (once the snow stops btw). I believe the UK should bring this law in as well.

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What the hell? Did you get halfway then they called it off? I saw your post in the footie thread and thought it might have been still on.


Fortunately someone on the Arsenal members forum posted a message sent to stewards saying the match was off so I delayed my departure, then at about 15:40 the club announced the match was off.


They should have called it off this morning, I feel sorry for travelling fans.

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Fortunately someone on the Arsenal members forum posted a message sent to stewards saying the match was off so I delayed my departure, then at about 15:40 the club announced the match was off.


They should have called it off this morning, I feel sorry for travelling fans.


Heh, Internet to the rescue.


It probably should have been called off in the morning, I agree. If the weather is bad in the morning, in these sort of conditions it's hardly going to get much better in half a day. I haven't seen photos of what its like in London today, but I assume it's not safe to play football in if they've called off the game.

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