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Guest Captain Falcon

Well one of the guys pulled out and we were forced into 5 vs 4 - I bet the pansy dropped out because of the weather even though it was fine whilst we were playing other than being cold Was an alright game considering, and quite close, but would have been a lot better with full sides.


But now I'm drained and really should get some shut eye - all this exercise lark takes it out of you it seems.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Hmmm... someone who I've not heard from in over 6 weeks has come to me today and said it was because they got a new phone that they weren't able to get my messages. But if they are still using the same sim then that to me sounds very strange - they've text today from the number they typically use.


Perhaps even stranger is that they say they have tried to text me but there is nothing on my phone that would block anybody sending something to it. So short of trying to use the wrong number, that doesn't make sense either.


Something sounds a bit off with all of this and I'm not sure I can be bothered to work it out.


On the braces issue, my ortho gave me these for cleaning behind the wire.




Very compact and easy to carry.

Edited by Captain Falcon
Automerged Doublepost
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Guest Captain Falcon
You can get sim cards and transfer your number over. Its why I've had my number since I got my very first phone! But otherwise yeah odd.


And surprisingly, it's not like I've missed them all that much either - which probably doesn't reflect too well on me given how often we would speak - so it's not like I'm suddenly thrilled to hear from them.


But then I think I can switch quite easily from caring too much to not caring at all - I say easily in the sense it happens quickly and without any mental input or involvement not that I do it on purpose.

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I had a pleasant surprise today. Yesterday I worked a 12 hour shift (8am-8pm. No breaks either, I'm hardcore) and was expecting the same today. Got to 6pm and the boss told me to shut everything down. I think we finished at 6:15 in the end. Awesome. Apparently yesterday was a one off untill next week, when it probably will be 12 hours a day to get through the busy period.


Might have to work a full day Saturday though. Ballsacks. I think a couple of the pretty ladies will be in as well, so at least I get some scenery.

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I had a pleasant surprise today. Yesterday I worked a 12 hour shift (8am-8pm. No breaks either, I'm hardcore) and was expecting the same today. Got to 6pm and the boss told me to shut everything down. I think we finished at 6:15 in the end. Awesome. Apparently yesterday was a one off untill next week, when it probably will be 12 hours a day to get through the busy period.


Might have to work a full day Saturday though. Ballsacks. I think a couple of the pretty ladies will be in as well, so at least I get some scenery.


Isn't that illegal?

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I'm in a service station eating the most disgusting, most expensive sandwich I've ever bought. Going to Worcester to see my brother for the weekend, like a 200 mile drive, by far the furthest I've been before. Thought I might get a night on the town as it so rarely happens back in Cornwall but alas he's suddenly decided "he doesn't like clubbing or pubs" Some girl keeps giving me the eye... Shame she's about 15... Otherwise my day is great!

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Likewise, all my other gringos' keep changing their number and I've kept the same one for nigh on a decade.


We're pr0.


I prefer helpful rather than pro!


My days alright, not quite finished. Got alot of work done in class this morning, got work 3-9, not particularly looking forward to it, not because of the staff (who from what I can tell are really nice), but I've not been taught much in terms of training and know the next 6 hours will be me continously on reception and I hate that kinda system. I'm used to having an hour on each like I did at peacocks! :hmm:

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I'm packing my stuff, and I've just realised that I've bought loads of new clothes, and therefore don't have enough bags to put them all in...


And I have no idea how I'm going to get all my stuff to the station and on and off the trains...


My worst fear is doors closing on me as I'm loading bags on off/losing bags.


Just pack nothing precious, all things sacred.

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I'm ill :sad: probably have the night off work tonight.


You, too? Been ill since Wednesday...haven't slept the last 2 nights due to coughing, fever and having the worst headaches in years :( Feared I had swine flu...but the doc said I don't need to worry.


Get well soon Eevil. ;)

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You, too? Been ill since Wednesday...haven't slept the last 2 nights due to coughing, fever and having the worst headaches in years :( Feared I had swine flu...but the doc said I don't need to worry.


Get well soon Eevil. ;)


It mainly started yesterday, minor coughing and lil sniffles. But now I got Mega Drain you'd get off a Vileplume:


Leech Seeding bastard.


I'm feeling a little better now, so I may go to work, but I might get Mummy to phone in sick for me.

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Right, so I finally get my first payslip a while ago two weeks late and find I've been taxed about £50 I shouldn't have.


I ask my manager, who tells me to phone the tax people.

The tax people tell me to ask the Job Centre for a P45.

The person at the Job Centre tells me to phone the national hotline.

The hotline tells me to phone a regional call centre.

The person at the call centre tells me I don't need a P45 and that I need to phone the tax people.

The tax person tells me what I actually need is a P46 which I get from my manager.


I'm starting to suspect they're doing this deliberately.

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I love.


I got a Christmas card in my pidgeon hole, and it said


"To John,


Merry X-Mas





And I instantly thought "Who the fuck is Dave?". Literally know no one called Dave.


I just loved how its such a generic name too. It's not like I received a card from Asia or Arabella (I do actually know a girl called Asia, she's stunn). And the brevity of the message made it funnier (in my mind).

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It was probably laced with anthrax.


I loved yesterday, me, my friend (who I've known for my lifetime) and a fucking hilarious girl went to get lunch during college, but we were forced to take a box of invites to the exhibition and post them. We trekked to this elusive post box, and I commented on how random it looks for 3 teenagers to be offloading letters from a massive box, looking really suspicious.

Then the girls screamed "Anthrax for you, Theresa!" into the post box. I was in hysterics.

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I had a pleasant surprise today. Yesterday I worked a 12 hour shift (8am-8pm. No breaks either, I'm hardcore) and was expecting the same today. Got to 6pm and the boss told me to shut everything down. I think we finished at 6:15 in the end. Awesome. Apparently yesterday was a one off untill next week, when it probably will be 12 hours a day to get through the busy period.


Might have to work a full day Saturday though. Ballsacks. I think a couple of the pretty ladies will be in as well, so at least I get some scenery.


Thats crazy. You're crazy.


Some girl keeps giving me the eye... Shame she's about 15... Otherwise my day is great!






Amazing things happened at work. Some (known for being a womaniser) guy left his computer unlocked, so someone sent an email round the office saying "Looking forward to seeing all you sexy boys tonight" (Its our Christmas party)


He got back and sent a message saying "Girls!!!! And no David, don't think I will be taking you home with me!"


And I sent a message round "I will"


Now this is quite ballsy. We really aren't allowed to do stuff like this, and I considered my email pushing it a bit.


My mate pushed it even further by saying "whores"


And everyone pretty much agreed that was it. I was surprised he/we didn't get told off.


Half an hour passes. And some guy sends an email round


"your his bottom bitch".











It was absolutely amazing, I was absolutely shitting myself, I immediately turned round to look at Molly across the office and she's staring at me with her hand clasped around her mouth.




I made a funny gag actually. I said "Thats disgusting.....he's used the wrong "you're""


LOL. It was so hilarious/ridiculous, taking it ridiculously far.

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Totally regret last night considering I drank horrendously silly amounts. Honestly never again. I'd forgotten how much of a pain it was waking up still completely hammered. Still, it was completely what I needed after a not so wonderful couple of weeks. But with a house found again and less than a week until I see Han and Chan again everything's looking amazing again.


Going out again tonight, but we're supposed to be dressing up. I literally only just got told this, so I'm kind of fucked when it comes to a costume. Eurgh.

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