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Today was alright, woke up with a huge grin on my face before realising I was waking up up for work. Got to work, had another relatively easy day due to systems failure, and ended up buying DJ Hero on impulse. Whoops! Oh well, it's awesome.


And me and the girlfriend (weeeee hahaha) are going to the cinema tomorrow. Things are on the up :D

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Guest Stefkov

I totally should be doing things during the days but it seems right now I'm just finding ways to pass the days.

It's really a horrible feeling when waking up you realise staying in bed would get boring but on the other hand getting out of bed you've got nothing to but eat through your stock of food.

I've got lots of things I want to do, but I've no idea where to start on them.

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Today was alright, woke up with a huge grin on my face before realising I was waking up up for work. Got to work, had another relatively easy day due to systems failure, and ended up buying DJ Hero on impulse. Whoops! Oh well, it's awesome.


And me and the girlfriend (weeeee hahaha) are going to the cinema tomorrow. Things are on the up :D


How good is DJ Hero? I'm a bit tempted. (Pic didn't load for me in Purchases, but was that what was £99.99?) seems mega out of my price range.


And what film yo' seeing?


YouTube is pissing me off. Internet connection keeps cutting out and stopping my upload. Having said that its been alright for the longest time right now. 20 minutes down, 3 hours to go.

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So I went to my second ski tournament of the season yesterday. With some newbies and they were alright.


Got put 5th since I'm the second fastest behind the ski captain (showing off :p). I hate these tactics because usually the race is won and lost by the time I go down. However, for the last race deciding whether we came I think 9th or 10th out of about 18, which I thought was decent considering we didn't have anywhere near full strength. We were slightly behind but still in it by the time I went down as 5th person, I overtook him and we won! :bouncy:. Meant the day was worth it. The snowboard team came down and congratulated us and me which was flattering and said they had a video of it, so I definitely want to get hold of that, hopefully post it on here at some point.


Fell over on one race so now my thumb and leg are in pain. A nice big bruise on each and the thumb won't let me bend after a certain point at the moment. Bit shaken up for a couple of runs but oh well.

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Fannypackers! My card was declined from Play.com...god knows why. I have £132 pounds on it! I hate the concept of thinking about where money is and isn't.




EDIT: Ok, forgot to update the details with my new card, but now it won't accept my card number as being real? Uh...pretty sure after typing it all out 3 or 4 times that's what's on the card. I might just buy it off amazon.

Edited by Paj!
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Party was a bit of a letdown. About 14 people there, and only the people I knew were dressed up (5 of us). The other people all left after 15 mins to get some alcohol (took them an hour) then left to get someone from the station) another hour) then left to go to some club, so me and my peeps decided to go clubbing, and I wasn't sure whether i wanted to or not, so failed and left once we started queueing and just came home and, bizarrely, put some washing on.


And not a single picture was taken. Fail.


So today I'm gonna spend far too long on the internet, maybe go buy some booze and play some xbox. Great.


Jayseven, Argos are lame. All their LEGO...literally anything good or with more than £1 off, is sold out. Everywhere. Ridiculous. Sort your stock out.


How physical is NEGWAH getting?


Not as physical as my manager. She's still fondling me.

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Party was a bit of a letdown. About 14 people there, and only the people I knew were dressed up (5 of us). The other people all left after 15 mins to get some alcohol (took them an hour) then left to get someone from the station) another hour) then left to go to some club, so me and my peeps decided to go clubbing, and I wasn't sure whether i wanted to or not, so failed and left once we started queueing and just came home and, bizarrely, put some washing on.


And not a single picture was taken. Fail.

I feel the pain. My mate and I were the only ones dressed up to the gathering we went to, but when we got up town there were many people in the pubs dressed up so we didn't feel as prominent.


No pictures either.

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Sat down and did a proofread and edit of my english essay. Managed to find a secondary source that I could actually read so I've included that into it. Would have included more but they were asking me to sign up for things which required payment. No thank you.


So now that that is done and I'm reasonably happy, I have to finish my review for Fifa 10 on the Wii. For some reason I really want to go and buy Borderlands but getting it will leave me penniless which isn't great. *sigh* It's raining outside, heavily, so at least that'll stop me from spending money for now.

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I just started playing through Fallout 3 again yesterday.


This time I'll spend time actually enjoying it and buying the DLC, too.


Really tempted to buy the Episodes from Liberty City, too.


£25 quid for around 8 hours worth of game isn't too bad.


Plus GTA4 was awesome.


Er... so my day yesterday was spent playing Fallout 3 and installing Windows 7.


Today it will be spent actually doing some work, I guess.


Although I really just want to slob out on Fallout 3 again.

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Amazing weekend, so much fun. Free house, horror movies, x factor, vodka, gin, trick or treaters, moon dance.


Now I'm battered and I've gotta do this online test thing, blurgh.


No rest for the wicked.



Edit: Odders, are you going to the Elveden CP? I went there a couple of times as a kid and loved it! The big wave machine in the pool... amazing, heh.

Edited by Molly
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I randomly got an email asking me to confirm a facebook account that wasn't mine. Seems that someone put my old email address as their email. So I've changed their password and added some suggested friends to see what happens.

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Guest Stefkov

Today I got the same feeling waking up. Really couldn't even be bothered having a shower. I did though, don't worry.


I started, played, and completed Lylat Wars on the N64. Went through one of the many paths on the game. Brought back so many memories; how I loved that game, and how in every level I wanted Slippy to just die.


Then I stuck in Extreme G racing which was mental.


Then I played a little bit of Jet Force Gemini which wasn't as great as I remembered. The controls, the camera, etc are all pretty shit. But you play as a dog later on so I don't care.


In all I think it turned out to be a good day.

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Dunno what the hells happened but the internets gone to shit for me. Can't upload to YouTube (from my PC) and can't upload to Facebook photos. Keeps saying "Failed" when it gets to the end.


Major epic lose.


If I wasn't pwning arse so hard at Uncharted I'd be annoyed.



Also have a choice of 4 very good desserts. Dilemalol.

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Amazing weekend, so much fun. Free house, horror movies, x factor, vodka, gin, trick or treaters, moon dance.


Now I'm battered and I've gotta do this online test thing, blurgh.


No rest for the wicked.



Edit: Odders, are you going to the Elveden CP? I went there a couple of times as a kid and loved it! The big wave machine in the pool... amazing, heh.


I've been to the Elveden one a couple of times, but this time we're going to the Whinfell one. It's our second time there too. I have an addiction.

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Dunno what the hells happened but the internets gone to shit for me. Can't upload to YouTube (from my PC) and can't upload to Facebook photos. Keeps saying "Failed" when it gets to the end.


Major epic lose.

I think the internet has finally noticed the amount of dodgy material you put online. So have taken appropriate steps to stop it.

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