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Work is epic hard work. The site I'm working on is the current biggest project we have and it's worth [snip: a fair bit], but its driving everyone involved in it at our end a little mad, me especially as lead developer. The person making all the decisions for the client is very hard to please and has very little idea on how a website should work. Worked late tonight and will have to get in for 7.30am tomorrow, which means setting the alarm for about 6.20am.


Can't wait to see the back of this project v_v

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Can you tell us who it's for?


That sounds pretty cool though.


Even if it's stressful.

It's a redesign for www (dot) freedom (hyphen) group (dot) co.uk (don't really want linkbacks :heh:) - I can't post the redesign progress but when it's done I'll say so and the new one will be up in that location :) The new one looks awesome... they've done some great photoshoots for it, really high quality photography and cool psuedo-3D icons for each service. Some pretty sweet flash too, which I normally don't care for but the guy doing it is really good at it.


They're a company that employs repair engineers for electric works... roadworks, substations, major pylons, street lights etc..

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Been a long, tiring day. Hate having to go to uni for a one hour tutorial at 10am to have to come home and then head back in for 4pm. Yeh, theoretically I could stay at uni but there's no way I'd be able to stick the 5 hour gap. Still, it was an alright day. English was nothing great and philosophy was alright, with me opening my mouth and actually interjecting some thought into the topic of discussion :o Shocking I know but I still maintain my anonymity which is strange but nice :D


Got a nice welcoming smile from a girl who gets on the same bus as me. Shame I was getting off to go to Uni and she was getting on to go home but still, it was a nice pick up after the hectic last few days of trying to get work done. Have to get 4 reviews written tomorrow which will be entertaining. Well, at least the parents are away again this weekend.

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Two lectures, both of them the students didn't turn up >_>


However inbetween them I bumped into hot colleague who at first I thought was quite ditzy, but I think she can be spacey like me. Went for a coffee and hung around town for a bit before her train and said we'd go for a drink after reading week :D


Also got back to find an email from a student I was with last Friday, was meant to be a cover slot. A few days ago I got an email from my timid line manager asking if I could cover any of [available shifts] and I said I'd do Friday afternoon, presuming it to be the same student. However it wasn't, was a psych lecture. Anyway yeah, student from last Friday has emailed me asking why I wasn't there (in a nice way, not "why weren't you there!?!?!") and saying he had no cover. I explained I'm sent anywhere I get told and I had signed up for a Friday afternoon lecture presuming it would be this one and that he should bring it up with my line manager (kinda hinting she's useless and disorganised) and apologising. Now it totally wasn't my fault, but I still feel bad about it.


Also decided to cook Baileys cheesecake tomorrow night for my mother's birthday. Note to self, find Eddage's recipe.

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He is hired to harass students when they're trying to write notes in their lectures.


I think it's called Harassment Management?


I dunno what the life lesson is meant to be.


My day: Alright lecture (apart from the Harassment Manager annoying me), and then just doing work at a slow pace waiting for my girlfriend to come home so we can go watch 9.

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Ashley what do you do?


Note taker for disabled students. Go along (when they bloody turn up), take notes, type em up and send them off. However when they don't turn up I don't get paid (if they let me know in advance, because they have exams or whatever) or I get paid for 2 hours if I'm there/on route.


Sent an email to my line manager listing all the absences this week. Not one day did I work a full day. Also mentioned that student she left in the lurch.


He is hired to harass students when they're trying to write notes in their lectures.


I think it's called Harassment Management?


I dunno what the life lesson is meant to be.


My day: Alright lecture (apart from the Harassment Manager annoying me), and then just doing work at a slow pace waiting for my girlfriend to come home so we can go watch 9.


You forgot the word 'Sexual'.

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He's a note taker for the retarded*.


My day = work, then sitting at dev green finishing my book, waiting for HGAW to finish uni so we could meet for a platonic date of halloween costume shopping, then a pint or three. She didn't turn up (as I was warned she might do), and didn't give me her excuse 'til I texted her enquiring her location approx. an hour after meet-time. I wasn't surprised, and not really bothered -- I got to finish book 4 of the Dark Tower! Madness crazy good. Went and bought book 5 straight away.


For my costume I failed at finding brown flares -- at brown anytrousers, so I got some groovy purple baggy cords (for £fartoomuch) that are a waist of 30... I normally wear 32 with a belt, and I was 31 when I was a skinny nipper at 18, so, er... yah. Got a Large green tee from Primark for £1.96!! Spent about 30 mins talking to the ex on the phone on the way home, got some booze and salami and now I need to shave into a goatee, try on the trousers and load up the first of many pints for the night while I watch Flashforward, Supernatural and (probably) Fringe (as opposed to playing Xbox).


*I was one of those 'retards' offered a scribe at uni, so it's totally fine for me to use that word to describe my own kin and brethren.

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Cheers. That happens to be the one I looked at earlier for ingredients. I noticed in Tescos earlier they do Baileys cream but its a lot for a little (nearly £2 for about 160g), think I could just replace 160g of the cream with this Baileys one?

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Got my gear on (clipper's not charged so not goatee'd yet) and... mate. It's good. Trying to track down some sort of pencil/pen/paint to make a giant sandwich, otherwise I'm literally going to buy a loaf of bread and a big bag of lettuce and make a giant stack-ovva-sarnie at the party tomorrow. Awesummmmmmmmmmm

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Cheers. That happens to be the one I looked at earlier for ingredients. I noticed in Tescos earlier they do Baileys cream but its a lot for a little (nearly £2 for about 160g), think I could just replace 160g of the cream with this Baileys one?


Probably, dunno how strong the taste would be then though...


When I made mine I put quite a lot of Bailey's in, just buy a big bottle, keep adding and tasting til it tastes right. To be honest I don't even think I added any cream when I made it, just the philly, sugar and baileys!

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Got my gear on (clipper's not charged so not goatee'd yet) and... mate. It's good. Trying to track down some sort of pencil/pen/paint to make a giant sandwich, otherwise I'm literally going to buy a loaf of bread and a big bag of lettuce and make a giant stack-ovva-sarnie at the party tomorrow. Awesummmmmmmmmmm


Are you going as Shaggy? That's my nickname amongst housemates/friends and they have urged me to go as shaggy for halloween.

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Yawwnnnnn, had one of those naps that leave you feeling worse than you were before the nap. Grr.


Off out tonight to corp, with a group of friends, which I'll be doing AGAIN tomorrow night. Kinda got guilt tripped into going this evening (I already had a ticket for tonight - melodrama evolved, annoying). So I'll be sort of dead sunday I imagine.


Luckily I'm only alittle bit skint, I'll be lots skint sunday. :bouncy:

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Probably, dunno how strong the taste would be then though...


When I made mine I put quite a lot of Bailey's in, just buy a big bottle, keep adding and tasting til it tastes right. To be honest I don't even think I added any cream when I made it, just the philly, sugar and baileys!


I don't like Baileys though. Its for my mother's birthday and Tescos are doing two 750 ml bottles for £20 so may buy those, give her one in a gift bag and say most of the other is in the fridge :p


Thanks :)



Luckily I'm only alittle bit skint, I'll be lots skint sunday. :bouncy:


You're an odd duck :p


Enjoy your nights out :)

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I had quite a great day today. I managed to fix one of my best mates with my ex (and they kept on calling me Cupid...argh! lmao), we went back and had a little party. Just had a right laugh really and now they're holding hands and stuff so maybe I am Cupid, lmfao.


My ex's sister started to flirt with me and stuff but I am nowhere interested, lol. I asked if she liked me in that way and she said "No!" and I replied "Glad about that, lmao." and she laughed.


All-in-all, quite a good day :)


And to everyone else, enjoy your nights out :D

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Planned to start my EPICLY HUGE workload to be done for Monday today, but spent so long on the research and choosing a place to draw I decided against it (it was getting dark).

Had my first official driving lesson! That was good...only done a bit of practice off road before, so it was weird/nerve-racking/good to finally have a go on the roads. Guy said I had good balance (of the clutch and acceleration) for a new driver.

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