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My day started out okay-ish, even though I had trouble getting up and staying awake to study. Also ended up playing a bit of a game as a break (though I failed).


But then I just had to go and hit the back of my head against the corner of this wooden shelf here. Made me cry out in pain. I'm amazed it didn't start bleeding, that's how painful it was (and still is right now, got a headache). D:


Also, I ran out of Reese's Pieces. =(


Hopefully pizza tonight will make things better! ='D

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today is turning out quite crap

film studies is the most fecking useless piece of shit on this earth and the lecturer is a complete dickhead too




Sounds like you had fun!

Any subject with "studies" in the title is bad in my book...


I went back to school today, which was...not as bad as I imagined. Seeing people again is fun, and I seem to find myself being "louder". How rare.

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Sounds like you had fun!

Any subject with "studies" in the title is bad in my book...


I went back to school today, which was...not as bad as I imagined. Seeing people again is fun, and I seem to find myself being "louder". How rare.


hes a complete and utter twit


he told us there would onlly be 2 questions on our exam

he told someone else 3

(found there was 2 so yay dont have to learn amnother topic for tomorrow)


he said we could pick our own films

he told someone else we coulndt

we can


so flaming glad he is retiring

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hes a complete and utter twit


he told us there would onlly be 2 questions on our exam

he told someone else 3

(found there was 2 so yay dont have to learn amnother topic for tomorrow)


he said we could pick our own films

he told someone else we coulndt

we can


so flaming glad he is retiring


Sounds alarmingly familiar to York's new head of history of art. He shouted (how professional) at the entire group of students, my sister included, as none of them read a specific book. I can see were he's coming from, as it's their fault he left it off the book list...

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Sounds alarmingly familiar to York's new head of history of art. He shouted (how professional) at the entire group of students, my sister included, as none of them read a specific book. I can see were he's coming from, as it's their fault he left it off the book list...


They should have all shouted back at him, that would have given him a good scare.




Finally! I spoke to seven different teachers/heads today and a science teacher has said he should be able to allow me to do the Biology A2 without having finished the AS. I'm so happy!

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Was at work today looking at pay scales....Kinda scaring myself. Currently on the old grade 3 level that entitles me to 12,500ish. So boss reckons we *should* get Band 3 on the new payscales, which would mean we get a 2 thousand pound pay rise If we get Band 2 we'll just get the same money.


I doubt it'll happen...Gordon Brown wants to save money on the NHS :P


Also talk of a 3% rise every 3 years wtf :/

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Guest Jordan



Well, i'm looking into buying a new phone on a new contract. I haven't had a mobile signal in fucking days thanks to a storm and my operator being useless. USELESS.


So i was like "oohh free Nokia N95". Shame i can't use the 3G on it, not a single operator gives 3G coverage in Shetland.


What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK. Is this place THAT shit?

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Now now...You don't want to start a new "Epic Thread"...


Well, i'm looking into buying a new phone on a new contract. I haven't had a mobile signal in fucking days thanks to a storm and my operator being useless. USELESS.


So i was like "oohh free Nokia N95". Shame i can't use the 3G on it, not a single operator gives 3G coverage in Shetland.


What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK. Is this place THAT shit?


Whats so good about 3G yo? Havn't used it once.

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Guest Stefkov

Today I went to Bradford to the Salts Mill. David Hockney's work is utter rubbish. It's like a child drew most of them. If he's mentally challenged then I understand but...c'maan.

Very exhausting day, especially with a mother.

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Started trying to give up smoking today, not gone completely cold turkey, starting off by cutting down and have only smoked 5 roll ups all day. Got about half ounce of tobacco in the house, once that's gone then it'll be cold turkey. Not giving up for health reasons by the way, but for financial reasons, even buying duty free I'm spending over £20 every two weeks on tobacco, and that money could be better spent on other things.

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Guest Jordan
Hows that?



Basically, it was spiking my CPU like nuts. Like my PC would literally pause every 2 seconds or so, then go back like nothing happend.


I restarted, shut down, closed processes, checked for the obvious.


But i uninstalled AVG... and everything went back to normal. Check out the CPU graph from Task Manager:



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Yesterday was good. Had a lazy day. Only put jeans on to go round the shop, spent the rest of the day in pj bottoms. Did a bit of work but spent most of the day lounging round.


Went to Brum today with a friend but didn't really buy anything. And everyone's going out and im trying to do some work. Getting there slowly but surely.

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This morning I found out that if I want my car to pass it's MOT then it'll cost at least £500 (and I have to pay £50 just to be told that), as you can imagine that kind of put an end to me enjoying the rest of the day! There is no way in hell I'm paying that, especially since it cost £330 six months ago to get it serviced and it'll probably need similar shit again next year!


So now I have to try and find a new job without a car (well I've got it until the MOT runs out at the end of the month) and where I live there isn't much within walk/cycle distance (i.e. nothing) and there aint any bus service I can rely on!


So, yeah, my day sucks

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Guest Stefkov

Today I went to work and then went to sort out my phone. The realising we could give them an old phone for £10 off we left it.

Now I've been sat here wanting more sleep while I get chatted to on msn.

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num um numm... Yesterday left my house at 8, got back to sheffield at 1.30 relatively unscathed and untroubled, unlike my trip down to brighton before xmas. Played poker with Shorty and showed him and his gf the first ep of Carnivále. Drank a bottle of wine, ate a pizza, unpacked a little, watched some eerie indianna.


Today got up at a grooby 1pm, walked into town a little, and got meself some sheets for me bed and some wine glasses. Also inquired into a job in Playtime (or whatever it's called...) so I begin the whole cv/interview debacle - I hope, anyway. Don't have a cv on my laptop so that's going to be a pain in the arse to put together. I never know who to put as my referees, because the managers of all the places I worked left soon after I did (clearly I had an affect on my co-workers..), and I guess I ought to get going on some more revision too.

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Today has been okay so far. Woke up too late though; wanted to get up early to study but I kept turning off my alarm and stayed in bed till something like 10:30. Guess I needed the sleep (but then again I went to bed kinda late).


Spent some time studying and a tiny bit playing a game. Then when I wanted to do more studying my sis dragged me out to go buy stuff for my other sister's 18th birthday. We ended up buying a lot of useful stuff for when she moves out to study next year.


Also on our way back home when we walked through the tunnel that goes from the train station to the parking lot (all the passengers have to go through that tunnel), we saw some police men (most not in uniform) with a dog and they told some guys and girls to stand against the wall and to open their coats. And then they let the dog sniff them. Was funny to see for some reason. X3

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Oh god, today has been so damn busy.


I've had to sort out 3 training excerises, upgrade a few databases, solve general problems and we're moving office tomorrow. Jeeze. Nuts.


Also, my phone is stuck in Glasgow, thanks shipping companies. So i'll be getting it a day later than i expected. Ah well.

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