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Everyone seems to have been drinking. I was, but didn't get drunk... fucking work.


Yes but I don't go on incessantly :heh:

Technically yes, but you make up for it with a matching avatar/signature set :p. And I haven't gotten round to doing so, but the set you have at the moment, most pr0.


Technically yes, but you make up for it with a matching avatar/signature set :p. And I haven't gotten round to doing so, but the set you have at the moment, most pr0.


I shouldn't be criticised for being able to use photoshop.


And its getting changed soon anyway. Bored of it.


Oh come off it, you're not fooling anyone :heh:


The :p denotes sarcasm jewfro.


Just a bit more hoovering to do and the house is all clean :) Although was just doing the stairs and the hoover fell down it. Managed to catch it but randomly a load of rocks fell out of it. Faff.


Oh also need to write the other Nihon Go...


A feast. From where I'm sitting, I can smell corn and tomato soup, mashed potatoes, and pot roast. I bought some beers the other day, they're sitting next to the juices and sodas in my third refrigerator.

A feast. From where I'm sitting, I can smell corn and tomato soup, mashed potatoes, and pot roast. I bought some beers the other day, they're sitting next to the juices and sodas in my third refrigerator.

Wait, are Muslims allowed to drink beer? Or is that an individual choice?


True. Muslims aren't meant to drink, but some do. Just like some Christians eat meat on Friday.


But what I don't get, is that most Muslims who do drink probably don't fast?

Posted (edited)

It's non-alcoholic beer. :indeed:


There's a fruit-flavored variety too, very yummy.




True. Muslims aren't meant to drink, but some do. Just like some Christians eat meat on Friday.


But what I don't get, is that most Muslims who do drink probably don't fast?


Sadly there are Muslims who drink on a regular basis (I've even dated them), but they tend to stop a month before Ramadan. The Qur'an says those who drink are considered "unclean" for an entire month, as their prayers are not accepted by God for a whole month after indulging themselves (you must repent). By law here in Egypt, all alcohol vendors must close shop until Ramadan is over.


And isn't drinking considered a sin by all three religions (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism)? As far as I know Islam is the one who forbids it the most.


And for the record, I've never had a drink. Ever. And I don't consider myself a religious person.

Edited by arab_freak
Automerged Doublepost

Allah forgives you. Non-alcoholic beer is greeeaat! (Tony the Tiger is what I picture God to be like.)


In all seriousness, I don't really know about the rules and regulations of beer in the Bible. Thou shall not get smashed? Maybe.


What about people in Egypt who aren't Muslim though? Although to be fair I can't think of many places even open here on Christmas... it's pretty much the same thing I guess. Except yours is longer.


*dreams of a really long Christmas*


My girlfriend and I went into town today to pick up a satnav. Her new job has her driving to a lot of different peoples' houses (no, she's not a hooker) and she's getting a bit stressed out being lost all the time. Maps, etc. don't seem to help much because she often has to skip between people and then the route is messed up. This job is also here in Huddersfield and were not locals.


Had a bit of trouble getting this satnav though. The one within budget at Sainsburys was sold out, which led us to PC World. Now... I don't mind places like PC World, although I know they get a lot of flack. But... I have to say, in regards to PC World: What, the, fuck? I bought this satnav, got it home, opened it up, and it wasn't even in the fucking box.


It seems that their super-safe-thief-proof-plastic-boxes - which the checkout crew can only open - was in this case protecting a cardboard box.


What I love the most though: some supervisor or manager telling the woman doing the return to make a note of the serial number in case the product is registered; in an obvious way to make sure I know this, because he thinks I've just taken it out and returned it. I wasn't sure what to thank him for: his incompetence in providing me an empty box for £80 to then call me a thief; or for giving me the tip to not register my newly stolen product.


So my girlfriend is now using my iPhone for today while the satnav is being delivered by Amazon (at a cheaper price, too).

Well, Jesus did turn water to wine, so I assume he's cool with it.


:cool: <- Jesus


We believe in Jesus too, but I don't think that particular detail is shared (along with the crucifying of Jesus) because as a Muslim I believe the Bible has been tampered with.


I've asked a [Coptic] Christian friend of mine about what Christianity says about drinking and I remember him telling me it was forbidden.


What about people in Egypt who aren't Muslim though?.


They have their own stash. Most Coptic Christians I know have wine closets. I can't say the Christian population drinks more than the Muslim population over here, but I do know that the Christians here tend to be more lenient and "forgiving" over its consumption than the Muslims because we have stricter rules. I remember reading somewhere that alcohol is such a sin that we are not to "hold it, serve it, consume it, or trade it". So even if I don't drink, I can't touch a bottle of liquor or do as much as pass it across the table to someone who drinks. I can't sell/market it, either. But that hasn't stopped some people. My best friend's father makes a living by selling it, and he's a Muslim.


The Holy Quran, 2.219: They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus doth Allah Make clear to you His Signs: In order that ye may consider.


The Holy Quran, 5.90: O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.


The Holy Quran, 5.91: Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?


A fun filled pro-active day i had on Sunday


Note: the above is a lie, i have done nothing much.


Saturday night however, was my Uncles 50th. He got a tad drunk, so did my Mum. Was funny trying to communicate with the pair of them.


circus festival, showed mates around brighton, trimmed my hedge, passer-by said "looking good", bbq on beach, swimming, sunburn, isle of wight, caravan, home-made hoummous and falafal, carnival, old people band, £100, job-get!, resit exam, learned about seasteads, uncertain money arrives! kissed a girl, triple-booked plans for next weekend, drank a lot, got up early a lot, 9-hour coach journey...


INTERNET INSTALLLLEEEED!! Xbox live, tv, freeview, extra channels, telephone. No hot water still.


I'm back to hassle.



Also gave my hamster a bath. She really did not enjoy it. Kept trying to escape and I was trying to hold her in place and she kept running up my arm, but as I was stood up I was worried she'd fall. Her claws were really digging into me, she was obviously stressed. Towelled her off a bit but more panic so I put her in her cage (looking a bit like Sonic) and she's dry now. Poor thing.

how deep was the water? You don't want to freak teh poor dude out - have perhaps a wide dish up to their ankles?

I've been to two ''P'' parties. One I dressed as a Pea and the other as a Piano (dressed all in black and stuck keys down one side of my body). Both parties were awesome. Definitely a good idea Daft!



My day, meant to be in London for art and coffee; have rearranged for tomorrow cos I'm not too well, probably the diet, I'll get over it.

I went to a P party as a Post-It note. Win.


On the upside, went to Happenstances to watch Independence Day with Rifftrax Commentary


"The signal is coming from the moon"

"and the moon is coming from inside the house!"


Maaaaaaaan. I totally had the idea for this. After this was made. After MST3k. But still!


Small - 3.20

Medium - 3.60

Large - 4.00




Deal 1 Medium Popcorn and Medium drink 5.50

You can go large for an extra 60p to 6.10 and get a large drink and large popcorn.


Deal 2 is Nacho's and a large drink for 5.50


Deal 3 is a hotdog and large drink for 5.50


Deal 4 is one large popcorn and two medium drinks 7.90


Deal 5 is one large popcorn, one large drink and a pouch of sweets 7.90.


Yay smelly is back!


how deep was the water? You don't want to freak teh poor dude out - have perhaps a wide dish up to their ankles?


Very shallow, think it barely went over her feet. But it was the whole stress of it all I'd imagine as its not something she's used to. She still loves me anyway :heh:


(slightly washed out) Pic cause it did happen!


So we are going to some family meal for my grandparents anniversary that isn't for a few weeks but they're away tonight so I'm not going to be able to use the free tickets I got for (500) Days of Summer which kinda sucks as I really want to watch that but guess I'll have to wait for general release. But family eh? And you know what we say about family; that's not Aunt Lindsay's nose.


Dunno what to do with myself during the day however...hmm.


Today, my photography skills payed the bills. I have become a photography professional (albeit in training). The day was pretty straightforward. The highlights:


Discovering that the girl training me knows a lot of people I went to school with.

Hearing my new boss use the phrase "I'm walking like a lesbian" whilst describing his injured foot.

Seeing my new boss high five the co owner of the business in a spectacular fashion.

Knowing full well that ReZ is going to be supremely jealous that I get to stare at pictures of children and actually get paid to do it.


A portion of my eye went a bit blind earlier, for about 30 minutes which was more than worrying. I couldn't see like the left side of my left eye. I waved my finger at the affected area, but couldn't see anything. Very strange. Completely fucked with my depth perception, nearly walked into a few things when I walked back to work. (not square on, obviously, that would be silly) but yeah.


Then it cleared up, so I'm pretty relaxed about the whole situation.

A portion of my eye went a bit blind earlier, for about 30 minutes which was more than worrying. I couldn't see like the left side of my left eye. I waved my finger at the affected area, but couldn't see anything. Very strange. Completely fucked with my depth perception, nearly walked into a few things when I walked back to work. (not square on, obviously, that would be silly) but yeah.


Then it cleared up, so I'm pretty relaxed about the whole situation.


you NEED to see the doctor/optician. Blindness!!!


No depth perception; welcome to my world =P

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