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It's gotten better now I'm three quarters of the way through, but it's still nowhere near the masterpeice the reviews it got suggested. I'd say it's a solid 8 at best, but definitely nothing more. Anyway, I'm totally saying this in the wrong thread.


You said it was so so average! Average = middle of the road. Say, 5/10, or 50%. An 8 is incredibly good! (But yeah, wrong thread. :heh:)

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You said it was so so average! Average = middle of the road. Say, 5/10, or 50%. An 8 is incredibly good! (But yeah, wrong thread. :heh:)


You misunderstand what I meant by that. I mean in terms of what I thought it would be, and the fact it won an oscar. It's an average movie, when compared to other oscar winners. (I.e on a scale of great, to amazing films, it would only appear somewhere in the middle).


I make no sense do I.

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had a fairly ok day if im honest, got the metro, randomly sat next to a guy realising we work together, had a good chat.


got to work half an hour early, as planned, they are nazis about being signed on on time.


sat with a guy ive not sat with before. hes nice enough, but a little on the odd side.


customers were ok today, could of issues but i wont bore you with em.


outher then that, it just sucks i dont get sat with the hot girls.



also thanks molly, your a stand up dame!

Edited by Chris the great
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I'm going to Brighton tomorrow for a mini holiday. Looking forward to it.




- Rides

- LEGO Shop

- A Comic shop (I've never been to)

- Arcades

- Sea Life

- Harry...Ram..sdons.


Whynz-aphon if ever I saw it.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Bah humbug I feel awful, I now realise drinking a litre of cheap vodka maybe fun in the evening but in the morning it sucks.


Anyway went to jayseven's house, met two of his housemates, pretty cool guys, stayed over as I was pretty fucked come 4am, then got up at 10am with a massive craving for something very very fattening, couldn't go to kfc so I walked ALLLLL the way to subway, nomnomnom.


Going to eat my subway and watch SEASON 2! of how I met your mother as it downloaded while I was away.


Oh and I almost forgot, locked myself out last night, bloody stupid landlords went away for the week so had to call another landlord to be let in - cue calling parents and blubbering about how this house sucks. So in a way I kinda admit I hate le house. Interesting!

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'Tis very quiet at home now that my sister is no longer living with us. My mother was trying to make me move into her old room but I wasn't having it. While it'd be nice to get some privacy, seeing as I share with my brother, the room is tiny and honestly, I don't intend to stick round for much longer. Have found out my parents are going away for the weekend to a cat show which means empty house. :yay: Only hope that they actually leave some decent food this time.


Currently sat listen to music while I finish my write up on Wii Sports Resort and then I have the new Tales of Monkey Island (WiiWare version) being sent to me later on today so that should be interesting. :zzz: Think I may just pull out the new sketchbook later on and do something in there as I'm tired of writing.

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Ganepark, you don't have a US Wii do you? Surely there's no way to get the WiiWare version of ToMI unless you do... Unless they're actually just sending over a code for the PC version.




Either you're being unnaturally slow this morning, or I'm just being dirty minded. (I think it's the latter, I didn't see the triple post.)

Edited by Tellyn
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I'm going to Brighton tomorrow for a mini holiday. Looking forward to it.




- Rides

- LEGO Shop

- A Comic shop (I've never been to)

- Arcades

- Sea Life

- Harry...Ram..sdons.


Whynz-aphon if ever I saw it.


Whooo I've been there! Though sadly when me and Jim walked that pier everything was pretty much closed and there was no one around. Fail. =P

But yeah hope you have fun!


I managed to not get out of bed until 2:30 pm today. How sad is that? But then again I did go to bed late (again) and had some weird dreams which meant bad sleep. So it's ehhh, okay?

Anyway might go shopping for a bra with mom and my sis later today or tomorrow. Hooray! =P

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Need to finish off the Purple Coin level in the Deep Dark Galaxy in Mario (got stuck on the very last coin, but realie now how to do it. Then I need to bleach my hair, then put the pink dye in. Then while that's setting/absorbing/whatever, I need to sort out my clothes/pack for my holiday to Berlin and Amsterdam.


Pokemon Sapphire came! The graphics are strange; they're very different to Diamond, it's hard to get used to.

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Pokemon Sapphire came! The graphics are strange; they're very different to Diamond, it's hard to get used to.


I have this issue when it comes to replaying the older games. Sapphire didn't have running shoes either, did it? (No Day/Night system either, fail.)

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I have this issue when it comes to replaying the older games. Sapphire didn't have running shoes either, did it? (No Day/Night system either, fail.)


This is my first gen 3 game so I dunno. I hear Running Shoes were invented in gen 3. No day and night is so stupid though. Considering it was in gen 2. I literally had to save and turn off at the first oppurtunity, when Machoke are randomly in your house.

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