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Had a boring but okay day at work, my shoes got complimented twice. Was uplifting, rather like that signs youtube vid in the funny videos thread. That's made my day.


What hasn't made my day is a girl not replying via text :( Seemingly blowing hot and cold. Not even sure if she likes me. Will have to find out tomorrow!

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No more colourful hair either, dyed my hair dark brown all over about half an hour ago, I kinda miss it, but I'm happy to be back to a normal ish colour and not have to re-do it every week. I'm sure it'll make a come back before christmas, but for now I'm happy.
You can do some festive colours for Christmas! Heck, just spray some fake snow on there!!
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Ah mixed day again.

Had a few hours of work today, which I was sorta looking forward to as it meant having something to plus earning money. However I felt really really crappy during work, dizzy, head felt really hot even though I was sitting in front of a fan... Was thinking about going home a few times but managed to pull through in the end!


Sister and her boyfriend came over tonight and we had grandpa for dinner too; we had a nice BBQ meal outside. Plus some family came over for a short chat since they just got back from holiday. So that was all nice.

Though mom managed to sorta spoil the mood again just now by being her usual grumpy self, bleh. Put me in a bad mood too. Luckily I have another glass of white wine to down (and could probably refill it too) so maybe that'll help me forget about this bad mood. >.>;

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Someone got me a watch for my birthday.


No time like a present.


ReZ, your jokes suck so bad.




Last night I went to bed way too early, because my wrist is dislocated and i was in a considerable amount of pain. Which resulted in me waking up at 4am..


Feels a bit better now. Trying not to overdo things. Had a bit of a disaster when I nearly dropped a scalding hot grill pan on myself (while i was using my good wrist) mega frustrating that i can't do normal shit without being an accident waiting to happen. :(


i tried to get my dad to pull my wrist and try and get it back into shape, but he said all he could feel was my joints cracking >_<

Edited by Raining_again
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My day has been okay.


I'm just looking at podcasts on the iTunes store and wondering whether to buy some... some that I have already Torrented. But I wonder. When I buy stuff on iTunes, it's held on an account right? And I'm able to like... re-download for free if I lose/delete the files?

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I've had a good day. Sick of The Fucking Internet, I unplugged my router and decided to Do Shit instead of procrastinating online. Bunch of interview prep, some writing and a bit of reading, go!


It's amazing how used we are to this cock arsed idea of 'multi-tasking' just because we can. It's preposterous.

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My day has been okay.


I'm just looking at podcasts on the iTunes store and wondering whether to buy some... some that I have already Torrented. But I wonder. When I buy stuff on iTunes, it's held on an account right? And I'm able to like... re-download for free if I lose/delete the files?


Podcasts should be free Imo... most of them are I thought? as for your question I have no idea, I have iTunes but I only transfer stuff from my music collection onto my iPod, I don't use the store.

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Mother's partner's son turned up today for a few days. He's actually a really nice kid but having a nine year old in the house is wearing us all out :p Plus I can't help but feel like im in some lame 90's sitcom.


Also noticed some Hunter S Thompson documentary is on BBC2, shame I'm knackered as that would have been interesting. Maybe Friday on iPlayer (when I'll next have the house to myself).

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Went to Skara Brae, an ancient excavated "village" lived in by Stone-age man. Older than the pyramids etc etc. Pretty interesting, but horrible weather. Finally leaving Orkney tomorrow, so had a gorgeous meal, the best chicken breast I've ever tasted. It was coked by my...grandmothers...cousins wife, who is from South Africa, and knows all sorts of interesting cooking things, so her food is always lovely.


Got about 24 from arriving back in Edinburgh before jetting off to Berlin. I kinda want to dye my hair. It was bright red last summer, seems a let down to my fans to just leave it brown.


Been reading up on Amsterdam (going after Berlin)...a lot of it sounds...interesting. To say the least.

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Having that call-centre experience is good, I think. It helps you come into contact with so many different people. Plus, it's good work experience. It'll help you if you're ever stuck for work, because there are a lot of call-centres out there. I've worked in...*counts* five, I think. Looks good on a CV, heh.

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Interesting that so many people are getting jobs at the call centres... I know Chris was at the Job C+ too... so maybe Swine Flu is just being bigged up to create jobs to get us out of the reccessionions?!?S! SHIT THEYRE AFTER ME IM ON TO THEM!


*gets gagged and pulled away*

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Interesting that so many people are getting jobs at the call centres... I know Chris was at the Job C+ too... so maybe Swine Flu is just being bigged up to create jobs to get us out of the reccessionions?!?S! SHIT THEYRE AFTER ME IM ON TO THEM!


*gets gagged and pulled away*


That's one thing that I thought. The other is the conflicts taking place abroad. It's a way to get people into the army, therefore off the dole. Clever idea.

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You're complaining at having to sit and talk to people for 6 pound an hour?

I have to do shiytload more than that, stood up all the time, behind a bar (trust me it's a lot more than serving people, for only 4.50 an hour. I consider myself privileged to even have this job, even if I do hate it. So don't be complaining about 6 pound an hour.


My day, I woke up expecting to go to said working place to find out I wasn't working. So I woke up early for nothing. Made my day really, really long. Now I go to bed.

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Interesting that so many people are getting jobs at the call centres... I know Chris was at the Job C+ too... so maybe Swine Flu is just being bigged up to create jobs to get us out of the reccessionions?!?S! SHIT THEYRE AFTER ME IM ON TO THEM!


*gets gagged and pulled away*


Even if that's not true that's one hell of an awesome conspiracy to consider.

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I sometimes think about complaining about jobs. But I don't have one.


I sometimes think about complaining about the job I used to have. But then I think about this work-mate I had. We were in a container, with another lad (we'll call him Liam - because that's his name), loading it up full of reject Harvey's tables to go back to China or where ever. So me and Liam took the tables off a pallet and put them down on one edge, and flipped them up (so they're standing upwards), and the other lad had to then hold the stack in place. Now... these are pretty big tables and weigh a fair bit (around 80KG)... so if I were that lad, I'd hold them pretty fucking well, because once they're stacked together, you're talking about a tonne for just half the width.


Anyway, this lad didn't hold them very well, with just one hand. And at one moment he let his hand go, and one of the tables in the stack was bowed, so they all came falling down. On his ear. Had his ear ripped off. Now... that's when you can say, "Man my job sucks".

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Well yeah... pretty unlikely, but luckily for him it was. If he were taller then the stack would of struck his lower-head/neck and carried him to the container wall (the stack of tables hit the container wall and he was safely underneath them all), which at around a tonne would of took their head off or crushed the skull. He just went down pretty fast after being hit because it knocked him out.

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Had a great day out with Chan. Drove to the cinema to watch Bruno an Harry Potter and then just had a nice chat whilst she drove the long way home. Lots of singing along to the music blaring out the speakers also being involved, which was hilarious.


Now I'm watching The Messengers on tv and it's now obvious that I'm not going to be sleeping tonight. I hate myself for doing this! HOLD ME.

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