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I sorted my modules for next year,


Theory in Anthropology

Ethnography of Japan

Psychoanalysis and Anthropology

Principles of Social Investigation

General Linguistics


I finally decided on the General Linguistics module after thinking about it over the past couple days. I've pretty much already made my mind up for the third year and this will set me up perfectly for the Anthropology and Linguistic module I'm looking to take.


I'm really looking forward to next year. I plan to pretty much live in the library.


The rest of the day, I read my book. Sat in the sun. Watched a bit of tennis. Completed Prototype; starts off great, losses steam amazingly quickly.

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Its not been the best of days to be fair, i'm under the impression that my job has been "stolen" or given to someone else as all i've done all week is go on the internet. Not the best thing to do all week, especially in work.

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Harsh to hear, Jimbob :(


My day = achievement-whoring on xbox (DAMN YOU SHEVAH), finally talking to my dad about money/future (he's gonna loan me £226 for a month's worth of rent), and been invited to a house party on saturday. The saturday peeps are people I know through juggling friends, and they've been inviting me to lots of things recently because they're sheffield-based... and to be honest it's really nice that they have kept up with the invites. A lot of the time I was waking up at 4pm and they were down the park, at the pub, going out, etc.


Tomorrow I'm calling my landlord to sort out collecting keys, maybe carry a couple of boxes down and pick a room. I NEED to get one of the smaller rooms for the cheaper rent, and because nobody's gotten back to me about any 'shotgunned' rooms, I'm just going to choose whatever fuckin' one I want, and get all my shit in there before anyone else turns up. This might piss off a few of my future house-mates... We'll see...

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I would like to explain why I don't like The Wire and discuss it, but unfortunately I am banned from IRC.


Rate the Last TV Show then.


I did watch the pilot the other day and wasn't captivated. Figure its something that works better as a season/series thing so do intend to go back. But I'm not particularly fond of procedurals anyway (even genre shifting fancy pants ones); "alright we get it, the peadophile did it!"

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I love some of the double standard bullshit the landlady pulls at work. We're meant to serve food until 8pm, but sometimes she has a mardy and closes early because there's noone around, which is fair enough. However she decided to close early today halfway through a big group were ordering.


A group about 8 people entered at 7:40, asked about food. I told them they had 20 mins. A few mins later a few ordered, followed by another behind them, so practically a steady stream. Managed to get about 5 orders in, suddenly the kitchen was closed. More of the group come to order and I have to be the messenger, saying they were being dicks. They wanted to speak to her, but she was "too busy". It was explained they were part of one group and some hadn't ordered. They didn't seem to give a shit. In the end they asked for their money to go somewhere else. She came out at one point and spouted some bullshit then tried to lay on the guilt, Oh we'll give you a refund and it'll all go in the bin.


It was just amazing that no more than a week ago, she had a go at me for saying the kitchen was closed [an honest mistake] "Is it empty? No, is it 8? No, so we're open", then pulls this bullshit. We are labelled the pretty much the most expensive pub in Beeston [how it's still open amazes me], and now they alienate all these people. And the group included some tasty ladies.

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I'm incredibly bored. No-one to talk to as Mr Jayseven booted me off irc. He hates me I know it :( I want to cry. I also want htis packing to be finished. I'm not really getting anywhere.


Went to work for a few hours early this morning, was tiring. Went to the school for the last time to help, was good. Had a couple of the London Irish youth team teaching rugby. Apparently last week the kids were a nightmare and the guys got so stressed, apparently I helped because I was keeping them under control. Cool.


Went to town, spent more money than I would have liked on clothing to be honest. Oh well. got to spend money to make money!

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AWESOME day. Playedt he traditional Hailes (a sport extinct except in my school) match between all the 7ths (leavers). It's fancy dress, I went as a "Girl from our sister school". Effectively extreme fake tan, white lips, disgusting blond hair, jack wills, abercrombie, the bag, the lot. Got a lot of good/funny feedback. Some of the costumes were hilarious. A one piece shocking pink body stocking for example. My team won!


Then got our clackens (the wooden spoons you play Hailes with signed by everyone I love in my year), before leaving early (last week, no one cares if you're there or not) to go to a speech therapy meeting with a..speech..therapist. Literally insane. I need to cast her in my reboot of th X-men as a female Toad.


Then I went to the impromptu gig of various bands in the final two years, it was interesting finally seeing chairdriver's band play something! They were musically pretty great, however, the lead singer was a bit too razorlight vocally for his own good.


Then went home for chinese, before being convinced to join the masses in going to City, a chavvy nightclub everyone goes to just cause underage peeps can get in. I've avoided it almost ezxclusively, as the whole idea of waiting outside for literally hours to be part of some scheme to get into a shitty nightclub offends me. Did it for about half an hour, until chair and another complete joke from out year said we should just go to Cabaret Voltaire, where they actually play real music./good music. So we drank and danced. Then I went home.

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Last night was awesome. Brand New man hell yeaaaaaaaaah.


Sweat soaked t-shirt, broken jaw from the flying mosh pit elbow, ringing ears, etc. Wouldn't have it any other way. Played a full set-list, unlike the gig the night before that Jay was at. Didn't talk much still, but they were on for a good hour and a half. 70x7 was a particular highlight. But it was all awesome.

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Really am very sleepy this morning, I'd quite like to be asleep now. I need something like a doublemochaleattechino but our starbucks is closed. *sobs into 40p machine coffee*. Today is gonna be work-tennis-bed.

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Harsh to hear, Jimbob :(


Tis harsh, and just to apparantly make me feel better i was told there is no work to do, but it was all handed to somebody else (aka, the kiss-up). I'm going to appeal on this as well, see if i can stand a chance of at least keeping my job. But i don't think i will for some reason.


Off to the dentist in a min... wahoo!


Brush your teeth, don't want the denist finding plaque or having to smell last nights tea/this mornings breakfast do we. :geek:

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