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Seriously? :o lol are there even any / many confirmed cases in Ireland?


less than 10 confirmed afaik (in NORTHERN Ireland - don't know the stats for south). A lot of potential cases in somewhere called Portglenone (where the first case was), which aint tooo far from me.


Every time a case is needing to be testing in our trust area we basically get the call for the district nurse to go out. (so we do get the info pretty quickly)


But yeah, our call centre pretty much has to be open 9-5, even moreso with these swine flu cases coming up.


I feel like I should be worrying, but I couldn't care less!

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god i've had enough of PEOPLE.


got a "sorry we missed you" thing from fedex through the door, nothing on it apart from a tick next to "big box" and "x1 with number 38" scribbled next to it.


so i wandered round to number 38 - where some crazy neurotic BITCH answered the door and immediately got super defensive... to the point where i assured her i wasnt accusing her of anything and backed away down her prissy little driveway before her head exploded.

spoke to my housemate about it who said he'd been over a few hours ago and she was the same then; "how dare you accuse me' etc. WTF? there was absolutely no need to be such a cock to a stranger.

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Hmm if she's withholding a parcel that's yours from you, isn't that illegal? granted it isn't always convenient when post / parcel people entrust other peoples parcels to you but all thats needed is to hand them the parcel when they come to collect it, why's she acting all defensive? O.o you just wanted your parcel...

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i honestly dont know what to do O_o

if the parcel is what i think it is - then it's just my GCSE course material... in which case it's useless to anybody but me.... i guess i'll just call fedex tomorrow and ask what the hell i should do. there's literally no other details on the card except that it's a large box "with no.38"

.....gayyyyyyy.... :sad:

i think her tremendous arseholery just broke me... other people have really been stressing me out recently and she was kinda the last straw... i've spent the last hour doing the whole "cup of tea, good hard cry, nice hot shower, bed." thing... feel better.


one of pat's/my supposedly best friends told me the other day that he might not come to pat's birthday - which he'd already RSVP'd "yes" to a month ago (and i'm booking cinema tickets so i asked everyone invited to "decide whether or not you're coming - then STICK TO IT.") because he's just found out his on/off fuck buddy is going to a different party that night ........ ARGH!

seriously! if he actually does bail on pat's birthday for THAT - he's losing his page in my address book. i'm so sick of giving this idiot second chances.


he's texted me saying "still not sure if coming - dont book me a ticket, i'll book myself next week if i come"

i'm tempted to tell him not to fucking bother!!

make the decision for him.


what a cock!!

why is everyone so crap?!?!

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Apparently my family forgot I was here... Just went down to enquire about tea and they're all sat around the kitchen table having just eaten!


What a lovely bunch of people.


That is a scenario I just cannot ever imagine myself being in.


Tea-time is the most important part of the whole day in my dad's mind. As soon as he comes home from work, he checks to make sure all of us are home so he knows who to make tea for. (Yeah, he cooks everyone's tea. He's 54, he shouldn't be fecking faffing about doing stuff like that after work when he's got arthritis and three fully-grown sons at home, two of which stay in bed until 6pm. It's ridonkulous!)

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i honestly dont know what to do O_o

if the parcel is what i think it is - then it's just my GCSE course material... in which case it's useless to anybody but me.... i guess i'll just call fedex tomorrow and ask what the hell i should do. there's literally no other details on the card except that it's a large box "with no.38"

.....gayyyyyyy.... :sad:

i think her tremendous arseholery just broke me... other people have really been stressing me out recently and she was kinda the last straw... i've spent the last hour doing the whole "cup of tea, good hard cry, nice hot shower, bed." thing... feel better.


one of pat's/my supposedly best friends told me the other day that he might not come to pat's birthday - which he'd already RSVP'd "yes" to a month ago (and i'm booking cinema tickets so i asked everyone invited to "decide whether or not you're coming - then STICK TO IT.") because he's just found out his on/off fuck buddy is going to a different party that night ........ ARGH!

seriously! if he actually does bail on pat's birthday for THAT - he's losing his page in my address book. i'm so sick of giving this idiot second chances.


he's texted me saying "still not sure if coming - dont book me a ticket, i'll book myself next week if i come"

i'm tempted to tell him not to fucking bother!!

make the decision for him.


what a cock!!

why is everyone so crap?!?!

Because humans are unintelligent, self-centered, instinct-driven, stupidly low lifeforms.


Well, they CAN be ...

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Do it. Tell him not to bother. People who can't do shit like that are pathetic. Like....no massive offense to anyone in particular but the people who said to the NE meet "Maybe. I don't know what I'm doing yet"....well here's an offer of something to do....you decide to go to this then that means your busy if other people ask. Its like...simple...human...logic? Isn't it?


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i honestly dont know what to do O_o

if the parcel is what i think it is - then it's just my GCSE course material... in which case it's useless to anybody but me.... i guess i'll just call fedex tomorrow and ask what the hell i should do. there's literally no other details on the card except that it's a large box "with no.38"

.....gayyyyyyy.... :sad:

i think her tremendous arseholery just broke me... other people have really been stressing me out recently and she was kinda the last straw... i've spent the last hour doing the whole "cup of tea, good hard cry, nice hot shower, bed." thing... feel better.


one of pat's/my supposedly best friends told me the other day that he might not come to pat's birthday - which he'd already RSVP'd "yes" to a month ago (and i'm booking cinema tickets so i asked everyone invited to "decide whether or not you're coming - then STICK TO IT.") because he's just found out his on/off fuck buddy is going to a different party that night ........ ARGH!

seriously! if he actually does bail on pat's birthday for THAT - he's losing his page in my address book. i'm so sick of giving this idiot second chances.


he's texted me saying "still not sure if coming - dont book me a ticket, i'll book myself next week if i come"

i'm tempted to tell him not to fucking bother!!

make the decision for him.


what a cock!!

why is everyone so crap?!?!


Wait I think I got muddled earlier when we spoke. So he's not coming because he thinks he can get laid if he goes to the other party? I interpretted it as he doesn't want to see this fuck buddy and...I dunno. Brain fuck up. But thats mega douchery.


Get Pat to go round to the neighbour with the best angry face he can muster. Maybe distract her with some shiny Argos bling and sneak in?


Do it. Tell him not to bother. People who can't do shit like that are pathetic. Like....no massive offense to anyone in particular but the people who said to the NE meet "Maybe. I don't know what I'm doing yet"....well here's an offer of something to do....you decide to go to this then that means your busy if other people ask. Its like...simple...human...logic? Isn't it?



Grammar is another aspect of simple human logic. :heh: At least I said outright no, ne?


Arrrrgh trying to come up with an idea for a "family" tv series. Trying to decipher if that means family as in kids or something all the family can appreciate. Once the semantics are sorted its squarely settling on the subject. Shit.

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Do it. Tell him not to bother. People who can't do shit like that are pathetic. Like....no massive offense to anyone in particular but the people who said to the NE meet "Maybe. I don't know what I'm doing yet"....well here's an offer of something to do....you decide to go to this then that means your busy if other people ask. Its like...simple...human...logic? Isn't it?



Do I get included in that?? To be fair I don't exactly live next doooooor :(


*is very sorry*

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The A-Level English Set dinner in the lovely house attached to the school tonight..was hilarious and great fun. Felt sorry for one guy who I'm friends with, but that doesn't feel very much a part of the main crowd of our set, who didn't say much the entire night.


Sadly the amazing Mr.Meadows is still very ill, so we had 2 history teachers that do all the plays (and are english/drama teachers secretly) with us.


Was just great fun and discussion.


To sum up the night, i'll just say; Red wine. Col-by (Ga-GA!). Eh-ey. Oh. I've had a little bit too much.


It was To The Lighthouse themed. Brilliantly quoting bits from the book at various points in the night. And when a girl who mubled a lot was suggesting what the pudding might be, as it was just named "The Lighthouse" on the menu, and mubled "like a giant cast" but it sounded like "giant cock". No one knew what to say for a split second, then just burast out laughing. And the fact the topic of conversation got round to Hedgehog Cunnilingus (sp?), at a meal with our teachers, was wonderous.

Edited by Paj!
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Back from party!


So I figured, looking at google maps, it was easier to walk to this place than walk to town and get a tram. TRUE - only it takes 30 mins of pure up-hillage, which is mega hassle.


Got there, realised after an hour I had no rizlas and I was the only smoker. Hitched a walk with a booze-gatherer; we walked for ages, decided to get on a tram, got off and found the tescos closed, so walked back to where we got on the tram in the first place and went to a texaco garage and got booze/fags there.


Met a few new people. One really hot lady, who knew it, and a 'large' girl who was genuinely a really nice person. Made me question what it is that I find attractive in a person, but in the end I still came out of the thoughts thinking that she would have to lose 2 stone before I would consider her. Yes, I feel bad.


Tomorrow? Gay pride thing at a park, followed by a potential free party. Sunday? Ex-gf is coming to sheff, yet I've been invited to a pub quiz, so we'll see how that pans out.


Generally; tonight was a sort of summary of who would be here over summer; it was nice to know the sort of folks I'll be hanging with. They're good people.


Er, yeah. Nothing interesting. Whoops.

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I'm feeling shit. Someone hug me. =(


Again had the worst sleep ever, just can't get comfortable sleeping on my back, especially with my legs being higher up than my face basically. Plus nurse coming in a couple of times to put me on antibiotics.


I tried to go to the loo this morning on my crutches, and felt soooo miserable. I got really dizzy and broke out in a massive sweat. Made it back to bed just in time, but had to call a nurse to help me when I had to go again. Seems my temperature keeps slowly rising every day... hope I don't get a fever.

Also my back really really hurts from laying in the same position all the time, and there's nothing I can do about it. Urgh.


I want to cry but I know it's not gonna help me.

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Do I get included in that?? To be fair I don't exactly live next doooooor :(


*is very sorry*


Raining, not only can no one ever say anything about your lack of dedication to a meet after your epicness of getting to the 'North (aka inferior) meet, but you're awesome, so you do not get included in that. It was just a general thing. I love you all. :)


Grammar is another aspect of simple human logic. :heh: At least I said outright no, ne?


A) Grammer isn't simple. :(


B) Peoples expectations of me are so low, that I could do or say literally anything and people would consider it a positive change for me. ie I'm excused. ;)


I'm feeling shit. Someone hug me. =(


Again had the worst sleep ever, just can't get comfortable sleeping on my back, especially with my legs being higher up than my face basically. Plus nurse coming in a couple of times to put me on antibiotics.


I tried to go to the loo this morning on my crutches, and felt soooo miserable. I got really dizzy and broke out in a massive sweat. Made it back to bed just in time, but had to call a nurse to help me when I had to go again. Seems my temperature keeps slowly rising every day... hope I don't get a fever.

Also my back really really hurts from laying in the same position all the time, and there's nothing I can do about it. Urgh.


I want to cry but I know it's not gonna help me.






*ALPHA-HUGS-MEGA-SHIFT* (The most powerful hug in my arsenal)

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Ineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *hugs*


Jay - you finally gave in and turned blue did you?


Bluey - I bet that cow would have been surprised if she had nicked your GCSE stuff, least nick something she could use. Bah.


Yesterday was alright, got my presents, had a nice meal with the family, came home, slept. My parents are away this weekend which leaves me feeling even more incredibly lonely than I did originally this week.


I know what it is, I'm tired of being misunderstood because I refuse to tell my friends whats really bothering me, its just too hard.


I should be so incredibly happy right now and all I want to do is cry my eyes out. I hate myself ^_^.

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Raining, not only can no one ever say anything about your lack of dedication to a meet after your epicness of getting to the 'North (aka inferior) meet, but you're awesome, so you do not get included in that. It was just a general thing. I love you all. :)


yaaay. I wanted to go but flying is a big hassle/pain since I injured myself :(


Maybe i'll take a car journey up next year when i have my licence :heh:


P.S - North meet is not inferior! It was awesome :awesome:

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*ALPHA-HUGS-MEGA-SHIFT* (The most powerful hug in my arsenal)






Arrrrgh trying to come up with an idea for a "family" tv series. Trying to decipher if that means family as in kids or something all the family can appreciate. Once the semantics are sorted its squarely settling on the subject. Shit.

"You're adopted" ?



[Why the fuck is "gn-aa", without hyphen censored?]

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