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Haha thats amazing. I especially liked the speech he gave to the university today, it was really inspiring. Made me want to go and get peoples details that I know I will not meet in the future!


Also the one "Certain sit ups make me orgasm" made me chuckle :p Probably since I had been doing sit ups about an hour before.

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Haha thats amazing. I especially liked the speech he gave to the university today, it was really inspiring. Made me want to go and get peoples details that I know I will not meet in the future!


Also the one "Certain sit ups make me orgasm" made me chuckle :p Probably since I had been doing sit ups about an hour before.


Yeah the speech was good, and made me realise how little contact I have with my friends from secondary school. Will have to contact them again soon I think!

The sit-ups one was funny, though makes me wish that was me haha.



Anyway on topic, my day hasn't consisted of much yet. Woke up at noon, been doing a tiny bit of work, watched that fan LoTR movie and played some Rhythm Paradise. The rest of my day will consist of more work probably. And maybe some more Rhythm Paradise. =P

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I may have myself a new g/f as of last night. She does seem really interested in me, and a plus side is that she is moving back to Caldicot from Chepstow.


And i shouldn't have drank all that raki last night when i got home either, spent half the night boffing up.

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I may have myself a new g/f as of last night. She does seem really interested in me, and a plus side is that she is moving back to Caldicot from Chepstow.


And i shouldn't have drank all that raki last night when i got home either, spent half the night boffing up.


Pro. That's the way to do it.

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Been really tired all day today. Woke up thinking it was after 8 only to find it was barely 7. Ok, it's only an hour but it's also the morning and there's nothing to do. Anyways, eventually went out. Just kept putting it off and really didn't feel like it but I was fine when I was out. Just walked through the local shopping centre, stopping once for a look, and straight out the far end and off to Morrisons to get some bagels. Feel asleep at 5pm which I'd never do so it tells you how tired I am. Gonna hit bed earlier than normal tonight to get in a good night's sleep and to get my body in the right workings for getting up super early on tuesday.

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Last ever week of college next week. Cannot freaking wait for it all to be over, though it feels like it's ended already. I've been there since year 7, and cannot wait to see the back of it. Yay! Though oddly, I've made more friends in the past month than I have in ages. It's such a shame, seeing as it's now almost time to leave.

Edited by Slaggis
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Last ever week of college next week. Cannot freaking wait for it all to be over, though it feels like it's ended already. I've been there since year 7, and cannot wait to see the back of it. Yay! Though oddly, I've made more friends in the past month than I have in ages. It's such a shame, seeing as it's now almost time to leave.


I've been at my school since Year 7 as well and it all ends in a week! :yay: Exciting!


I've enjoyed my time at my school, muchly but I'm ready to move on. :grin: I've made a great friend so s'all good.


Can't be dealing with people crying though. :p The ones you want to stay in touch with you probably will and with Facebook these days it is easier than ever. :heh:


Deleted another 20 people from Facebook. It's kind of addictive.


I like this.


I deleted everyone on myanimelist. :)

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I liked my time at school. But then it seems my experience of a really unified and nice yeargroup is rare. I keep getting more and more nostaligc, especially as it's really just exams mixed with lying in the sun together now. However, my school does the good thing ahd has 2 weeks back after exam leave with just the leavers ball/Hailes match and shit going on. FUN. I'm going as Hannah Montana to the Hailes match.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Deleted another 20 people from Facebook. It's kind of addictive.


Of course, if you didn't add them in the first place...

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I liked my time at school. But then it seems my experience of a really unified and nice yeargroup is rare. I keep getting more and more nostaligc, especially as it's really just exams mixed with lying in the sun together now. However, my school does the good thing ahd has 2 weeks back after exam leave with just the leavers ball/Hailes match and shit going on. FUN. I'm going as Hannah Montana to the Hailes match.


Yeah we go back on the final day of term to say good bye. There is a leavers ball in the evening BUT hopefully I'm going to Les Miserables, if not I'll be sitting at home in my cutoffs crying in the shower. :)


Also I need to see you as Hannah Montana. :grin: It just arouses me cracks me up thinking about it.

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Yeah we go back on the final day of term to say good bye. There is a leavers ball in the evening BUT hopefully I'm going to Les Miserables, if not I'll be sitting at home in my cutoffs crying in the shower. :)


It feels so odd having already had my leavers prom. It's like it's ended, but we're just there, still. I think I will probably miss it if I'm honest, the whole seeing people everyday and then suddenly not will be amazingly odd.

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Its a weird transition. I already feel odd after being away from everyone for just a day. Going to be a quiet summer I think but aaah well.


Fascinating day. Unpacked. Went for a stroll and found Cradley Heath Train Station. Now I can go anywhere, the world is mine! And umm yeah, ate, watched tv, read. FUN FUN FUN.

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Of course, if you didn't add them in the first place...


I used to go to school with about 100 of them. I've been very brutal with cuts. I just want to get it down to people I see regularly. But you're right. I shall think before I accept from now on. :heh:


Maybe even stop using it, although I doubt it.


I don't upload photos on there any more.

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Got my interview for Leith School Of Art tomorrow! nervous as it's a proper, like 40 min interview, not like the shit Edinburgh one. Not practiced much, just run through why I want to go and stuff.


My portfolio has been redone, and is far swankier now. It's where I want to go for the next year, so I hope I nail it.

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Good luck for teh interview.


I feel like I've neglected this place lately, but I'm trying to get all my work sorted first. I've been doing my PDP over the last few days. I've filled in the whole thing, and it's about 115 pages which will need to be printed off, aaaah. And, my bed is currently filled with everything I've ever collected off teaching placement, and it's being folderised.


I'm tempted to shove it all in a draw and play F ZERO GX in bed, but I know that's wrong.

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Got my interview for Leith School Of Art tomorrow! nervous as it's a proper, like 40 min interview, not like the shit Edinburgh one. Not practiced much, just run through why I want to go and stuff.


My portfolio has been redone, and is far swankier now. It's where I want to go for the next year, so I hope I nail it.


Best of luck dude. My bro did a few of those in his time. Hope you get in somewhere you like :bouncy:

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You have neglected me. And F-Zero CX is too hardcore for you.


GX is too hardcore for any mortal. :(


Ok, this file should be looking good by tomorrow. Gonna need to get up really early, print this all out and put it into the folder. It should look pretty smart when it's done.

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Well, went to a club last night (um saturday) a bunch of people went inc my former interest, we had a couple cocktails and sat down and cleared the air about alot of things that had happened over the past week. I've learnt to never assume again, and today she and my friends girlfriend came round and we all watched the eurovision =] twas fun.

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