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Sounds reasonable. Plus you'll be full of love and joy from the M&K gig and can spread it to others.


Yeah go to the gig I say, your friend will still have a birthday next year! Can't be bound to what they wanna do all the time!


Okay, cool, so I'm not being unreasonable.


It's his 21st. Plus, it's not like I planned to be busy, especially since I told him I was free about a month ago and I doubt it'll end until very late. Maybe I'll give the party a second wind. :p (although I doubt it'll need it.)


Didn't get the job. ._.


Unlucky man!! :smile:

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In what is a fitting yet annoying last night memory I just heard my housemate getting a good pounding just as I wanted to go to bed. Ah well they've both popped to the bathroom now so I presume it is safe.


Plus Daft, if he gets that drunk just blag that you've been there all night :heh:

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My school (most of the students anyway) went to a protest organized by the school against the Genocide in Darfur, and the fact that the Canadian government doesn't recognize it as a genocide. We walked basically from the school (very south end of the city) to an area called the forks (big tourist area) which is in the very center of the city. It took about 3 hours. We stayed there an hour and a half for lunch, and then got bussed back. Some old bitch tried to run us over with her car on our way there, we were crossing the entrance to a parking lot, she was stopped there for a few seconds and then decided it would be a good idea to start moving forward with about 10 people right in front of her car. Although, it was a good day, I got to catch up with some friends I haven't seen at all really this semester.

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Shock horror, drunk in front of your headteacher on your leaving night?


Sorry, I was getting ready to write an angry post at you then I realised it's my own anger shining through and pissing me off right now. Not in a happy mood. Sounds like you had a good night, glad to hear it.

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Shock horror, drunk in front of your headteacher on your leaving night?



Was helping out at this anniversary ball thing. So drunk. I hate it. Han broke a glass but it I kept apologising. Horrific.

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I sent an email last night at about 10pm (a Friday with a foam party on at the Union, too) regarding the setting up of a Atheist, Agnostic and Humanist Society, and by the time I got up at 10 this morning, I had 3 pages of emails about it waiting for me. I feel popular. :heh:

It's got to the point where when I refresh my emails every 15 mins or so, I'm surprised when I don't have new messages about it.


What also surprised me that only one was actually negative/abusive. I'm sure the CU's members will get round to spreading the "love" shortly enough...

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Was helping out at this anniversary ball thing. So drunk. I hate it. Han broke a glass but it I kept apologising. Horrific.


I love how legible this is, when all I get is a botched text reading, and I quote "JAMJG.AGAMG"


Aaahh....you do make me laugh :P

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I love how legible this is, when all I get is a botched text reading, and I quote "JAMJG.AGAMG"


Aaahh....you do make me laugh :P


I literally spent like 10 minutes trying so hard not to make an ass of myself by typing badly. You already know I'm a tard, so I don't need to put the effort in. :p I think my conversation with Ashley on facebook consisted of "HEYED ONFG I AM DRUNJ".


Omg, what the heck was I trying to text you? Though, I just love the fact that even when trollied, I knew you'd miss the fullstop in the "My headteacher just saw me. Orgasm".

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My day has not been interesting. I actually spent most of it in bed...

Slept until noon, got up and surfed the internet for a bit, but felt weird so crawled back into bed. Got up and had lunch... but still didn't feel good (headache, eyes hurting, feeling bleh in general) and so went to bed again. Did that on and off until now, and it's 6:30 already so I wasted my day. =(



Guess it's time to actually start working now then, booh.

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Got up early, after having a very vivid morning dream where my house was infested with scorpions. My mum was really lax about, as they were big, so their sting wasn't overly dangerous. My room was full of them, kept killing them and throwing them in the bin.


Then in the same/different dream I was taking part in some sort of production of a play/some meeting where various female Batman enemies were present, but were obviously not them. Poison Ivy was a really dumpy woman painted green. I remember chasing her through "the hole in the wall" at school and tag-teaming her ass with a girl in my class.


Then I woke up.


Went out early to get to the printers to print out photos of my art in A3, but it was closed. Met a friend of mine randomly though. Then went to "The Quarry", an area of big shops. Got Cd-R's, a new shirt, new school trousers, managed to rip the ass off mine yesterday. (...)


Then went home, and my dad arrived with the Cyan ink cartridge I'd asked for, he then took me out to another printers, got the photos done, then floated around Forbidden Planet for a bit, and he got me Caprica Six for 1.99 as a joke present.


Have to finish my portfolio tonight, after CHINESE. Then I may as well do, some, y'know, "Revision" for my EXAM ON FUCKING TUESDAY.



My Biker Mice arrived today. Its simply awesome. But I need Mint-in-box bikes. Need. Bikes.




I remember when I was like..9 browsing all the X-men figures on eBay never knowing what the scared MIB was. I was so dissapointed when it finally made sense.

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I remember when I was like..9 browsing all the X-men figures on eBay never knowing what the scared MIB was. I was so dissapointed when it finally made sense.


Lolz. Hell I didn't even realise what something was until recently. "MOC" in the circles I frequented meant "My own creation" (a term I picked up in LEGO forums) and when I kept seeing things of Biker Mice MOC....first one I saw was "Parachute Throttle" I was like, oh someone made a Throttle figure with a parachute lol. But it means "Mint-on-card"


Bit annoyed actually, I need Modo....he's the last one I need, and there was one on Ebay the other day and I thought I'd win easily (cos' I won these two lots so easily) and it went for a lot more.


And the mint-on-card/in boxes are very scarce. I'm checking every few days though.


Seriously want some bikes though.

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Just got back from a day out in Edinburgh. Went in looking to ascertain the 4 albums which I didn't get out of the HMV nearest to me and only managed to get 1. Went to 3 HMVs and 1 Fopp and only managed to get hold of My Winter Storm bt Tarja. Bit of a joke really. Busy as hell though in Edinburgh. Walking Princes Street is a nightmare on anyday so I normally go the sneaky way along Rose Street to get away from everyone but that was just as bad. :nono: EVeryone must have heard I was in town :D


After getting fed up of the city centre, got on a bus down to Ocean Terminal as I hadn't been there for nearly 3 years. And bloody hell is that place depressing. It's big and they've filled it all out now since I was last there but there is nothing decent there (apart from the MP3 stall which is where I got my Archos Gmini 402 a few years back) and just feels devoid of life even when it's busy. Won't exactly be going back there in a hurry. Although the Ocean Grill smelled amazing when I went passed. Wish I had had time to stop for some food but alas I didn't.


So after that excitement, went and caught the train back to Kirkcaldy and went to another HMV and bought a few other things, mostly on a whim. I think I'm supposed to be going out with the family for dinner at Nando's, minus the sister and nephew which is nice (although I wouldn't have minded the nephew there). Gonna miss the start of the Eurovision Song Contest. Damn! :heh: I'm shocked there isn't a thread made for it. Where's Dante when you need one? :heh:

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After getting fed up of the city centre, got on a bus down to Ocean Terminal as I hadn't been there for nearly 3 years. And bloody hell is that place depressing. It's big and they've filled it all out now since I was last there but there is nothing decent there (apart from the MP3 stall which is where I got my Archos Gmini 402 a few years back) and just feels devoid of life even when it's busy. Won't exactly be going back there in a hurry. Although the Ocean Grill smelled amazing when I went passed. Wish I had had time to stop for some food but alas I didn't.


God you're rude. My local shopping mall.


I don't think it's like that now, or maybe I just see it as serene or whatever. I never just wander about though, so maybe that's why. I always have a goal whenever I'm there. It's useful, being 10 minute walk from me (effectively).

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Daft just reminded me, i do need to clean out my MSN and Facebook friends as well. Just a tidy though, to all the ones who


A: I don't have a clue who they are

B: Who i don't like or ever talk to


Everytime i do such a clean, they just re-add me.


Don't worry, N:E i will try not to wipe any of you lot out, if i can help it.

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Jeez...my sisters godfather died...had a big heart attack. Its crazy, he's the same age as my dad and...well he seemed fit as a fiddle last time I saw him (in January)


Makes me a bit worried about my dad considering it can happen so suddenly for him. :(

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