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I just found a picture of one of my sisters friends on the internet. As in, a naked "camwhore" pic. This has made my day.


That would make me either piss myself, or make me gasp in horror. Haha. :D


You'll never look at her in the same way. How old is she?


Today has been good. I woke up and played guitar straight for about an hour, because I really want to get into it. I can play Hand on your Heart and Heartbeats pretty decently now (Jose Gonzalez - big mancrush) and a few other ones hear and there. It's the finger-picking and patterns that I'm falling in love with. :)


I went to the park with two friends and played football there for a few hours, as well. It was really good fun, even though we only passed it around or took shots at each other. I wanna play a game. :D


I also watched some program about embarassing illnesses/diseases, which was strange. Women who had horrible fungus growing out of their feet...or stuff on their arseholes. Was not pleasant!

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Oh good. Got me worried. There is that thousand word review thing we have to email in. I wonder who we give it to and... when. On the Monday just sent it him?

I have wondered in the past why you didn't take programming. I did not express this out loud though.

PS: I gots virtual scrolling in my programming. I think that will do for that module...


Well I think I only enjoy programming so much because it's something totally removed from the rest of things. Also it's design with results straight away. I think... either that or I really should of taken programming...


I haven't even looked at the 1000 work report for the team project yet... I don't know how we go about handing it in... *shrug*

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I was having a good day. Doing no work. Sitting in the sun. My best friend came and sat with us and over the next couple hours it dawned on me he finishes university in less than four weeks.


He lives in Scotland and he's moving to America later this year.


I am completely, utterly, dismally upset by this.



He makes my life tolerable.

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Guest Captain Falcon
I was having a good day. Doing no work. Sitting in the sun. My best friend came and sat with us and over the next couple hours it dawned on me he finishes university in less than four weeks.


He lives in Scotland and he's moving to America later this year.


I am completely, utterly, dismally upset by this.



He makes my life tolerable.


You ever thought of joining him over there?

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Guest Jordan
I was having a good day. Doing no work. Sitting in the sun. My best friend came and sat with us and over the next couple hours it dawned on me he finishes university in less than four weeks.


He lives in Scotland and he's moving to America later this year.


I am completely, utterly, dismally upset by this.



He makes my life tolerable.


Man that sucks pretty bad...

All my best friends still live in Yorkshire and i barely get to see them. But your gap will be 10 times that.

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I got this nasal spray (Sumatriptin or something) to attempt to halt the migraines I get all the freaking time. I got one out the packet, and attempted to use it. I ended up firing the about half the bottle of stuff up my nose, because I pushed on the thing to hard and broke it.


I was not pleased.

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You ever thought of joining him over there?


I've been thinking about going to America for a while now. I've got another two years of university left so in the long run maybe, but a lot can change in two year. [/The evil realist in me.]


Man that sucks pretty bad...

All my best friends still live in Yorkshire and i barely get to see them. But your gap will be 10 times that.


Yeah, it's a bit unreal at the moment. Hopefully next summer I'll be able to go on that road trip that I was going to go on this year.

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Guest Captain Falcon
I've been thinking about going to America for a while now. I've got another two years of university left so in the long run maybe, but a lot can change in two year. [/The evil realist in me.]


A lot can change, but doesn't mean to say it will be for the worst.


You never know, in his absence, you might find someone else to keep your sanity in check.

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Guest Jordan


I've been thinking about going to America for a while now. I've got another two years of university left so in the long run maybe, but a lot can change in two year. [/The evil realist in me.]



Moving somewhere just for another person usually isn't worth it. Trust me.


Unless of course, you have a valid reason for going.

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A lot can change, but doesn't mean to say it will be for the worst.


You never know, in his absence, you might find someone else to keep your sanity in check.


True, it's just a bit sad. :hmm:


It takes a very special person to keep me grounded and good. :heh:


Moving somewhere just for another person usually isn't worth it. Trust me.


Unless of course, you have a valid reason for going.


Yeah, I've wanted to live in another country for a bit. Coincidence that we both picked America but it's a massive country and I wouldn't be moving where he intends to live. I want to be in New York, think he's looking at Washington or somewhere near there.

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Unless of course, you have a valid reason for going.


Like... love? I think love is a valid reason. And Daft sounds like he's in love.


Anyway, speaking of America... I got an e-mail today for my work experience... I really need to get round to telling them I'm not going...

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Guest Jordan
Like... love? I think love is a valid reason. And Daft sounds like he's in love.


Hot man love... That is real love.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Yeah, I've wanted to live in another country for a bit. Coincidence that we both picked America but it's a massive country and I wouldn't be moving where he intends to live. I want to be in New York, think he's looking at Washington or somewhere near there.


DC or State? (DC isn't that far away in the grand scheme of things) Either way, getting a plane over there is like getting on a bus over here.

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Guest Captain Falcon
DC, but this is way over thinking. It's not the end of the world, it's just very lame that good things have to come to an end. :heh:


Partly what makes them good.


Cheers though! :smile:


Over thinking thinks is a great skill (read: flaw) of mine.


I guess it's not until somethings end that you truly get to appreciate just what they mean an how good they actually were.

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Over thinking thinks is a great skill (read: flaw) of mine.


I guess it's not until somethings end that you truly get to appreciate just what they mean an how good they actually were.


Over thinking isn't that bad. It's just not necessary some times. :smile:


I think you can appreciate something while it lasts if you are aware that nothing lasts. That isn't as pessimistic as it sounds.

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Just saw Dan Dare off about... lol 30 min ago? I dunno.


It's really, really weird to think that since i joined these forums (in, what, 98? Fuuuuck) I've met 35+ members, I live with two, I dated another, three have slept on my sofa aaaand I've made great friends with one of them. So fucking bizaaaaaaaaaar!


Played Catan, castle crashers. Listened to Mogwai (need to listen to that properly!) and watched Gran Turismo. Looks like we're gonna have a few Clint Eastwood movie nights, now! After the failed bbq attempt it turned out to be a good day.


The sun's out and... well and I'm just so much fucking happier when the sun's out! Very eager to get to a park and piss about for a few hours with a few good men. The N-E meet will hopefully see a very content j7 =) LUVUUU!


P.S. Alcohol rawks. But not as much as ketamine. Which me and dan are gonna take. And make vids of. Lol. He doesn't know that.


P.P.S. Massive Twilight Fan.


P.P.P.S. looooooooooooooooooooool!


I just shelled out a few pounds for the Braid soundtrack.


Fuck, i forgot how stupidly beautiful this music is... Daamnnn.

Rip and send? I GIV U PRETZLS?

I got this nasal spray (Sumatriptin or something) to attempt to halt the migraines I get all the freaking time. I got one out the packet, and attempted to use it. I ended up firing the about half the bottle of stuff up my nose, because I pushed on the thing to hard and broke it.


I was not pleased.

Did you get high? That's pretty much all I could think of :P

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That concludes my afternoon. That shit is smooth straight and great mixed. Also Black Cherry Smirnoff Vodka sooooooooo goood.


Also Jamaican Rum flavored tobacco in the Hookah. And butterscotch.

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Just saw Dan Dare off about... lol 30 min ago? I dunno.


It's really, really weird to think that since i joined these forums (in, what, 98? Fuuuuck) I've met 35+ members, I live with two, I dated another, three have slept on my sofa aaaand I've made great friends with one of them. So fucking bizaaaaaaaaaar!


Heh. You don't remember, but one of them raped you too. :)

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Wisdom tooth is pushing through more and it's giving me some problems. I had a root canal done about 18 months ago and I actually enjoyed the procedure, i couldnt feel a thing and it was fairly entertaining. My question is, how similar, in terms of pain, is the removal of a wisom tooth to a root canal procedure, just incase I have to get it done?

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My question is, how similar, in terms of pain, is the removal of a wisom tooth to a root canal procedure, just incase I have to get it done?


I've only had one tooth out and that was near the front, so not really wisdom but it was pretty painless tbh, wisdom would probably be different though...




Having one of those days today where you have stuff that you could do but don't really feel like doing anything much in particular. :/


I need some motivation lol.

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