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Guest Captain Falcon

After another restless night, i decided to go see a doctor about my cold. Apparently it's just a chest infection and nothing to wrry about so he gave me a prescription for some medication.


I feel a bit of a wimp though now, as I've only seen a doctor once in the last 17 years and that's only because I thought I broke my toe after slipping and then accidentally kicking a brick wall with bare feet (and that has to be 10 years ago).


Other than that, went into work and since somebody wanted to do my job for the day, I got to do somebody else since we had a guy in our team off. The work I was doing is the work I used to do before swapping earlier this year and I have to say, it's far more enjoyable than what I do now.


Phones were dead, which was nice, and so it meant I didn't really do that much today. I did manage to get in a bit of my favourite activity though - making the ladies in our contact centre feel that little bit nicer about themselves with a few nicely worded emails.

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Its been a good weekend, nice long weekend i might add. 4 days off, now got 3 days in work before another 2 off.


Much of the weekend was spent in the pub enjoying the night, Friday i was at a party (one of my mates' brothers 18th, he got trashed so did many of us).


Did go into town today, but only to play pool though.


Edit: Just saw the Cashew Review, nice. I'm always fond of a good Cashew.

Edited by Jimbob
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Cashew Review



ReZ my good man, do we have the same glasses? I'm fairly confident that we do. Quiksilvers? :D


Also mega lols. Cashew Review. (y) How many times did you have to force yourself not to laugh when saying "Clings to the nut"? :heh:


Hahahahh! I didn't even think of that. My favourite line is ;


"They taste very similar. They are both cashew nuts."


Aye, glasses are indeed Quicksilver. I in fact need new ones soon...I have a feeling my eye sight has changed slightly, plus the red Quicksilver logo has faded.


They're the nicest glasses I've ever had though. My mate has the exact same glasses too in fact.



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Aye, glasses are indeed Quicksilver. I in fact need new ones soon...I have a feeling my eye sight has changed slightly, plus the red Quicksilver logo has faded.


They're the nicest glasses I've ever had though. My mate has the exact same glasses too in fact.


Yes indeed, my logo has faded as well. I too need new glasses! Kindred spirits bro.


I think you missed out on a golden opportunity to be honest. You spilled your nuts.


You spilled. Your nuts.


Nuts. Spilled.


How could you miss such an obvious, obvious line... ;_;

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"It's a good nut"


Love that last line. If I ever shop for nuts I will heed your wise words Rez.


Once again I'm trawling through semi-comprehensible science articles on mushrooms and their enzymes trying to find any bits and pieces that might be relevant to my research. It's not the most exciting point in my life I have to admit. However I have some pretty tasty beer from Patagonia to keep me going, so I guess it's not all bad.

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ReZ, these one liners to a particular person can be done through Visitor Messaging now, especially as they get notifed about it rather than potentially lost amongst this.


Last night I had a dream I met Paris Hilton and I mentioned I had one of her songs on my ipod but she got upset it wasn't ID3 tagged correctly...odd.


Anyway woke up early and watched some stuff. Went to town to the post office sorting place, then Yum Yum Oriental Food. Got some ingredients and came back and prepped the rice. Then a friend came round and I made sushi, and....and...it didn't suck! Huzzah. Although the first batch had a smidgen too much wasabi ^_^ Im still full and this was about 4 o'clock.


Have since watched stuff and played Wii Fit. Oh and I met one of my neighbours today...who moved in four months ago. Yay for socialising!

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I'm getting annoyed atm with the internet, it keeps going off and on and all that as and when it feels. When i was writing up the 10 things, it went off 5 times for 5 minutes at a time. BT have confirmed it is a line problem in the area, but don't seem to be doing anything about it.

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Hmm, today...it just feels like I've been working lots. I've done about another thousand words on my Findings for my dissertation, and been filling other sections here and there. Altogether, I'm just shy of 8,000 words, so thats pretty nice. I think I can get up to 10,000 tomorrow if I work as hard as I did today.


Also, been playing guitar again. Trying to learn Dust in the Wind by Kansas, and that's coming along nicely, too.


Hmm, bed, I think.

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I got up at 8 this morning. No reason, just to start the day properly, with breakfast, exercise, shower and... a nice poo.


Then I supposedly will have a proper day to do work... yet... I still can't be bothered. It's just one last module... concept, and I don't like concept... everything else with my uni course is done, I've even done all my programming (in for the same day as concept) with a couple of weeks to spare... just... need... to... concentrate...

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Whooo, worked until 2am or something yesterday and finally finished a drawing, yay! Had to be in tomorrow, so I'm happy I got it done a day early. Not happy with the result but oh well. =P


Played a bit of Ouendan 2 after I finished working last night, as a way to relax. Forgot how fun the game is, even though I miserably failed on one of the songs, haha.



Am currently going to do more work again, while sitting in the hot conservatory/veranda. Am wearing summer clothes though (which I have found out have become wayyyy too big for me) so I'll be just fine! I hope. Apparently it could get up to 25-26°C again today so I better prepare myself. XD

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I got up at 8 this morning. No reason, just to start the day properly, with breakfast, exercise, shower and... a nice poo.


Then I supposedly will have a proper day to do work... yet... I still can't be bothered. It's just one last module... concept, and I don't like concept... everything else with my uni course is done, I've even done all my programming (in for the same day as concept) with a couple of weeks to spare... just... need... to... concentrate...

Oh you bastard. I haven't started anything yet. You've got everything working in the programming then? The bendy projectiles and whatnot?

I'll get started on it soon...


Today I got up at 11 because I could not force myself back to sleep. I would do work today but I just don't feel comfortable to do it.

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Oh you bastard. I haven't started anything yet. You've got everything working in the programming then? The bendy projectiles and whatnot?

I'll get started on it soon...


Today I got up at 11 because I could not force myself back to sleep. I would do work today but I just don't feel comfortable to do it.


If it makes you feel any better, my concept is going terrible. Since getting up early all I've done is made myself feel happy by being productive with my health, making nice food and enjoying the decent internet speeds. Oh, and then being depressed and looking at my crappy "artwork" for concept.

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Mental, lolzers, a window cleaner has just pitched up right outside the window. Its...well I'm directly facing the window. A unique and awkward experience.


Oh he's leaving now. Must have been something I typed.

I know, it's freaky when that happens. The mystic stuff those people see on their travels...

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Mental, lolzers, a window cleaner has just pitched up right outside the window. Its...well I'm directly facing the window. A unique and awkward experience.


Oh he's leaving now. Must have been something I typed.


Could be, or he could be getting a notepad and pen for future reference :blank:

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Mental, lolzers, a window cleaner has just pitched up right outside the window. Its...well I'm directly facing the window. A unique and awkward experience.


Oh he's leaving now. Must have been something I typed.


Try living in an apartment building, you get this sorta stuff 1-2 times a year.

Happened to me once that I went out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel after taking a shower thinking I was home alone.

There they were, two of them standing outside the window on the fifth floor.


After nearly shitting myself I contemplated taking a jump out the window to escape the awkwardness of the situation.


An experience to remember.

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Try living in an apartment building, you get this sorta stuff 1-2 times a year.

Happened to me once that I went out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel after taking a shower thinking I was home alone.

There they were, two of them standing outside the window on the fifth floor.


After nearly shitting myself I contemplated taking a jump out the window to escape the awkwardness of the situation.


An experience to remember.


That's not bad. You weren't naked. When I've been home alone I've ran out of the shower and signed for parcels, dripping wet wearing only a towel.

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If it makes you feel any better, my concept is going terrible. Since getting up early all I've done is made myself feel happy by being productive with my health, making nice food and enjoying the decent internet speeds. Oh, and then being depressed and looking at my crappy "artwork" for concept.

But still you've done your programming. Have you done all the animations, backgrounds, characters, etc? And that skeleton you told me about? I'll knock up a load of crappy drawings and whatnot for concept. If I get a C or whatever then that's fine. I hear ya on decent internet speeds. Some of my downloads are speeding by.

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That's not bad. You weren't naked. When I've been home alone I've ran out of the shower and signed for parcels, dripping wet wearing only a towel.


Happened to me once that I went out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel after taking a shower thinking I was home alone.


I was quite naked under the towel.

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