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I was walking around town with Sarka, buying presents and the like, when we decided to go into my work to have hot chocolate. Then I walked in and everyone was like 'Letty, you're supposed to be working today!' And I was like and hour late, I hadn't realised I was supposed to be there :(


Sounds very embarassing but lucky that you went into your workplace for hot chocolate.

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apart from being horribly hectic...my day was going ok untill... now.

i'm supposed to be going shopping with my mum tomorrow, she does shopping trips in a kind of military fashion near christmas time so we're having a stupidly early start and i cant sleep >__<

i'm making signatures...

does anyone have either good methods to help you sleep ... or signature requests?! haha. please pm me i'm desperate >______<

she's going to wake me up at dawn i know it .... . . . .


i'm looking forward to tomorrow though.. i'm TOTALLY going to go meet santa in the MK grotto. *determined*

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Ugh. Im on this new product line, line at work, and theres this company (and specifically one person) who rings up quite often. Hes such a tosser, chasing a fax and just completely naive and a tosser. Asked to be put through to a sprecific person today even though it was something anyone could confirm. He clearly doesnt like me because I do my job properly. Hes such a dick. Had to vent.


Edit ;/ Classic. I hate idiots like the guy that just rang. I said I didnt recognise the policy number he gave, asked him what type of plan it was he said he didnt know...then got pissy when I couldnt help him! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TYPE OF PLAN YOU HAVE....How can I help someone that doesnt know that!!!??? EGHGH! Hate the general public, they are all tossers I mean seriously, I always try to be nice to people, and hope they have the common courtesy to mutually react.

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My days just seem to get worse and worse recently when it comes to work.


We just rolled out version 2 of our software which has a totally different procedure from version 1 install/upgrade. I've had 6 emails come in this morning already about it and i'm just waiting for our server to finish processing a SQL script i wrote.


Oh its done!

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Omg! I can believe I am posting this on a forums, plus it most certainly didnt warrent its own topic.

Yeah I'm going to try and ask someone out tonight but its difficult in terms of finding the physical words without sounds too off-the-cuff, too cheesy or too weird.


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Well, how do you feel about them?

Just say that, worked for me.


Only issue is you'll be completely vunerable and if she doesn't like you, it could end very badly.

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Yeah thats what people say and its always easier said than done!

Thanks for the advice jordan! Is "into you" too non-chalant caus it feels it :S


Hmm that's the thing, you get to a point where even though you know there is a chance you would be completely crushed that you should still go for it.

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yesterday started off manically. Woke up at 9.10 shouting "FUCK!" cause my alarm didnt go off and I was meant to open the store at 9. Ran upstairs and asked my housemate if she could drive me (as I live about 20 miles away) and she did and I got there for about 10.15. Had Wiis in as well so it was a rush start.


But the rest of the day was okay. Got home and just lounged round all evening chatting and ultimately ended up all four of us, and housemate's boyfriend, sitting around discussing old cartoons and then looking up inappropriate things on urbandictionary.com


Angry pirate is now a goal of mine :p

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Yeah, go for it.


If shes into you, she'll dig it....even if you accidentally text her (when you mean to text your best mate) saying "Oh my god! She likes me too! etc etc)




Haha, cheers.

I always wondered what how the rezourceman works; by accident apparently! Lucky you


erkk can focus on it too much but i cant help it!! :( Got a taekwondo grading for tonight at 8 aswell for my black tag :shakehead *dies*

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Guest Stefkov

Today my only lesson, starting at 8:40 was cancelled.

Sat in the computer room doing a bit of my work. Left at half 9 and went to some shops.

Came home. Very nice.


Ahhh so much for a nice day. Computer installed some updates last night.

PC just gets buggered now, little monitor sayin 92% of RAM being used.

On what?!? I've got the same programs I always have open which only uses about 50% of the RAM. Then the CPU's were going into overdrive going up to 100%.

Then the 360...again.

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Day so far has been shizzle. Done my maths exam today and had to get up early. Much easier than I thought cause it took me over 2 hours to get to sleep but woke up fine.


Anyway exam started at 9, I get to Uni at 9.05 since there was a huge traffic build up. But no worries I thought i'll be there in seconds. Or so I thought. I had no freaking idea where my exam was. I knew the name of the place but had no idea where. So after 10 minutes running around like an idiot chasing beer I still couldn't find it. Then to my surprise I was in the wrong building. The building where the exam was is at the entrance of the Uni where a bus stop is (I got off stop after it) so I go to the building thinking "Okay the Dining Room will be easy to find". But it wasn't. I got lost in the freaking building and ran around in different places going "There must be a freaking sign somewhere" so I asked for help but the guy gave the wrong directions at the end, he told me to go left but I should of went right. Then finally I make it. Bam 30 minutes of exam time gone so I had to do it all in 2 and a half hours.


I didn't finish it. I don't even know if I passed it or not. I really hope I do since I was confident I would. But if I pass it will be borderline (I would be happy with that)


I hope I get to resit it. Doesn't help when I have another exam at 2 which i'm 100% sure I will fail cause it turns out I needed a book that I don't have. Fun fun fun. But I said to the head of Psychology i'm sitting it next year.


Thank god for exam resits. And Computing Science. I know i've done well on that. Got 67% out of a possible 75% and still need to get marks added on.

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Haha, cheers.

I always wondered what how the rezourceman works; by accident apparently! Lucky you


Lol, cos it can't possibly be my looks or personality. ;) ;)


Yeah, I had a crush on Claire...a lot folk knew, but I was...well you know what Im like Im a nerd and a fool, but she asked me on ICQ saying that someone said I liked her...I was like...erm yeah...then she said she liked me, and I did the smoothest thing ever, ;


"Mike oh my god, just told Claire I liked her online and she said she liked me to!!!! Ahhh sooo happy!" or words to that affect, and of course in the rush and drama I accidentally texted it to Claire. She said online "Errr...did you mean to send that to me"


Im such a lover man. Lol, so the following day I literally asked her out...Lame, but it worked. And the rest as they say is history.

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Angry pirate is now a goal of mine :p


SOme geordie guy that came from Newcastle uni told a bunch of us about that.


That and bucking bronco.

Pick up the fattest bird you can find, do her up the pooper and cling on until she throws you off.


In his geordie voice that, and the angry pirate were pretty funnily described.

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