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Told a girl I liked how I feel about her today ( via text - classy!). For some reason I feel as if all the air has been sucked out of my stomach...


Haha! I feel ya! I totally did the same once but I did meet up with her like 2 secs later.


Sooo what was the response?

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Haha! I feel ya! I totally did the same once but I did meet up with her like 2 secs later.


Sooo what was the response?


She never has her phone topped up, so I might bump into her tomorrow - although unlikely seen as it's the last day; she's not in my tutor; we're there for 2 hours e.t.c


I'm glad I at least tried - I'm seriously a wuss when it comes to girls.

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She never has her phone topped up, so I might bump into her tomorrow - although unlikely seen as it's the last day; she's not in my tutor; we're there for 2 hours e.t.c


I'm glad I at least tried - I'm seriously a wuss when it comes to girls.


HaHa join the club!


I would suggest that when you do bump into her try to ask her again and not leave it at the text XD Otherwise It would be as "classy" as you said it was.


After school milkshake around town? seeing as its the last day.

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I may have somewhere to live next (academic) year. huzzah!


We tried a few more places earlier which yielded the same lacklustre responses and then I got a phonecall from someone saying four people were going to move into a house we were interested in, but have dropped out. Going to check again tomorrow and ask any questions and such but we're in such a desperate situation we have no means to be picky really.


And my friend said he should pop round later so we can go for a summer evening walk and stop off in a pub which'll be nice (if he turns up, 50% of his plans never progress). All the third years are starting their 'dissi demolition' today and I'm just not in the mood to get wasted. Got a week-long one to look forward to next year.


Oh sweet optimism. Its been a while.

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nightwolf; I don't think esequiel was having a poke at you at all - he was basically saying that they're hardly 'friends' if they treat you like that.


Spirited_Away - good luck with that :) Hope you won't need it.


Watched star wars episodes 5 and 6 today - forgotten how fairly good they are :P About to go off to the park for some juggling and cider, but not liking the fact that I'll turn up all sweaty from teh 40 minute walk.. need to get fit >_<

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HaHa join the club!


I would suggest that when you do bump into her try to ask her again and not leave it at the text XD Otherwise It would be as "classy" as you said it was.


After school milkshake around town? seeing as its the last day.


Hmm, big meetup after school tomorrow round the corner from me - might see her there...


We'll see what happens.:heh:


Cheers Jayseven. :)

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SUNNY WEATHERRRR.... drank in the botanical gardens yesterday, then did some juggling. Hit a friend in the side of the head. She wasn't impressed much. Then a bbq, and a day that totalled four trips to Tescos for booze/food/awful ass-grabbing pictures.


Today I am planning on scraping my grinder out again, followed by watching empire strikes back then return of the jedi! Wish me luck.


going back a page but:




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Today has been pretty good. Someone took my shoe and i spent a bit of time looking for it! :p


and for some reason someone else picked me up and fireman lifted me all the way into the sixth form lounge area it was odd....


Also The afternoon is such a waste of time but I turned it into a revision session, while listening to Crystal Castles. :D


It's hot! O___________O


Time to bring out the big fan!


I'm currently eating Raw Monkey Nuts! (for the first time) :grin:

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Days been ver generic. However, someone at work has got MASSIVE SUNBURN!! Sadly, its only on half her body because she was on her side :D Half her face is burnt - like Two-face in Batman.



I want the summer to come :(

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As if? I know nobody and can't get a ticket, plus it takes a journey and a half to get there xD


the odds are stacked!


Half the fun is meeting new people. (and the other half is the journey there and back :indeed: )


Though eBay prices are ridiculous, luckily I found an auction for only £45 above face, which is awesome (unless it's fake, in which case less awesome).

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Half the fun is meeting new people. (and the other half is the journey there and back :indeed: )


Though eBay prices are ridiculous, luckily I found an auction for only £45 above face, which is awesome (unless it's fake, in which case less awesome).


I'd probably go download instead, considering download is half an hour away and reading is like 4/5hours? :heh:

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Aw the summer is coming and people are getting tanned :(


I've got type 1 skin and NEVER tan! I just burn and get even more itchy than ever >_>


Today I feel like punching someone. They wanted to buy something from ebay, which I advised them against (bleach DVDs), BUT OH NO they go and bid! >_>


Now they are trying to squirm their way outta paying but the seller accepted the bid.






Karma wins again.

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The heat's giving me a headache, and my armpits smell like my bed. I wish I had some Cornettos, or ice-cold cans of Pepsi... :shakehead


Non mon ami. Vous vomir avec dégoût.


Not everybody worked in their French lessons, what the frig does that mean?

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Guest Stefkov

Today was mishmash. Went in for my last ever Computing lesson.

My teacher has a firm handshake.

Went and got my hair cut while photos developed. Then went to work. Then went back to college to finish as much as I could. Monday everything is going up/being set up.

I'm taking my GC in for my exhibition. It's gonna be 'Don't look at the bad work play smash bros instead' =D

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