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My day has greatly improved by the presence of Lloyd on my television. Other than that, it's been a pretty average day. Annoying that tonight got cancelled because of illness, but what can you do. Just hoping I get the reply I'm hoping for from the rather drawn out text I just sent. I fail at keeping things short.

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I fail at keeping things short.


I hear thats a good thing with sex.


I say "I hear that..." because lets face it. I'm a one minute wonder.


Went to a shopping centre which was busy as hell, but I found it calming. Didn't buy any xmas presents but came back and ordered something at least.


Now I appear to be organising my mother and her partner's trip to London.

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Went out for a drive in the Scirocco. Not to anywhere in particular, just fancied driving. Got overtook dangerously twice by 2 different groups of boy "racers" in a genero-chavwagon. Once was in a village where I was doing the 30mph limit ( I reckon they were doing at least 40) and one must have been doing at least 70 down a twisty road. Maybe it was the shame in being seen in such chav chariots that made them floor it.


I don't understand boy "racers". They spend all their time and money making their cars look "mad phat yo" and then drive too fast for anyone to see it in all its "glory".



Got a rather lovely looking MK2 Golf flash his lights at me though. It's nice to see other retro VW owners sharing the love.

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Exam tomorrow :(


Spend the last few days revising and just stopped for today, I think if I did any more at the moment it just wouldn't work. I'm really 50/50 for it, it's either going to go great or not well at all. Hummmmmm.


Edit : Chair, that is freaky as.

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Done about 1500/2000 words for my essay. I just need one more example of how a business can affect its external environment and hopefully I could get 200-300 words out of that. Then the conclusion and Bob's my uncle. Anyone got any ideas?


Also I can't find any XR2i/RS 1800 body kits for my car without spending more than the car itself is worth.

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Had an excellent night last night. Won 3 games of Snooker in a row, all 3 coming back from behind and winning on the last few balls on the table.


We are thinking of making a new rule at the club "if you fall asleep, it shall be at your own risk". Reason for this is because somebody came in completely drunk, bought a beer and fell asleep in a chair. As he was going bald on the top, someone kindly decided to "cover" this up by drawing a penis complete with hair and sack in the gap. Unfortunately the guy who took the pic hasn't uploaded it on fb yet, so i cannot prove it. It was bloody hilarious though.

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So I went to London on Friday for Christmas shopping....went to Forbidden Planet, then went to Winter Wonderland, but then we had to come home because Claire felt poorly. :( I was most upset. So we are going again on Saturday. Day after work Christmas party, so I will potentially be tired.


Hoefully not toooo hung over.


Finished Comedy Rainbow episode 2 (check it out link in sig) then watched Paranormal Activity today with my sis. Partly ruined by the stupid Aylesbury chavs who think horror = comedy and laughed at bits/talked/phone went off three times.


Not the kind of movie to watch at the cinema IMO. Also it was identical to Blair Witch Project, but it was enjoyable.


I really need to crack on with my Daken (Wolverine son) costume. Must must must get fabric glue this week. And red belt/elastic.


Oh. And when I've got a shitty ass team on Uncharted it just means I gotta pick up the slack.



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Didn't manage to sleep until god knows what time last night, which was a total pain. However, I've been vaguely productive and tidied my room. Managed to find over 10 pounds worth of change on the floor which was a nice surprise. So happy Emily's back in the flat tonight, really have missed her throughout this week. However, if Lloyd is voted off this week I'm so going to be an emotional wreck. :p

Edited by Slaggis
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Good day, went to the trafford centre with my mum and grandad, originally I was feeling rather miserable as I couldn't really afford anything. But the money mum was going to give me I was able to use, got a few christmas presents sorted.


Got a text from my hopefully future landlord telling me one of the properties I was looking at had been taken, LUCKILY the one I want is still on offer, going to see it again tuesday, parents say they'll help us out and I can get it. Which makes my day, think my dad is really worried about me..


I think because in July I was fucking miserable, I've never lived somewhere I've felt so down about, it wasn't even that Liz was annoying me or Becka was being all lovey dovey, it was the house, I can't quite explain it, but anyway, I stupidly told my mum, who later told my dad, so now my dad knows I was abit miserable. Now I'm alright with it, I don't like the house, but its liveable and its nice to know I'm not here in July.


So yeah, shopping + flat = happee. Get to start my job wednesday too.

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