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Yeah those are two wonderful costumes.




Done nothing all day. Woke up at 12, went to buy more stuff for my sister's birthday tomorrow. Came home, played X-Men Legends 2. Then went to pick up sister with my mum, met Chair in school grounds, for an impromptu to yet rewarding chat. Came home. Played X-Men Legends 2. Watched one of the past few Brothers and Sisters episodes I've missed. Still got one, and then tonights (not gonna watch it tonight) to watch on 4OD. Listening to Placebo's new album atm. Better than I initially thought it would be.


Hmm. Said I'd watch Wild Chld with my sister.

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We've seen piss-poor costumes, show us your staches.

Also made an amazingly awesome outfit from scratch. Good old glue gun.





"Oh. New Zelda. We've been told it's an older Link, my word, how amazingly different and older he looks.


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I'm happy, I'm now going on holiday again! woop woop de wooop.


Here is (almost) finished costume.



I can't ignore it. You should smile, things could be worse; A woman could cut off your penis while you're sleeping, and toss it out the window of a moving car.


A prize for the one who gets that quote.

"Oh. New Zelda. We've been told it's an older Link, my word, how amazingly different and older he looks.


That's Zelda? lmao, I love how long I have imagined you lot talking about the warrior princess. I should not be admitting this, but it's too funny.

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I'm happy, I'm now going on holiday again! woop woop de wooop.



I can't ignore it. You should smile, things could be worse; A woman could cut off your penis while you're sleeping, and toss it out the window of a moving car.


A prize for the one who gets that quote.


That's Zelda? lmao, I love how long I have imagined you lot talking about the warrior princess. I should not be admitting this, but it's too funny.


i do get your quote, that happened years ago, i saw the woman on a pupet show called strassman. whats my prize?


also, thats not zelda. thats link. VITAL INFORMATION.

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i do get your quote, that happened years ago, i saw the woman on a pupet show called strassman. whats my prize?


also, thats not zelda. thats link. VITAL INFORMATION.

The actual quote was from Fight Club! :p


Evidently not that vital for me, but thank you :)

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The actual quote was from Fight Club! :p


well, shit. still, i got the event referenced by fight club.


any one else remeber strassman, it was a guy with two dummys. strassman was a foul mouthed little boy, and teddy bear. teddy was a big, sweet and somwhat dim fellow. but was the highlite of my saterday nights.


the woman who cut the cock off was very nice, and very pretty. the strassman puppet quipped "you'd need a black and decker to get mine off."

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well, shit. still, i got the event referenced by fight club.


any one else remeber strassman, it was a guy with two dummys. strassman was a foul mouthed little boy, and teddy bear. teddy was a big, sweet and somwhat dim fellow. but was the highlite of my saterday nights.


the woman who cut the cock off was very nice, and very pretty. the strassman puppet quipped "you'd need a black and decker to get mine off."

You did get it, it's impressive. I admire you, if that's a good enough prize then take it, if not; I didn't think this through.

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The spine snapped!

T'was the mouse that lapsed

within the kitchen this morning.

A spike alighted

with a sound afrighted

Its speed unseen so soon.

His back did crack!

A marvel lacked

in the view of his parting glance.

He saw, his paw

did close to the maw,

a cheese of bounteous awe.

He confounded at once

that he wished he had pounced

much quicker, in shining glory.

Instead he must fade and age away

in this the trap,

so begun his story.


My fingers chew on teh words they choose, each tapped scrawling I etch is an attempt to correct the visions I see, the thoughts I believe, but instead I find that there's no way that my mind can completely agree with the things my eyes beam, with the wings of a bee I stretch to climb, to allow inside my beliefs of mine to correct the sublime, with the truths absolute in combat with the brutes that encumbre with delay the pains of today that write all away as if it were merely disdain when in truth, I say, there's more to be said, a lot more oomph in my head, that wants to break free, that glances from me, that sees what I see, that breathes what I believe!


But with youth I run free, with strength I plea; continue, these feelings within you; with curse I abhor you but with hope I implore you; in days to come there will always be one or many or few, or memories hued, that will burn and encumbre, to learn and discover, to sing or to hum; that there can be happiness begun if only we decree our love supreme. Why not sacrifice more if love breeds flaw? Can we not seep our blood lust so deep into rivers we keep entwined with each beat -- a promise that delivers a feeling, be it his/hers, that won't miss the divine that reaches behind back when this all started?

Edited by jayseven
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Heh good day so far, I slept all of it away. Was in bed shortly after midnight and didn't get up until 1:30 today. Lots of sleep! Think I needed it.

Had a weird dream as well, but it was interesting, I think. Seemed to go on for ages.


So yeah, about 13 hours of sleep, and now I'm wondering what to do. Think I'll clean my room while my parents go to Ikea. I want to join them but I think I'd have trouble keeping up. Leg is hurting again and the sore spot feels quite stiff or something. Boooh.


So, cleaning it is!

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Just back from having been out in the vague hope of getting a cd. Didn't get it. Getting annoyed now but hopefully I'll have better luck tomorrow when/if I go to Edinburgh. Was also looking to get Grand Slam Tennis on the Wii with the motionplus but held off because even if I got it, it's too damn warm to play and I'd rather sit and enjoy the weather. Got accosted by a charity girl person and had a nice chat. Really nice. Ended up talking about the sun and ourselves more than the charity, even though it's a pretty good cause (I think so anyway. All about trying to help those trapped in slave labour working for like 6p an hour. May consider looking into it more). She started messing with my hair, blatantly flirting with me but she was, at least I think she was, younger than me by a few years.


So just sitting enjoying the weather now. Much hotter than I thought it'd be which is nice. Might go outside in a bit and soak it up properly. :awesome:


edit: Oh, just found out I may be getting a copy of The Conduit at some point through next week for reviewing as some strings have been pulled with a SEGA PR. Awesome if I get it a week before release.

Edited by Ganepark32
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Fucks sake, hazard perception can kiss my ass. I really just cannot get this right. I'm in for a long night of revision i thinks :(


Theory tomorrow! I'm pretty much expecting to fail on the basis of the hazard perception.


Have faith child!


Good news my end - I got a 2.1 degree!!! Hurrah! I literally only just got it too, I've struggled for the last 4 bloody years with it and thankfully my hard work in the last year paid off!


So I'm obviously rather happy :)

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Woo! Poke a Pillow! :yay:


My day has been A OK. :) Revisions in the morning. Then I watched a movie which was fun. Also watched some Hannah Montana on the big screen downstairs which was Pro and increased the hilarity. :p Also played some Gears of War and Pokemans! :D


Good day, tomorrow mah friendo is coming over in celebration in him finishing his exams! :heh:

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Have faith child!


Good news my end - I got a 2.1 degree!!! Hurrah! I literally only just got it too, I've struggled for the last 4 bloody years with it and thankfully my hard work in the last year paid off!


So I'm obviously rather happy :)


Thanks poookiboo. :P Well done on doing so well!


I'm expecting to fail so I won't be disappointed if I do :P

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Guest Captain Falcon


I'm expecting to fail so I won't be disappointed if I do :P


But that attitude won't exactly help you either - like Pook said, you need to believe in yourself a little more.


I know you can do it :)

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How amazing are duck pancakes from Chinese takeaway, just the best thing. Half day at work today as I'm working tomorrow, so I met a friend for a vanilla latte and a chat in the sunshine which was lovely. Came home and tried to watch 21 grams, but just wasn't in the mindset. Kinda bored now; feel like going out, but alas...work.


Congrats Pook and good luck Raining! Have you got the practise DVD for the hazard perception? that really helped me.

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