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I went to the library to study. Stayed there for 5 hours, then came home. I took a random bus, then walked over a hill - was a nice change of scene, really sunny too.


X-Men Mafia is finished BTW. Feel free to post your thoughts.


Right. Been putting off sorting out my travel arrangements to germany for months, but it's still looking dirt cheap. I can get a return from dusseldorf to manchester for £5, spend the day there then go see Brand New straight away! Getting there is £35 either from stansted (which would require a £30 train too, but I'd get to travel with my mate on the flight) or, again, dirt cheap from manc (only I'd end up spending the whole day in germany at an airport all confused and stuff.


Sooo... another day of procrastination is in order. Dan Dare is being annoying. Fool! We can have fun without you anyway! Bah!


My mate can drive, and she sorta offered it - but there's nami's screening and the Brand New gig bookending this festival. We were going to consider starting in holland then basically hitching to the festival, then hitching back through belgium or france. Spoke to a guy who hitched to slovakia and he gave some good tips.


I wanted to hitch 'round europe this summer but totally underestimated my funds. I want to do canada next summer so I really need to get saving!


Yes, yes you do. I'm leaving it until I leave uni ideally, but then you sort of have left, how time flies. I wanted to be in france next year, but I got turned down..boo!


Gah, today was tiring...


Had to go into work 2 1/2 hours early today because they're putting everyone on some Hospitality/Customer Care course thing so I had a nearly 11 hour day! The tutor woman was playing up to my ego as well, saying things like there must be a group of girls who have started coming into the restaurant since I've been working there and that she's sure I've never been ignored/given bad service when I've been the customer. Seriously my ego is big enough already without random people saying stuff like that, not that I'm complaining of course :heh:


Oh well, work tomorrow then two days off - England game, Wii Sports and GOW2, gonna be awesome!


Craaaaap. It's dawned on me that I left my memory stick plugged into a PC at school on Friday afternoon. It's out of the way and really not noticeable at all since it's shadowed and under a cabinet, and if it's missing I should be able to easily track down whoever took it, as six lessons will have been held in there since my visit - max. I'll have to wake up early in the morning and go get it... Damn it.


I love it when horoscopes are semi-relevant:

"For ages, family or close friends have been complaining that you've time for everything else but them. Now, finally, you can make up for this. Still, don't simplify this into an otherwise overfull schedule. Ideally, in fact, you'll organise things so you can relax and forget about time altogether."


I finally got round to playing Harvest Moon again, my animals are my close friends and have complained. And when you play Harvest Moon, you really do forget about time.


Jesus. English A Level on Wednesday and once again, due to my own crippling procrastination/lack of willpower, today was my first proper revise of Hamlet. Just wrote out quotes all day. And I actually have done essays on Hamlet, like it a lot. Hopkins in the same exams, I've done no essays on it, and we never finished it. And tomorrow will be when I start and finish my revision of it. Joy! I'll have to take like..night classes and resit this exam next year I guess.


Just finished my Psychology exam, it was freaking abysmal. The five of us came out of it and gave each other a "We're so doomed" look, it was so depressing. Everything that we didn't want to come up, did. Just have to pray I can make it up with my final exam on monday. I've got Soci on thursday...but with Britney that evening, I can't see me getting any revision done for it on the wednesday night. So glad I can usually get A's and B's with little to no work for Soci, really helps with exam stress.


I truly hate arguments with people, they drive me insane and yet here I am having to argue with somebody over text.


Males are the most difficult, they don't see things the way women do and I understand that, but there's seeing something a different way and then seeing nothing wrong at all..


Grr, screw him >_>



Ditto, there have been many-a-time i've argued with females over text messages because they somehow don't understand where i am coming from even if i say things straight. Gah, i hate that.


Days are being counted down to find out who will most likely be made redundant in work. I have this funny feeling i will me among the 4 being made redundant.


Still, curry night tonight which always goes down a treat. Curry + Movie + Beer = Win!!


Revision! from last night untill Thursday morning I shall be revising like a bastard possesed. Then again it shall all go to shit if i end up failing anyway.


Just heard that it's the concensus that Ophelia will be the focus of the Hamlet exam tomorrow. Thank fuck, only character (other than Gertrude and hamlet) I can talk about. But if it's Horatio or Rosencrantz & Guildenstern, I'll kill myself.




I hate winter in Harvest Moon, there's barely anything to do. My consists of waking up, feeding the chickens and the cow, then maybe chopping some trees or hammering some rocks. I'm barely up beyond midday.


Wish I could just sleep for a couple of days on end. Hate being so damn tired and the sleep I'm getting is just horrible. Never mind.


More reviewing today. Have to try and fit a supposedly 20 hour + game into the space of about 10 hours. The games not that long, 9 chapters, but it's a real head scratcher, like all good point and click titles are. This is me taking a break from playing it but I'll have to go back to it in a little while.


Have had a look at the job listings for the last few days and there's a couple of things that I'll drop an email for, with there being one in particular that's pretty good but they're only offering 8 hours work but perhaps I could get more if I got it. And while I'm waiting to hear about jobs, I'm trying to think of stuff to fill my time, other than reviewing. Perhaps I'll learn a new language. Did start trying to learn Portuguese a while back so maybe I'll look that out.

"Thank you Michael, you've been really helpful, you knew all the questions off the top of your head, normally I'm on hold for ages."


pwning bitches with my Customer Service Skillz.


Found a job to apply for today. It pays considerably more than the jobs I've been going for before so it may be punching above my weight. It's also the best suited job I've gone for, however, so I may be in for a good chance.

  Dan Dare said:
Found a job to apply for today. It pays considerably more than the jobs I've been going for before so it may be punching above my weight. It's also the best suited job I've gone for, however, so I may be in for a good chance.


Go on Dan, you can do it!


What sort of stuff would it be doing? Are all the jobs you apply for based around the Sheffield area?


Yeah it's in Sheffers. University of, to be precise.


It's a media relations job- writing up stories from around the university (research proposals, notable achievements etc) and writing them up for Journals and media types to read.

Perfect for me, really. I just hope I can convince them of that. If all else fails, I can at least (reasonably) count on playing the disability card for an interview on legislative grounds ;)


Good luck DeeDee.


Made it to Kyoto. In my room there's a Finnish mother, her two my age sons and their friend, a French (?) guy I've barely seen and an american. Went for food with American and spent the evening hanging and chatting to a mix of people. Been a week since I've had a proper conversation.


Although shared living, urgh. The finnish all went to bed at 4. FOUR! and they've been in japan for a week so no jetlag bull.

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