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Casino Night!


Was about £65 up at one point but slowly pissed it away. I came out with profit though, so everything's alright.


What sort of sized bets do you make?


My brother keeps asking me to go but I'd feel stupid making piddly little bets. Although he says that there will be lots of people betting small.

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I bought GH: World Tour full band pack for Wii for just 99€ this morning. Incredible bargain, but too good to be true. When I opened the box, the drum showed signs of use. A plastic bit of the drum was cracked. But I that price I'm not one to complain. But I had to return it, there were pieces of the drum missing, which makes it pretty much impossible to play the damn game. Good thing I got a full refund, but I'm still kinda pissed.

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I still have no idea which university I want to go to, having recieved offers from Leeds, UEA, Southampton, and Leicester


English lit, these three were AAB offers

Leeds - Thought Id love this but overall felt it to be a little too huge, overwhelming, and chaotic when I went to a visit day recently. However the course is undeniably great and there seems to be a lot of module options. Not a fan of big city unis either.


Southampton - I adored the campus, lovely and green, slightly relaxed, and I like the location. Humanities (and thus english) campus was perhaps too sleepy though and I felt the course didn't appeal to me so much... + the lecturers I met sounded dull...

UEA - Seems liek a nice, if grey, relaxed and happy campus, with some great music at the LCR. However academically it doesn't look as great + if im going on league tables (I know they're a bad idea) then it doesn't look that great for lit


And Leicester has and will be my insurance choice at ABB


So can anyone offer up any opinions of said unis? I know everyone has their own opinion but yar. Cheeryos

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I've firmed UEA myself, so i'd say go there (Applied for accommodation today aswell :) ) I havn't read anything bad about it at all really, so that's a good thing.




My day: Applied for Uni accommodation, drove around for a bit, listened to some music and ate... fun fun fun.

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well im going to leeds met in september, took me awhile to choose as well and enjoyed the city feel of it also.


my day included going on ta 2 hour random walk with my sis and dad and applied for my student loan and other moneys o do with uni.

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The highlight of my day has been going out and getting a sandwich from Greggs (red thai chicken if anyone cares to know) which shows how slow my life is at the moment. Been sitting on job websites looking for stuff but nothing is coming up. Getting down hearted now. Currently sat watching About A Boy.


:nono: Really need to do something with my time other than frittering it away. I'm closing in on what I want to write about for my book. Going to be about a person who's become isolated mentally from the world. That's not the best way to explain it because it's kind of complex and while I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's about me, I'm going to very loosely base it on some of my experiences. The best stories, in my opinion, are the ones based around personal experiences.

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Had a very nice day today. Nice weather so polished my car this morning, also did the glass, wheels and bits of plastic so it's looking absolutely fantastic at the moment. Then me and my flat mate decided to do a bit of a Bridge run around the city, London Bridge and then round to Tower Bridge, very very nice to drive around. Also got in Piccadilly and Hyde Park, which are always good fun with all the tourists around.


Had a MacDonalds once we got back to Ealing which was good, though I left my card in the machine and had to go back and get it later on which sucked.


Now just chilling out with a bit of TV, can't be bothered to do much this evening so will prob waste it playing games and such.

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Really nice day today. Got up at half 11. Had breakfast blah blah. Helped my mum put her sheets on her bed and then had a shower, before taking the looooong bus to the cinema to go see Wolverine with Chair and No.3 of our trio. See review in other thread.


I donned my famous cut-off shorts and flip-flops combo for the first time this year! That's all I ever wear in summer. I'm sure I'm the only male to actually wear flip-flops when not on holiday.

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My day became INFINITELY better when I pulled from my pocket a wonderful pound coin, and inserted it into the RAMBO ARCADE MACHINE.

Subsequently it took from me another £4. BUT. The room was full of manliness. Flames erupted and took the place of my hair. Thousands of people were killed. Grown men wept. And a Galaxy far far away caved in on itself.

It could have not been any better.

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Today has been incredibly relaxing. :grin:


Some Revision in the morning then rushed out of my Pyjama's for an appointment at the bank where I sorted out some Finance. (well my Mum did :p) I just nodded slightly and got distracted by my wallet. I had more 50p's than I thought!


Then went home had a tortilla, then whisked off to the Cinema. Then had a fabulous walk home in the Sun! :D


This evening I've had Chinese which is always welcome and been watching TV!

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I still have no idea which university I want to go to, having recieved offers from Leeds, UEA, Southampton, and Leicester


English lit, these three were AAB offers

Leeds - Thought Id love this but overall felt it to be a little too huge, overwhelming, and chaotic when I went to a visit day recently. However the course is undeniably great and there seems to be a lot of module options. Not a fan of big city unis either.


Southampton - I adored the campus, lovely and green, slightly relaxed, and I like the location. Humanities (and thus english) campus was perhaps too sleepy though and I felt the course didn't appeal to me so much... + the lecturers I met sounded dull...

UEA - Seems liek a nice, if grey, relaxed and happy campus, with some great music at the LCR. However academically it doesn't look as great + if im going on league tables (I know they're a bad idea) then it doesn't look that great for lit


And Leicester has and will be my insurance choice at ABB


So can anyone offer up any opinions of said unis? I know everyone has their own opinion but yar. Cheeryos


Hmm another visit to Leeds may help you change your mind. It could be a first impression that will fade with time as the way you describe the others make it sound as if you're not particularly enthusiastic about them. Although league tables are potentially irrelevent. Depends what you want to do afterwards. However considering you're doing English Lit (not a criticism, but courses like law take a look at your undergrad location, most other people don't care) it shouldn't be too much of a concern.


I donned my famous cut-off shorts and flip-flops combo for the first time this year! That's all I ever wear in summer. I'm sure I'm the only male to actually wear flip-flops when not on holiday.


The rugby boys wear them about 10 months out of the year round here.


I woke up wicked early (7.15) and got myself looking...well, average, and then went to the library to paroose the restricted loan section. Came back and...did not much for the rest of the day. Watched the last episode of Pushing Daisies (:() and the new Dollhouse. Now cracking on with some of this assignment. Started with 170 words an hour or so ago, on 500, want to get to at least 1000 tonight.

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The rugby boys wear them about 10 months out of the year round here.


Oh well. I still feel special.




Oh my god. My day was made when I saw wristwatches being sold on ASOS for over a thousand pounds! lol!


I'll never get watches being expensive.

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Oh well. I still feel special.




Oh my god. My day was made when I saw wristwatches being sold on ASOS for over a thousand pounds! lol!


I'll never get watches being expensive.


Anything that associates you with rugby boy also in turn associates you with special ;)


My housemate's several-hundred pound watch broke yesterday. I mocked her.

(granted, she didn't buy it but still, shoddiness)

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How much better can a £1000 watch be than a £15 one? I seriously don't understand. Sure aesthetics, but you can get nice ones cheap. Plus heavy watches are just a pain.


Unbelievable. Maybe as a gift it would be ok, but I'd prefer the money.

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Woke up at 6am, went to town for 10am, bought two KNITTED jumpers and a couple of books, ate at wetherspoons and had an old bloke ask me what i was eating and how it was before resuming his paper, then played pool w/dan, nami, shorty and the 'ex' for a wee bit before seeing her off at the station, followed by some frisbee up the park, then some nandos for tea, then cinema (wolverine sucks) then some marvel action heroes thingey on teh xbox, and now I'm going to have a spliff and watch some tv stuff and read The Road.


it's been a rather excellent day all-in-all.



I know leeds uni fairly well, and while the campus is a small town of its own, you'll quickly notice that you only use the two libararies (one more than the other), one or two main buildings and... yeah. A doddle. It gets hectic during the summer, with every patch of green covered, but the city is writhing with students so clubs, bars and gigs are always happening. Buses, in my opinion, are nearly always full mind you, but really you'll never be more than a 30 min walk away from anywhere.

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