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Ugh, another day of ups and downs. On the upside I got to see a landfill site, on the downside I failed to get the research project I was interviewed for last week and really really wanted. That leaves me without any leads on a research project at all and my research proposal is meant to be done for Monday.....shit. :(


Also congrats Eenuh, your drawings deserve to be published more. I reckon one day you'll be a world famous childrens artist like Quentin Blake.

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good time at the gym, then a stranger started talking to us, seemed plesant till the subject turned to "puffs".

Magic dragons are something of a social stumbling block, it's true.


I've been feeling unremittingly shit all day, even though I've had no more reason than usual; I guess it's just one of those things. I wouldn't mind so much if there was a silver lining, but it's sapped me of motivation to so much as eat, let alone go out and grab the world by the testes. It's situations like this that make me wonder why people bother arguing over the existence of God: if he does exist he's either incompetent or a sadist, neither of which are particularly praise-worthy traits.

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Such a busy day tomorrow, I'm tired just thinking about it.


It's yearbook day, and we have to finish our "page". I need to think of a song lyric that sums me up but I have no fucking idea (Help me!). If only I was a woman, then I could have put "I'm the mother fucking princess" from girlfriend. Damn my lack of vagina.


Then, I need to make a couple of wands for my fairly odd parents outfit for friday but stealing junk from the art department, and then I need to get prom sorted asap, all whilst getting my exam results 5th period.



Edited by Slaggis
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Ahhhh i thought they were here tomorrow, i'm quietly confident about mine : peace:(except math :shakehead).




My day involved ICT in which i learnt nothing new. Umm that's about it really, the most interesting thing that happened was going to get some petrol with Moogle... God that sounds crap.

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Such a busy day tomorrow, I'm tired just thinking about it.


It's yearbook day, and we have to finish our "page". I need to think of a song lyric that sums me up but I have no fucking idea (Help me!). If only I was a woman, then I could have out "I'm the mother fucking princess" from girlfriend. Damn my lack of vagina.


Then, I need to make a couple of wands for my fairly odd parents outfit for friday but stealing junk from the art department, and then I need to get prom sorted asap, all whilst getting my exam results 5th period.




You could still right that about yourself. That will defiinitely give something for the people in years to come to read ;)

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You could still right that about yourself. That will defiinitely give something for the people in years to come to read ;)


Haha! I would love to, just for funsies. But...somehow I think in 10 years I'd look back and think *Facepalm*.

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Guest Jordan

Got home, had dinner, had friends over, fixed some ones laptop screen... watched TV, played some Peggle.


That's been my night.

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As a precaution.


/slaps jayseven again to make sure he isn't doing something stupid.


My day's been good. Been chilling out most of the evening chatting to many people on facebook and msn (well, by many i mean 4, only ones to respond). Darn it, same as Dazz said to me earlier, i hate people who don't say goodbye before signing off.


I just found this:

Cut to about a minute in and marvel at how timeless this scene is with humourous slow motion.



It's so sinister!


Pure genius EEVIL :bowdown:. Its pure humourous.

Edited by Jimbob
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Grooo, I has the man flu. Had rather a rough night but I think I'm through the worst of it already. I'll wrap up warm with a cup o' hot Lemsip and a couple of Schwarzenegger or Naked Gun movies I think.


Be a man!


A real man would be out wrestling bears in the mountians with his shirt off, exposing his manly chest to the animal! And that bear shall cower in fear of the sight of that chest! By which point the guy would have broken the bear's neck, draged it down from the mountain (hopefully orphaning the bear's cubs) threw it on the table and started devouring the beast raw!


Be a man Arthur! fight the bears!



All in all my day has been good, took a nice little walk around the village and the surounding country. Very nice day indeed.

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