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might just head butt my sister before the day is through. never have a met some on who was so polite and generous, but at the same time self centered and horrible.

I have some family which are like that... My step cousins I believe they are. Their family seems to be fairly well off, so they get all the pr0 shit. But the parents are the down to Earth sort, whereas the kids have this high and mighty complex because they have this and that. The eldest son [Alex] has been to university and spent about a year in Germany, so he's been taken down a peg. Saw him at his 21st a few weeks back, the stick up his arse was noticeably smaller.


HOWEVER! The younger son [Eliot], who took pictures and put them on Facebook, thought it would be nice to brag about Alex's Tag Heuer watch. Going out of his way to tag the... Tag in every photo it's seen in, just in case you didn't notice its bulky shape earlier.


EDIT: My tongue still hurts after my fit on Sunday.

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*Screams into a cup*







*Literally tears up room like a crazed*



I just need to get 3 As at A-Level!!




And I stole a poster from work for the new film "Lesbian Vampire Killers"!




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*Screams into a cup*







*Literally tears up room like a crazed*



I just need to get 3 As at A-Level!!




And I stole a poster from work for the new film "Lesbian Vampire Killers"!




Sounds awesome. :)

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Today is going soooooooooo slow. Urgh... just want to get it over with. Went out for a bit earlier but because all of the sales have started already it was bloody mobbed and I couldn't get a look at anything so gave up. Wasted £2 getting an ovalbite from Greggs as after buying it and having left the shopping centre I found that they had not given me what I had asked for. :shakehead Asked for one of the xmas Chicken and Bacon ovalbites with the stuffing and cranberry and red onion chutney and they gave me something completely different. Really wanted it as well because that chutney is amazing.


Things then got a little worse for wear. Mother went out shopping and about 10 mins later I had my grandparents on the phone asking for her. Basically ended with them saying that we might not be able to go round to their house tomorrow for a family meet, as is tradition, because my grandfather has the flu and my grandmother has a chest infection. Feel bad cause I haven't seen them in 7 months but there really isn't much I can do. :( Still waiting on my mother coming home to find out what we're going to do.

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Spent half the day catching up on sleep, been tired as of late mainly due to the late nights and drinking i've been doing.


All presents are wrapped up, cards are all written now just passing the time until the Christmas Eve party at the pub at 8pm until late.

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*Screams into a cup*







*Literally tears up room like a crazed*



I just need to get 3 As at A-Level!!




And I stole a poster from work for the new film "Lesbian Vampire Killers"!





Wow, that's awesome!

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Strange couple of days, been thinking about stuff alot, luckily that means I'm still going back to sheffield in january.


Got my xmas present early, an xbox, through woolies because it was cheaper than I expected and now mum and dad keep trying to buy me games, its fun, really!


Christmas tomorrow, not really expecting much, just wanting christmas dinner, going to be weird...vicki won't be there, at least boxing day my grandad is over.

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Went to the church (St.John's right in town) for the Christingle service, as we always do. I used to attend the youth clubs etc, so I was in the nativity plays. They were always inmteresting, not actually "the xmas story", but the guy that used ot run them made them TOO odd and stuff.


(He's now in prison up north for being a convicted paedophile)


This whole service was just a shambles. I remember it used be like clockwork...very dissapointing...


I want to direct my own interpretation of the Nativity story next year, even if I'm not in Edinburgh, lol! I'd make it much more interesting.

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*Screams into a cup*







*Literally tears up room like a crazed*



I just need to get 3 As at A-Level!!




And I stole a poster from work for the new film "Lesbian Vampire Killers"!







Though I just came back from St.John's and talking with the lovely James, you remember him? He does music at Oxford...and I'm already over what I can tell everyone there is like.


Though I'm sure you'll find people to talk to that aren't too crazed.

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It's been a cristmas traditiomn here for many a year.

Sure I've mentioned it for many a year.

It is wicked though, a cranberry sauce base is optional.


I could see that cranberry base working quite well come to think of it. Do you use your standard mozzerella or another type of cheese and how does it gel with the stuffing? This is a recipe I may have to use in your honour at some point!

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I could see that cranberry base working quite well come to think of it. Do you use your standard mozzerella or another type of cheese and how does it gel with the stuffing? This is a recipe I may have to use in your honour at some point!


Generally I don't use Mozzeralla with pizza, it's far too mild, I usually use a nice mature cheddar, the consistency isn't the same, but it works OK, and tastes much better.

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Though I just came back from St.John's and talking with the lovely James, you remember him? He does music at Oxford...and I'm already over what I can tell everyone there is like.


Though I'm sure you'll find people to talk to that aren't too crazed.


Well yeah, I do reek of lovely jokes.

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I had that last week. Unlucky that you had to get it over christmas! :( Get better sooon ^___^


Gah, thanks lass. Getting ill's only nasty when you've got stuff to do though, over Christams it can be rather pleasant: I think I'll spend the next couple of days wrapped in a duvet in front of the telly as the hours float by in a groggy, lemsip-induced haze. :)

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Had that slump during the middle of the day (95 quid, aw man), but things are looking up. Just made myself a lovely tea. I had two salmon fillets, which were grilled, with about 8 or so roast potatoes, covered in parsley sauce.


Love salmon, yumyum. I'm slowly getting better at this cooking lark.

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Dragged myself out of bed and ran through my checklist of things to do before I leave (really agonised about the right amount of food to leave a hamster for two days). Then lugged about my weight of stuff to the train station and nearly died. Then lugged it from the other end to my mother's work. And I had in my mind I only had my mother to get but couldn't find anything (eventually did obviously) but she asked me to pick her present for nan up, and then her colleague/housemate/maybe lover asked me to pick something up for her.


Bumped into an old weird schoolmate which was nice. Then me, my grandparents, my mother and her c/h/m went to the pub I used to work at for a meal. They tried to make me work. I did not.


Got home, wrapped and now just waiting to feel tired and go to bed.


And because I won't be on tomorrow; Merry Christmas Everyone!

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