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Got home last night ^_^, it's pretty weird being home and I have to say incredibly boring!


Although thats only because my laptop is incredibly bad and I broke it..and I'm too lazy to plug my wii in the tv..haha ^_^


Going outh with the family tomorrow to meet the larger family and stuffs, might go out in my car monday and do some shopping!

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Just had my brother moaning at me on Facebook. He jokingly said "why is it everytime I think I can have a party you stop over" (referring to Christmas day as our dad is spending the night at our nan's and the fact that is the only place I can sleep that night) to which I jokingly said "fuck off" and he got in a little rant. Although I said invite his friends if he wants, but he has to be up at 10am the next day.


Apparently our dad is taking us to the pub on Christmas morning too. Which'll be awkward but at least he's trying eh?


Popped to town, it was heaving. More photoshopping. Have three photos left and I've gone through and done all the easy parts and I'll leave it to later and do all the fiddly stuff.


Other than that I have ironing to do, uni work to do, clean the hamster cage and watch Initial D as its due back to work tomorrow.


All in all a boring life.

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I hate the holidays. So boring. :heh: Moaning when I don't have enough time and moaning when I have loads. I just can't be pleased. :heh: Haven't done anything at all today. Really don't know where the day has gone. Was wanting to go out but don't know what happened there. By the time I remembered, it was already getting a bit late. Think I'll have a movie night and just stick on a bunch of movies. Just trying to find something to watch will be interesting as I've seen everything in my collection several times. Was forced to watch Anger Management last night because there was nothing else.

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Back from my ski trip, was epic. I became the leader of the group who had to guide, look after and generally help the group with their skiing which made me happy because it meant I was teh best :D :P


My mate thought he was better but this proved otherwise.


Time to catch up with everything else! Christmas soon!

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Right first things first, as RA said, retail therapy is made of epic massive whinz. I went to MK for Christmas shopping, pretty much did it all. Popped in the LEGO shop first, as its right next to "entrance/exit" just to have a look and some nice bargains, and I always pick whatever up on the way back so I dont have to carry ridiculously oversized boxes.


Anyway so went back in and I was like "OMG....2009 set....I didn't notice that earlier!" then I saw another. Then another (Indiana Jones...not one that I wanted but still) then another, THEN I SAW THIS AMAZING one and I was like omg omg, AND THEN as if I wasn't orgasming enough, a worker walked by with a stack in his hand and it was the new one with Mace Windu in :heart: :heart: :heart: I said "Ooooh hello" referring to the set, and he was like "Hello!" and I was like "aaahhh I really want that" and he handed me one. Excellent. So I got four new sets. Xmas present to myself. :heh:




...Was pretty amazing actually. Had a rly rly gud thyme. Basically. £20 up at lunch gambling with Spenno. £5 up after work? Then we popped to the pub, which was nice met up with Mollzter and Helen and then went onto the Pedo party I was on about. Literally like 6 other guys had the exact same pink tie. Was so lol. Got reasonably drunk. Moved onto town. Had some lol. Then moved onto a pub....OMG actual legendary. There was karaoke, and a friend and I popped up for a bit of Sugar We're Going Down, and when I first got the mic, I went "WWWWIIIIIIIIINNNNNNSSSTTTTTOOOOOONNNNNN" and me and the karaoke-runner had a little chat cos he A) recognised it immediately and B) was awesome. I actually love him. Anyway then the next song he played was "Your love is lifting me higher" or whatever its called and I was like LEEEDDDGEEEENNNNDDDDD. And then we had a few jokes and Spenno told a joke about how women are like hurricanes, and some rowdy guy goes "What mate, don't make jokes about Auschwitz" (sp) and Spenno was like...."Erm...I wasn't" "Wrong person" etc. Got pretty rowdy, and basically the guy got barred in the end, and the karaoke guy basically called us all legends and said come to the 24 hour karaoke that will be on, and yeah...



....Then kebab and home. Epic.



thx tew yew guuizze 4 a wikid evening. One of the best I've had in a while actually. Can't remember if I said that.





Going round my sisters tonight...prob gonna play Cluedo. I'm gonna make a prediction right now ; Mrs Peacock, Lounge, Lead Piping.

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I hate the holidays. So boring. :heh: Moaning when I don't have enough time and moaning when I have loads.

The moaning is fun, even well before the holidays. What kind are you getting? My main source of moaning bullshit is this one lass who enjoys slamming in the line "God I'm such a loser" in every conversation, just to get loads of compliments.

I just can't be pleased

Use a vibrator.

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no probz rez


glad we went to the pub cos it was getting a bit shit in chicagos. Was a pretty decent night thinking about it. Im fed up and tired now.


A) Yeah I was gonna say Chicagos is shit. I actually kind of hate it. Like....have to shout to talk, ridiculously busy at the bar etc.


B) Why fed up mate? Anyway Im off. Hugs. xxx


Everyone enjoy your evenings.

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Was a good night indeed! I probably had the best time in the two pubs to be honest. Chicagos is really rubbish; the bar, the music and the people all leave much to be desired. Today has been a blur of hangover and sleepyness on the sofa. Watched anchorman, live at the apollo and various tv shows with mon frere. Gonna have finest chicken kiev, chips and peas for tea, then watch movies and go to bed.

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Ooo, I thought she was just bolding it, because she might have enjoyed it or something. Like, maybe she's really into her job, I don't know.


I dunno, maybe Pooki is into seeing people at their natural place of work? I once took pictures of myself in sunglasses at work, because I thought I looked a teeny bit like the terminator. So, if she's got sexy haircut and checked trousers...

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Fuck yeah. Finished all 130-odd photos. Been a grueling few days but they're done. Just need to get up early and go get them printed (cheapest place for that many? I know Jessops do 50 for £5). Although the bride and groom's telephone number isn't working and they're not responding to facebook so this could all be for nothing. I've bust a nut getting it ready for xmas. Left a voicemail for the groom's sister asking if she has another number.


Anyway time to curl up and unwind. Part of me wants to watch The Fall but its two hours and I get the feeling its intense. So either Kabluey or BSG. Hmm.

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Stupid bloody parents.


We have this "family plot" (grave) which my family are expecting me to part-pay to get redone.


I'll rewind a bit and explain. We have a double width plot. And some stupid person (being my grandmother) got a single headstone and surround when her husband died. She's tight with money to put it lightly.


So the plot has a single surround on half and just grass on the other half (the grassy bit is empty) And of course the centre of it collapsed (like they tend to do) taking most of the surround with it. My father and uncle fixed it up, but that was a good 5 years ago, and it needs re-done completely.


Now i know I should have loyalty to my family.. but


1) the only person in there is someone that was buried 10 years before I was born.. and 2) I don't believe in being buried and find it entirely creepy that there are dead bodies underground, and hate graveyards, so therefore it will never be my grave.


The cost will be well into the thousands I imagine I'll be paying a good couple of hundred if not more.


If I asked my outside family for funds for a cremation, they'd probably shun me to hell. So why the hell is it okay this way?!



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^^ You should definitely be able to choose how you want to be buried/cremated and at the age of 22 (checked profile!) I'm surprised they're asking you to pay for something like that!




If there was a competition for the best 'Christmasy religious username' then 'The Inn Keeper' gets my vote!

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Ahh, that's alright then.



I joke, you're awesome. You win at life purely based on the avatar alone. Also, with the letters from your name, I can create the word Bloopa. So, you're well cool.


Ah my morale is lifted - many thanks kind sir, you have my utmost respect!


I just played the Boston Legal drinking game with housemates...let's just say tomorrow will be a very rough day...


In addition, I love you all.

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