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Basically....my mate Tom...he does and did this thing where you go "Mike" then (I) say "Yeah" then they say "Don't talk to me." but if you say their name, they can't say "Don't talk to me" I think Ive talked about it before.


Well it came back today. So lame. And Molly wasn't here when it was around last time....basically so many people got me. Then! Unbeleivable. I was standing next to Molly and Tom, (they sit next to their manager) and I was not doing any work, and she (their manager) goes "Mike" and I thought she was gonna say "Get back to work." But nope....I was like "Yeah" ..."Don't talk to me."


Proper got ripped yo.



Hahahaha! yeah she got you goooooood. What a loltastic day today was. (for a work day).

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Daft, if we were all normal then the world would be a boring place.


If we were all like Moogle then the world would *dreads to think*


You seem normal/awesome to me though. But then....thats to me....and I'm....you know...


Hahahaha! yeah she got you goooooood. What a loltastic day today was. (for a work day).


Yeah it was amazing....hearing your team having a laugh all day long, but not hearing what you were all laughing about. Quality. *Half joking* ;)

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Been to the orthodontist today. Had my impressions taken. I must say for a dentist he was quite good at mimicry.


But the x-ray machine thingy wasn't working or something so I have to go back tomorrow. And then I have to go to the doctors afterwards.


But hey, it's a day off of school.

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One of the team leads came up to me at work today and asked me, "Why can't you be normal?"


I didn't really know what to say...


Most the time I wish I was someone else.



Don't feel blue you can be someone else. You just need to get yourself a split personallity. Question is which one to choose? Angry and repressed, Crazy and Dangerous, quiet and shy? So many choices.




Today I decided I needed to get a move on and start planning my 30th Birthday. I'm doing something with the family the weekend before my Birthday (meal out at some place-likely to be a Sunday Roast) But I wanted to do something extra fun with myself and 29 other friends/co-workers.


So I drove out to Starcity and rented out the Laserstation Venue for 30 people followed by prebooking a table for 30 people at La Tasca for afterwards. It's been years since I played laser/quaser style games but it's going to be a real blast/fun 20mins I reckon.


Next I drove onto the Fort shopping centre in an attempt to buy some Invites-but sadly WHsmith had only crappy designs in packets of 8 (go figure that number) So I took another drive back to Tamworth and stopped at Clinton cards and selected 3 designs of invites (each in a pack of 10).


So tomorrow while at work and IF I have some free time I'II be writing invites in a gold pen I reckon.

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One of the team leads came up to me at work today and asked me, "Why can't you be normal?"


I didn't really know what to say...


Most the time I wish I was someone else.


From what you've told me of your colleagues none of them are anyway...


But in the words of the safety dance:


We can dance if we want to

We can leave your friends behind

'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance

Well they're no friends of mine

I say, we can go where we want to

A place where they will never find

And we can act like we come from out of this world

Leave the real one far behind

And we can dance


That'll show 'em!


Anyway personally; just had an interview at Blockbusters. 10 hours a week which is okay with me. Seemed to go alright and frankly I doubt they're going to find anyone better than me (both in terms of personality and experience in that sector) but either way im not fussed. Although apparently one of her workers seems to consider himself 'the gamer' (which is fine by me...just cause I worked at Game doesn't mean I am obsessed) so got her to ask me what I consider the best console.


Anyway yeah, seemed to go alright. Said she'll have to interview some others and get back to me in the week.


And now im all dressed up with nowhere to go as nobody is answering their phone.

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Today was alright. Two lectures with a 2 hour gap between them. Not enough time to go home. Not enough time really to do anything properly so ended up wandering around town for the 2 hours. And in Dundee, that has to be a miracle as there is bugger all to do in the centre.


Did an online assessment for Biology (A1 yay for me) and it seems that manners no longer have a place in my household as I found when my father managed to time his intrusion into the bathroom with me turning off and coming out of the shower. Not even a sorry. Not even a knock. And the door was locked. Bastard. Told him my mind as I've had enough of him being a dick to me. Families, eh. Don't you just love 'em :indeed:

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One of the team leads came up to me at work today and asked me, "Why can't you be normal?"


I didn't really know what to say...


Most the time I wish I was someone else.


i got told to be normal a few times, not entierly sure what it would entail. theres things about me id like to change sure, id like to be cool rather then clumbsy, and maybe a bit more confident. but i also like who i am, and its just me. i'm sure you like who you are too. if some one tells you to be normal say "be interesting you dull fuck".


theres no such thing as normal, theres just conforming.





edit. almost forgot my day. me mams in a right strop, no idea why, was fine then went quiet and had her sad voice on, did nag me about my ironing (unencary) and hoovering my room. as if i care.

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i got told to be normal a few times, not entierly sure what it would entail. theres things about me id like to change sure, id like to be cool rather then clumbsy, and maybe a bit more confident. but i also like who i am, and its just me. i'm sure you like who you are too. if some one tells you to be normal say "be interesting you dull fuck".


theres no such thing as normal, theres just conforming.

I don't seem to get that, just that people keep saying I'm weird. When I first did the quiz at work the landlady told everyone to expect the unexpected, despite not knowing me for long... she sensed my pr0 se weirdness already.

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Any special celeb turn them on?


Mansfield get Chico this year (Amazing :blank: ) Next Thursdays i think.


This is ballymena we are talking about :heh: I've no idea likely the major or someone equally boring.


I didn't attend as I was at weightwatchers - being a pr0 dieter.


Last year it was the 1st November. Madness. It's the only way Ballymena can like get in the paper, other than murders. =/

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One of the team leads came up to me at work today and asked me, "Why can't you be normal?"


I didn't really know what to say...


Most the time I wish I was someone else.


You should have just said "Because being normal is boring."


It is, you know. It really is.

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Holy fuck tonight has been mental. My local bar was open all night for the elections (first time any bar on campus has done anything remotely like staying open all night).


It has been insane, I probably should go to sleep as I have a lab in 3 1/2 hours, but I'm spent.



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Not having the best day ever.


The morning was great felt really happy and stuffs.


Came back to my flat, read that my mum and dad might end up in qatar (dubai for those who don't know) it sounds serious as mum is seriously thinking of going. Not good, it's not just that but I can only see them for two times a year...sigh


Trying not to worry too much, but it doesn't help, I don't want them to leave, but I know there's no work for dad here and money makes the world go round.


Sat in class, not our normal one as the tutor isn't here, so I'm learning about sound..it's very boring, science lessons all over again.


Whoopie. Need to eat. Should have taken that breakfast offer.

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