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Sat with dye on my head, blue and brown, I decided I'd had enough of my natural mousy brown hair and blue so decided to do go a darker richer brown for a while and see how that works out. I forgot how annoying perm dyes can be! It was a task and a half trying to section my hair as it doesn't naturally fall with partings, grr.


Dad's gone away to scotland, I knew about this a few weeks ago and would hoped he would have cancelled, this is my last weekend before uni, :(. Never mind, me and mum are going to get a ton of stuff sorted, including the computer and online banking, so thats handy, plus sometimes mum knows what she's on about, wahey.


Might go and play zelda, even though last night I ruined it all with not saving, this is why I prefer games like ff at least I know when the save is. hmmf.


MBAM people like that really aren't worth the time, everybody seems to be depressed these days and it just annoys me (I don't actually mean the people who actually do have depression, I'm talking about the people who go ''oh I'm depressed'' >_> without any inkling of what it really means). Whack them on block and see how they feel about it, it gives way for better people!

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Fantastic. My laptop dies 3 days before uni, and my 360 is still off somewhere in Germany after 3 FUCKING weeks. Good thing I'm going to pick up a fourth of some good shit today, should make the first week bearable.


Dewd! That sucks, man. Plus - a fourth? You crazy northerner.


BACK IN SHEFFIELD ZOMGGZOG! Went to see Meshuggah at the Corporation my first night back. First metal gig and it was aces. Played lots of Castle Crashers with nami and Shorty, which really rocks. Can't wait to play again.


Weird being back here. My room is an UTTER STATE. My bed is STILL unmade, and I've not even opened my suitcase since wednesday.


Been reading Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game. Pretty easy-going, interesting stuff. Also watched first 3 episodes of CSI last night/this morning.


Manchester tomorrow!

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My day has been satisfactory. My new camera arrived which has pretty much the same interface as my older one, which is sexy. My only problem thus far is that when you record video and try to replay/review it on the camera you can't hear shit. Also when it goes on the PC it's rather quiet. Raping the settings is not helping.


Also I have work tonight and tomorrow because "Hannah has them off", probably due to some bullshit excuse like Sunday, said she was ill but she was just having a mardy over an argument with the boyfriend. I'm doing this shit every weekend.

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Went for a meander around Morrison's to see if they had anything decent worth buying on their half price deal. Apparently they had had Spore down at £15 earlier in the week but alas it was £32.99 when I went so I left it. Went and got some pads of paper (Pukka Pads ftw) and some document wallets so I can store all my Uni and banking stuff. Got my forms through from the bank today and after reading the whole lot, I don't have a clue how I'm to fill them in. Luckily my mother has said she'll sit down with me and sort it out.


Apart from that, its been a very lazy day. Looking at a few items on eBay for my megadrive collection but that's about it.

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My day has been satisfactory. My new camera arrived which has pretty much the same interface as my older one, which is sexy. My only problem thus far is that when you record video and try to replay/review it on the camera you can't hear shit. Also when it goes on the PC it's rather quiet. Raping the settings is not helping.


Also I have work tonight and tomorrow because "Hannah has them off", probably due to some bullshit excuse like Sunday, said she was ill but she was just having a mardy over an argument with the boyfriend. I'm doing this shit every weekend.


I just love your lingo so much. (sex, raping settings etc):bowdown:


Never change.

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I am returnèd from Japan, as of yesterday. Hello again.


pssh. not even so much as an invite for coffee ~

i hope the jet lag bites you on the ass!




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Welcome back! How was it?

Pretty awesome... did many a thing, mostly in Tokyo. Might write some more when it comes to mind.


I'd go with チュ rather than シ at the end there, but thanks.

pssh. not even so much as an invite for coffee ~

i hope the jet lag bites you on the ass!




Sorry, would have been cool to have met up, but I was with a couple of friends who probably wouldn't have taken kindly to meetings with random internet people... :heh: Maybe next time I go to Japan, if you're still there then.

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Last day of work. Moving into digs at Huddersfield tomorrow!


So happy. Been such a shit year... finally... it's over.

Ooer really? Storthes Hall or Ashenhurst?

I'm moving in next wednesday to Storthes. Havn't even packed yet.


Just worked a funeral today. Now I'm home I'm gonna install my printer.

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