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Good luck with that, I think they'll file it in the bin.


As long as they read it I don't care where it ends up. Im not retarded.


Well, ReZ... at least it's anonymous.


Foreshore office. I mean...its not like Ill be getting a response.


I could theoretically send them a copy every day for a month. That'd be....funny.


well why bother even writing them a letter of complaint if you don't care if they'll take it on board? If it was a really funny timewaster-esque letter it might make sense to do it for just fun but sadly it's not (see "FREAKING GRINDS MY BALLS").

well why bother even writing them a letter of complaint if you don't care if they'll take it on board?


I didn't say that, I said I don't care where it ends up. I just want someone to read it and be aware of this.


A mostly "meh" day at school.

Mostly because I was talking to a girl I´m in class with and found out that she watches anime and that she has finished God Of War 1 and 2 on all difficulties.


I´m sill trying to find out if she is a figment of my imagination or not....


So I'm just browsing the internet, and came across this. I think it's highly relevent.


The average person produces 1113g of poop per day.


If we assume the average density of that poop is 1.0g/cm^3 (since I'd bet that about half of people have floaters and half have sinkers) it would take you 898 days to poop 1 cubic meter.


The Great Wall of China averages 6 meters tall, 5 meters wide, and is 6.4 million meters long. That's 192,000,000 cubic meters of material.


The current population of China is more than 1.32 billion people (July 2007).


Therefore, it would take the population of China only 130 days to poop the Great Wall.



Twozzock you just reminded me off why I should not read N-europe while in class, I had a really hard time holding down a massive snort after reading that


i've been playing phoenix wright pretty much all day today... i'm on the last case ~ so i've developed this suspicion for any pretty japanese woman who's kind to me .... my housemate made me a cup of cherry tea thisafternoon and i had this niggling feeling it was poisoned O___o!!


Took my coat back, couldn't justify £60 coat which I wasn't completely happy with, as usual my local topshop was crap so I ended up getting my money back and going to another town and getting some tops/scarf and another coat, I'm thinking I may need a smaller size for this coat, but it's alot bloody cheaper!


Just re-dying my hair and lazying about today, I just cannot be bothered, might try and grab some bishes considering how much I'm lacking recently.


I managed to sleep until 12:45, just in time for House, the Neighbours, just watched Diagnosis Murder, going to give Murder She Wrote a go, but if it bored me I'll play Prince of Persia Rival Swords instead.


^ yay, another Diagnosis Murder fan. Just finished watching it myself. God it's great having it back on BBC1 after all of the Olympics coverage. And Dick Van Dyke is the man. Should really get off of here as I'm missing Murder, She Wrote. It's good but not quite as good as DM

J7 I didnt peg u as an angry drunk you are flinkys opposite!


I have something negative to say about you though. You dont go on xpert enough! :heh:

tis true, I phail at that. I'm actually a good drunk with others, but when I'm alone I get very, very cynical.

Ill get round to giving a summary of my holiday soon.


Heres a summary of the letter Ima give to Odeon.


Dear Odeon Aylesbury



I'm not going to lie in this letter. I will first apologise for the language I am about to use….but it is has unfortunately become warranted. Here we go.



Seriously what the FUCK! What the hell is this shit!? I've put up with some serious shit from Odeon Aylesbury, but this is the final straw!



I want to say that the staffs are fantastic. Let's get that out there right now.


I have a major problem with a few things .First and less-importantly the price. £8.00 for a standard adult, is just….ridiculous. That is potentially the most expensive in this country. I understand this is due to new chairs….but why should the cinema goer have to pay this high price, as a permanent arrangement?


Birmingham Odeon, as a comparison has much larger screens, a wider choice of films and somehow their price is not only cheaper, but half price at £4.00 standard .


However this is not my main problem. My main problem and the one that FREAKING GRINDS MY BALLS is your bizarre choice of films! SERIOUSLY NOW PEOPLE WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT?!


When "No Country for Old Men" came out, I was shocked to see Aylesbury not showing it. But alas all was not lost. I drove out to Milton Keynes to see it there, and it was fantastic. Then the week after Aylesbury decide to show it. SIGH!


I understand this is due to "No Country for Old Men"s popularity and the reviews it received, and I do accept this however, the number of films that I see the trailer for, and am then stunned that Aylesbury are choosing not to show is just staggering. It is literally fucking staggering. The most recent being "Step Brothers" which I could not and still cannot believe you aren't showing (so off I got to Hemel tomorrow)


I understand that you are going to chose films based on projected profits, and such but this just seems to happen all the time. I am disgusted to see Mamma Mia Sing-Along edition taking up a screen (albeit one showing) when another film could take its place.


It just seems to happen so often, with fairly well known and well received films. Please stop pissing about.




Many thanks



From an anonymous Aylesbury cinema goer.




Seriously, don't bother. It's an awful letter that will focus any reader's attention on the author rather than any points raised. Your points raised aren't strong enough, nor numerous enoough.


my PM box was full up so I didn't receive two from flink, one from volcom and one from vicar -- please send them again? Ta


Today I woke up at a time, I did some things, then I came on here to brag about them to people who don't care! Shortly I will be doing some more things, going some places, taking some things, doing some things again, saying things and in general just thinging. Then I will thing. With the thing.


I think I'm actually going to learn welsh just so I can say what I really think all the time, without anyone knowing what I mean.


Oh yeah and I think my tooth is rotting.


It appears I have lost something that I really really really didn't want to lose. I suspect Claire has thrown it away. Course if I state my suspicions (that are probably true) Ill be made out to be the bad guy.


Started off pretty naff, had to cover a friends shift at work making it 5 days straight at work now :( and then I've been trying to get some help for a fund-raiser with the local press but they've just been useless today, then started my shift feeling a bit beat down by everythin! But then I spent the afternoon doing loadsa little jobs I luv and had a giggle with some of my work buds and it cheered me right up and now I get an evening with someone awesome and play games and stuff until I collapse in bed and feel fresh for a busy day tommorow :)

It appears I have lost something that I really really really didn't want to lose. I suspect Claire has thrown it away. Course if I state my suspicions (that are probably true) Ill be made out to be the bad guy.


Your virginity?




In other news, i'm off to see hellboy 2 with some one i haven't met for awhile =] should be funsies!


and today i got a young persons railcard, and skype! winner

i've been playing phoenix wright pretty much all day today... i'm on the last case ~ so i've developed this suspicion for any pretty japanese woman who's kind to me .... my housemate made me a cup of cherry tea thisafternoon and i had this niggling feeling it was poisoned O___o!!


Oo go you! Which Phoenix Wright is it? They're all brilliant!


Eugh, another day of waking up, playing halo for a few hours and then wasting time until late night halo. Thank god school starts again on Thursday because i need something to keep me going!




MASSIVE thunderstorm.









Edit;/ Back in business. Biggest hail stones Ive ever seen though. Half the car alarms down this road went off.


Today, the last day of the holidays *cries* has been spent in Mansfield looking for a present for my mums 50th, unfortunately i ended up coming home with nothing. Rings, bracelets, necklaces have all been bought by other family members so there is nothing really left to find. I still have untill Thursday though.


Tonight i went for a jog with my brother (Ha! i hear Moogleface say), i know i'm unfit (hence the reason for going jogging), but isn't it nice when a bunch of mounted cocks (chavs on bikes) comment on how shit you're doing. I was like "Yeah, Fuck off you stupid twats"... in my head. What actually came out my mouth was just the "yeah" part. :S


Another looooong day. Up early to sort out paperwork and boring stuff like that. Although did squeeze in the new GG ep. Then off into town to get some bits and my friend said we can have his old fridge and freezer which is a bonus. Then hopped on a train and went and cheated in an exam and got paid for it. Took 5 minutes and got £22. Bangin'


Then the long mission back home, ate, headed to dad's to measure up and see if my bed'll fit in his car but he wasn't there >_<


Im exhausted.

Oo go you! Which Phoenix Wright is it? They're all brilliant!


Eugh, another day of waking up, playing halo for a few hours and then wasting time until late night halo. Thank god school starts again on Thursday because i need something to keep me going!


Well you could just NOT play halo :P, and do something else lol

oh goron you special, special boy...


Fair day at school. My D.T teacher (who loves me, despite her raging lesbianism) actually clapped at what I'm doing for my written product study, the current Happy Meal toys from McDonalds, those naff music player things. A lot to talk about, and I'm confident, as the manufacturing processes're easy-peasy to talk about.


Also, the usual Badminton teacher wasn't here, instead replaced with the arguably funnier, Ms. Campbell (or as we've nicknamed her, Ms. Talia Givesgood Head).


While more joly than the usual teacher, it was merely a mask on top of the fascist regime she implemented which involved running (!) around the hall before playing Badminton. I mean, I do Badminton so I don't have to run around...


Just watched Jurassic Park on Teev. It's so great.


Day was okay I guess. Woke up early due to machines working in the field behind our house, but fell back asleep until noon.

Spent the afternoon (about 4 hours total) in town with my mom, returning books to the library, picking up my fixed laptop and buying clothes. I think I'm addicted to spending money... which is annoying as I'm pretty much jobless right now.


We had a little visitor today though, which was pretty funny. The dog went crazy, thinking she had found a new friend to play with.


Hadn't seen a hedgehog in our garden since I was a kid, so that made me smile. Dad brought it to one of the nearby fields where it will hopefully be safe from cars.


Night has been kinda boring, watching tv even though nothing is on there. Worked a bit on a logo; they keep asking me to change it, meh.

Got a headache right now and I kinda feel the urge to cry, though I don't know why. I'll probably give in to that urge soon. Hooray.


Tonight was awesome!


A pair of my friends and I went to a pub quiz at my local, in which me came last, and got the lowest ever score! In our defence, 90% of the questions were about stuff before we were born, and the two that were general history (regarding WWII, my speciality, and Michael Fish) had incorrect answers on the quiz master's sheet. However, as our reward for providing much amusement, we got a free round of shots. :heh: I plan to go back up tomorrow to find out what they were, as it's the only shot-able stuff I've ever had that I liked.


Oh, and a member of a rival team, consisting of 35-40 year old le femme asked one of my friends if he wanted a wafty crank, and kept winking at me, making it a memorable evening in all.


We're going back next week, hoping to rise up the rankings!

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