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... I've never played knock and run, because I'm not a fucking penis.


Quoted for similarity to my own life.




My second day back at school, tried to track down the guy in charge of assigning mentors (people in our year who look after classes/be older pupils for little ones to come to), since I've be put in with other guys in my year who I just don't gel with at all. I really want to be a good mentor, like organsie stuff, but I can't with them. I should be swapping tomorrow.


Basically had one period of English, which was dull.


In Art, we went to see the awesome Tracey Emin exhibition, which was very thought-provoking, and to my chagrin, everyone was like "That's not art!". :indeed:

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Rokhed have you not thought that maybe you should be targetting the people who are ''friends'' rather than this guy? It seems like these friends have very easily decided not to be friends with you just because of one persons opinion


I'm sorry Rokhed, but just because your little rosey party of friends you had has been messed up a little bit, does not mean you can go all out for revenge and ruin someone's career.


Fucking hell, does being bitchy come with the transgender territory? Someone has to agree with me on this.


I agree with both of these.


So, from what I gather, an ex-friend has been doing some shit stirring and got you excluded from certain things. May I ask how one person has power over your other friends? If my mates turned their back on me because of what somebody else had said, I'd be angry at my mates more.


Nobody likes a shit stirrer. But, have a little dignity and self respect. If your mates and this guy have both been unkind to you, then distance yourself. Get on with your own life, and just concentrate on what you can do. The worst thing you could probably do is stoop to their level and do to them what they're doing to you. If you do that, then you're only going to cause yourself some more grief.

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I feel like someone's defrosting my brain, scraping away inside my skull with a plastic spatula whilst a muffled radio drones genericism a few rooms away. I'm not sure why I'm so tired, either; I've had more sleep than usual for the last week or so.


On the upside I returned from work to find a postcard waiting for me, which raised a smile. It's the first one I've ever received.


Anyway, I should probably go and make something to eat, although I really can't be bothered.

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Just finished Watchmen for the....againth time


God it's good. The level of detail is just staggering- the language and writing from Moore is just fantastic, and Dave Gibbons' compositions are really quite brilliant. Utter masterpiece in every possible way.

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My friend is literally impossible to get hold of since he moved to Taunton. His phone literally never has any signal. Tonight I have tried ;


His phone - No signal

His house phone - Busy. For the last hour.

His Brothers phone - answer machine

His Sisters phone - answer machine

His Dad - It appears I have an old number

MSN - No response from him.


Can you...can you see my frustration?


On the plus side, I formatted my Camcorder in significantly less time that I thought it would take, and I have been delivered the last voices for Balls, thus I will now have no free time for at least a month.


And my next shindig costume is coming along! Not much more than...just papier mache yet though. Fuck I have a lot to do....and Im about to have a four day holiday so can't do anything.


In fact...Im about to go on a four day holiday....meaning I wont be able to come here. Miss me babes. xXxXx.

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I feel like someone's defrosting my brain, scraping away inside my skull with a plastic spatula whilst a muffled radio drones genericism a few rooms away. I'm not sure why I'm so tired, either; I've had more sleep than usual for the last week or so.


On the upside I returned from work to find a postcard waiting for me, which raised a smile. It's the first one I've ever received.


Anyway, I should probably go and make something to eat, although I really can't be bothered.


I missed you :)

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I'm feeling better today. I still know i'm wasting my life, but i have an action plan to sort it all out.


I have a job interview tomorrow (i'm pulling my first ever 'sickie' for it!) for a job that looks ok, but the big advantage is that rather than 3 hours a day travelling it'll be more like 20 minutes. That means I have time for a life out side of work which should keep me much happier. So... I am applyign to be a special constable, i'm sorting out my Open University application, i've started jogging and i'm going to join a sports teams - any one have any suggestion on what sport?


so, feeling much better :)


oh, and against all the odds i find my glasses lens and even the tiny tiny screw :)

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I missed you :)

Surely if there's missing to be done I'm the one to do it? Anyway, I haven't been gone. Nor am I going anywhere. In every sense.


Also, the freezer — which is freshly defrosted, as it happens — contains a total of zero pizzas. What is the world coming to?

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Surely if there's missing to be done I'm the one to do it? Anyway, I haven't been gone. Nor am I going anywhere. In every sense.


Also, the freezer — which is freshly defrosted, as it happens — contains a total of zero pizzas. What is the world coming to?


I haven't seen you posting recently :( You're use of the english language makes me sleep well at night :)


I bought those two little mini pizzas from Tescos today for £1, was the best bargain ever!!! So hungry at lunch and it filled me up :)

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Also, the freezer — which is freshly defrosted, as it happens — contains a total of zero pizzas. What is the world coming to?


I believe I may have found the reason why you have no frozen pizzas, this afternoon. My parents have bought me several from tesco as though I don't know how to get to a shop myself. :heh:

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I've just been for a lovely swim/sauna!! I wish my swimming costume was less plain though.


Also today I visited a local art gallery, which usually has awesome exhibits. Today however, there were some mediocre photographs with waaaay too much long exposure.


I also had some lovely lunch with my mum and grandma!

:D I love days off!!

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my mum is such a frustration. She's on her way back to hospital in an ambulance for her chest again.


I'm so annoyed and angry with her i haven't even got round to feeling worried for her. She's just being stupid, and really being manipultive and down right nasty to my sister. I'm not going to go into all of it as this place sees far far too much of my angry and depressed, but i am so mad.


And now i have to go and visit her, messing up my interview tomorrow and i had a very fun weekend planned i had been looking forward to for months.



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my mum is such a frustration. She's on her way back to hospital in an ambulance for her chest again.


I'm so annoyed and angry with her i haven't even got round to feeling worried for her. She's just being stupid, and really being manipultive and down right nasty to my sister. I'm not going to go into all of it as this place sees far far too much of my angry and depressed, but i am so mad.


And now i have to go and visit her, messing up my interview tomorrow and i had a very fun weekend planned i had been looking forward to for months.




AAAh man that sucks :( Sorry for you and sorry for your mum =[

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Is it too late to see this pic at all. Forward it my way please. Thanks in advance.


My day then, finally bought Mario Kart Wii today, been playing it and first impressions are its good. Nice tracks, and more selections of racers as well. People who are seeing me on cam right now are looking at me weirdly as i drive around using the Wii-Wheel.

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I agree with both of these.


So, from what I gather, an ex-friend has been doing some shit stirring and got you excluded from certain things. May I ask how one person has power over your other friends? If my mates turned their back on me because of what somebody else had said, I'd be angry at my mates more.


Nobody likes a shit stirrer. But, have a little dignity and self respect. If your mates and this guy have both been unkind to you, then distance yourself. Get on with your own life, and just concentrate on what you can do. The worst thing you could probably do is stoop to their level and do to them what they're doing to you. If you do that, then you're only going to cause yourself some more grief.


Bit late now, the deed is done.

Besides, it's not like I used my own email address to send the emails.

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