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just been to the pub with some old friends I've not seen in a long time. had a great chat but the booze was expensive! feel a bit robbed. Oh well, was nice to see the girls.


edit: let off some steam if you need it rok man. s'what this place is for!

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Work 9-5. TWO FUCKING CRUISE SHIPS were in the harbour today, so it was completely insane from the word go.


Came home, Jordan made me a lovely dinner, and we played Beautiful Katamari.


I also changed a part of a painting I've been working on, which has made it look less wrong ^^ (the mouth was off to the side? :s )

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Well I woke up too early having had a restless Night and with barely any sleep the last few nights, I've been feeling odd all day!


I went shopping in the morning (as NE was down :heh:) and bought some Manga and a Hoisin Sauce Duck wrap which was oh so delicious.


Then came home and watched a lot of anime. :D and then I had this massive urge to watch The Incredibles!


So now I'm a bit sleepy and will be going to sleep soon as I'm off to my friends tomorrow. :grin:

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Ironically, I've been working all week and was looking forward to some time off. I've had this evening off, and I don't really want to do anything. Hmm. :(

Doing nothing is underrated. No point in doing something for the sake of it, so kickback and relax. And if that isn't enough for you, think of it as a money saving technique; it's served me well over the years.


S'like when I was at my previous job. Most people worked far longer hours than I, yet at the end of every week I'd have the most money. I'd ask people why they were compelled to go out and spend a third of their wages at the end of every week and they'd always say, "Because I've been at work all week and I need a respite¹ from it." Personally I prefer to work less and enjoy my time doing 'nothing'. Besides, there's loads things you can do for free like go for a walk, sit on a bench and do some people watching, or explore a street you've never been down before.


Then again, I'm sure a lot of people think I'm incredibly boring. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.



¹Yeah, okay, they probably didn't use that word.

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Told one of my employers on Saturday I would be leaving in September as I will from Monday be working 6 days a week, I need at least one day free. So for a month now I am having no days off as I promised to continue working these Saturdays for a month.


The parents of my students found out and subsequently surrounded me in the staff room demanding that I stay until November.


Thanks guys, so you really don't give a rats ass if I don't get a single day off for at least three months? You want me to work 90 days straight just to satisfy your needs?


F*ck you.

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Well my disinteresting stoty of the day is as follows.. ow bear in mind i am rather drunk and cannot type quickly.


Went to the lagoon and had a very old friend come visit. We all went to her house and...well I fany her now. She was giving me looks through the day but she lives with er boyfriend; but she was saying how she doesn't like her bf anymore and wanst a change. So anyway, I've walked home and she's teted me wishing I'd stayed, so now I am involved in a whole new tricky situation. I will most likely avoid it at all costs.



o as for the whole now thing; i will just watch some silly film and hope she forgets about the whole thing. otherwise I will take advantage and ruin her relationship and stuff. yeah. Hi there. I'm tipsy and this took a while to write. I think I'll sign into MIRC and see what happens

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Guest bluey

oh good god!


so i woke up nice and slow this morning... yawned and took out the earplugs id had to put in at about 3am when the incessant snoring from next door proved TOO inrelenting for me...


and then SNAP! i realized the awful truth: my alarm hadnt gone off (thankfully my body clock had NOT stopped and had managed to wake me up at 9:10 - 20 mins before my train... it takes me 10 mins to walk to the station... AND i needed to visit the ATM in my town before i left for work today cause im going out tonight.



i got dressed and RAN to the station in absolute record time!! i even managed to get money out before getting on the train just after the one i normally catch and got to work on time...



hopefully ill have time for a shower and stuff when i get home today before i have to go out with friends for dinner >__> *sigh*


its tough!

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Sigh, thanks to my parents being ''busy'' there's again no food in the house, not even any eggs, I'm so annoyed at mum who isn't going to bother going to the shop.


I'm bloody tempted to use my own money and get eggs, bacon, milk and bread and make myself some god damn breakfast.


Thanks mum and dad, thanks alot. -.-

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Sigh, thanks to my parents being ''busy'' there's again no food in the house, not even any eggs, I'm so annoyed at mum who isn't going to bother going to the shop.


I'm bloody tempted to use my own money and get eggs, bacon, milk and bread and make myself some god damn breakfast.


Thanks mum and dad, thanks alot. -.-


Just knock something together from whatever you can find around the house. You haven't eaten until you've had a banana pasta surprise. Or thrown up, I suppose.


You could even make a thread charting your bizarre quest for food.

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Just knock something together from whatever you can find around the house. You haven't eaten until you've had a banana pasta surprise. Or thrown up, I suppose.


You could even make a thread charting your bizarre quest for food.


Or I could make sure I don't throw up and buy proper food?

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Sigh, thanks to my parents being ''busy'' there's again no food in the house...


Isn't that like, neglect?!

Stuff like that pisses me off. Seems to me that if you have no time to put food in your house when you have children...what else do you not do?


No offense but yeah, hate stuff like that. I have a mate who's parents are like that and when he comes to my house he pigs out on our food...but it comes across as greed more than anything. When he was at school he was given a fiver everyday and would just buy crap too, basically because his parents didn't care because they were "high flyers". Rant over :p

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Isn't that like, neglect?!

Stuff like that pisses me off. Seems to me that if you have no time to put food in your house when you have children...what else do you not do?


No offense but yeah, hate stuff like that. I have a mate who's parents are like that and when he comes to my house he pigs out on our food...but it comes across as greed more than anything. When he was at school he was given a fiver everyday and would just buy crap too, basically because his parents didn't care because they were "high flyers". Rant over :p


Jesus you make them sound like I'm dying of starvation and am like a rag of bones 0.0


Not to mention I haven't been a child for several years..

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I'm bloody tempted to use my own money and get eggs, bacon, milk and bread and make myself some god damn breakfast.


Thanks mum and dad, thanks alot. -.-



You could use some of that £60 your 'neglecting' Dad gave you out of the blue the other day.

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You could use some of that £60 your 'neglecting' Dad gave you out of the blue the other day.


sigh, I didn't say my parents were neglecting me at all! Tapedeck did! Yes I know I could use the money I just got and this is why I just walked half an hour in the sun to get milk and eggs that I'm only going to partially use.


Talk about not being able to rant once in a while. :blank:

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Yesterday I went to watch the Villa play some Danish team named Odense (Eric Djemba-Djemba plays for them now. He's still crap, mind.). It was an okay match, Villa won 1-0 after a delicious goal by Ashley Young.


Witnessed a pretty nasty injury as well; one of our players suffered a dislocated ankle, and you could hear him screaming (as well as see him holding up his leg and his foot was pointing the wrong way round.).


Then came home and played some Rock Band. Surfed the net for a while, then watched WWE SmackDown followed by more Rock Band and then went to bed.


You can't sleep in this weather, so I didn't get much sleep. Today I got up at 'bout half 12 and logged onto here. :smile:

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Will try and be a bit more coherant... Ok so yesterday was a typical lagoon day, chillin', playing cards, juggling some balls outside of scho-- No. Rewind! yeah, usual stuff. Then one of my mate's old girlfriends (from, like, years ago) came along after having met her at a pub a few days back. As i said, she's got a boyfriend that she lives with, works with his mother too, but doesn't like him anymore and is only staying together because of the hassle it would take to break up with him...


Well she started on teh vodka, one mate on whiskey and I had gin. As it got dark we walked back to her house, grabbed some ciders on the way, and played drinking-Scrubs, and a bit of halo 3. The boyfriend came home and we started to watch Shawn of the dead, not really paying attention just gibbering on about all sorts of useless stuff (the colour of space, politics of disco, etc), then my mates and I left and walked home. As I said last night, she sent me a text saying she wished i hadn't left, and I realised that she was glancing at me in some sort of 'way'... So yeah... Great. Well I'm not getting involved in all of that!


... tl;dr? Sos :( Anyway! Today I read The Picture of Dorian Gray and push a trolley around a bit.


two sunny sides up (egg, I don't know if that's what you call it).

Just spotted this :) They're called Fried eggs... I think...

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My life has been pretty uneventful for about a month, I have nothing to do and my friends won't do anything if it costs money... Or just do anything full stop.


Well, I ate a healthy breakfast of leftover Harribo Starmix.


I can hear my dentist screaming a few streets away.


Im other news, I think I shall endevour to create myself a signature.


Twas pretty obvious this guy was a returning banned member, who was he?

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My life has been pretty uneventful for about a month, I have nothing to do and my friends won't do anything if it costs money... Or just do anything full stop.




Twas pretty obvious this guy was a returning banned member, who was he?


Hmm, looking at his Harribo Starmix post, harribo maybe?

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Guest Jordan

Hell, if he would have said so :p.


The coloured text wasn't the give away... more the fact there was 4 accounts sharing the same IP address.

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