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Phewwwww. I'm kinda tired.


Warning: long post!


I spent most of my afternoon/evening outside today. Painting children's faces... in the rain.

Me and my cousin left at 1 pm with this trailer filled with toys to go stand at two different places. The first was supposed to be a street that would be blocked off so kids could play there, but seems the police never bothered putting up the signs... so no one knew we were coming. We set up our stuff on a small field. Barely any kids showed up. I think only four or five actually played (one boy staying with us for the entire two hours) and only one of those (a little girl) got their face painted by me (princess #1).

It started raining at one point so we quickly moved all our stuff inside, only to have it stop raining as soon as we were done so we would have to unload it again. The second time it started raining we just completely packed everything and left. Wasn't worth staying there anyway.


Next stop was at some market thingie (where people sell their old junk). They didn't leave a spot open for us though, so we were set up in a stupid corner where no one could see us, next to the trash container thingies. So I painted my cousins face and she ventured out to lure in little children. And soon we would have kids lining up to have their face painted, while some of them played with the toys. Why is it though that all girls want to be princesses? D:

Seriously every girl I painted wanted to be a princess, except one who wanted to be a cat (didn't have a picture of that so I improvised, and it actually turned out great).


The children were generally nice though, even though I don't like kids. It's some of the parents who were jerks or just completely not friendly, bah. Anyway, we stayed there until 8, at which point everyone had left anyway because it was raining again. Helped cleaning the toys and putting the camper thingie away and then got home at 9:30. Phew, long day.



But hey, I got paid €50 for my troubles, so it's okay. ^___^

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Why is it though that all girls want to be princesses? D:

Disney. Or possibly a fixation with plumbers.


The lack of tigers saddens me — it's clearly the best face paint design out there — but at least there was some sort of feline.


Speaking of cats, there's a three-legged dog¹ where I work called Bob. I assumed this was a joke, but it turns out his missing leg was only removed about a month ago — he got run over. He's a very happy chap regardless, and he doesn't seem that fazed by his missing limb.



¹What? They're related by virtue of being different. Or something.

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Most of the day was so-so. Phoned my brother to see if I had any mail and he said yes. So I went to the house and he had changed his mind. No post.


Work was okay. Busy. And the boss' boss is coming in tomorrow (as well as two parties of 12-15 people) so it'll be hellish, and we had to be extra tidy tonight. But I got a phone call off a friend saying "wanna go on holiday" so I said yes but would have to ring him back later as I was at work. Snuck to the loos and rang back and I presumed he meant like a beach holiday and he said "I'm thinking somewhere like Egypt..." Hmm. Travel agents on Saturday it is.

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*pretends to know where they are*




exchange works is down near sheff hallam uni, near the station. They've been doing it up the last 6 months, iirc. Not sure about teh other place - might be the digs near dev green.


My night? went to an awesome-trendy pub where I was the only one that fitted in, then to another seriously lame pub (king and queen in brighton, for those who know the area) -- lame mostly because they call last orders at 11 and kick everyone out asap. Real surprising considering the number of people left there. if they applied for extended hours they'd get a shitload more money. bought a burger and chips on teh way home, and am currently watching Robert Redford in sneakers. Hoo-rah.

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exchange works is down near sheff hallam uni, near the station. They've been doing it up the last 6 months, iirc. Not sure about teh other place - might be the digs near dev green.


My night? went to an awesome-trendy pub where I was the only one that fitted in, then to another seriously lame pub (king and queen in brighton, for those who know the area) -- lame mostly because they call last orders at 11 and kick everyone out asap. Real surprising considering the number of people left there. if they applied for extended hours they'd get a shitload more money. bought a burger and chips on teh way home, and am currently watching Robert Redford in sneakers. Hoo-rah.


I like the King and Queen. But you're right, they should keep it open for longer, especially as it draws so many people in.


I think the Mash Tun, around the corner, is pretty damn good. Although, nowadays, most people spend their time there outside rather than in the bar! Smoking ban, innit.


Which trendy pub was it?

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I had the best time last night. The oddest thing happened. 3 people came onto me, two girls and a guy. The guy even bought me a drink. It was so wierd, thats never happened to me before, one of the girls was crying because the other girl was coming onto me and she was annoyed at her because of it. How bad is that? :D


Anyway, the night was so much fun! The pub was awesome, as were the people. I drank a tad to much, but I don't care, I enjoyed myself so much. One of the girls came over, took my drink and then wondered off. So I just ran down the road screaming her name, it was so random.


Oh, and then at the end of the night I ended up going for a wizz in a bush. At least, thats what I thought. Apparently I was just stood infront of the bush looking at everyone. How embarassing!!!


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Guest Jordan

My day turned awesome when i saw this:


Total Posts: 777,778


We passed the 777,777th post. 7's are awesome. I wonder who got it...

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exchange works is down near sheff hallam uni, near the station. They've been doing it up the last 6 months, iirc. Not sure about teh other place - might be the digs near dev green.


My night? went to an awesome-trendy pub where I was the only one that fitted in, then to another seriously lame pub (king and queen in brighton, for those who know the area) -- lame mostly because they call last orders at 11 and kick everyone out asap. Real surprising considering the number of people left there. if they applied for extended hours they'd get a shitload more money. bought a burger and chips on teh way home, and am currently watching Robert Redford in sneakers. Hoo-rah.


ooooooooh that one

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My day turned awesome when i saw this:




We passed the 777,777th post. 7's are awesome. I wonder who got it...


If the same browsers still open, could you click back till when you saw that figure, then check each forum to see what the most recent post was. Unless two fall on the same minute in which lolz.

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I like the King and Queen. But you're right, they should keep it open for longer, especially as it draws so many people in.


I think the Mash Tun, around the corner, is pretty damn good. Although, nowadays, most people spend their time there outside rather than in the bar! Smoking ban, innit.


Which trendy pub was it?

Prince Albert up by/under the station :) Yeah I was in a strange and cynical mood last night - I do like the K&Q in general - the barstaff do seem to prefer talking in threes rather than serving me most of the time though - and it's always brighter outside at night due to their heater lamps... and it's ma-hassiiive!


Today I have nothing much planned. Going to phone up the dude about the painting job again, and get nothing/a no out of him, then write a poem about how i hate kevin J and want to Paint.

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In London at the moment at a hotel in Earls Court, after searching a good hour for it. :grin: Beem to the Dr Who expo this afternoon which was pretty cool and done a bit of shopping. Was thinking of going to see Wall-E, but £10.80 to see it, while I can see it back home for £5?!? I don't think so! Going to the London Film and Comic Convention tomorrow and Sunday, so that's the main reason I'm down, so if anyone else is going, come say "hi" :)


And no offence to you folk who live in the capital, but you're McDonalds's do louzy meals here and why do none of you say "thanks" or smile at you when you do them a favour. :shakehead

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Sooooo, today I worked a bit on an image for a site, which I might get paid for if they like it enough. Then played some Okami; still finding it hard to use the waggle to attack, as it often just doesn't seem to work (or I'm doing it wrong).

After that went running with my mom and the dog; first time we took her with us and it was pretty nice. =)


Tonight there doesn't seem to be much on tv though. Right now 'The Village' is on (could've gone for Richie Rich as well but doubt my mom would want to watch that); and 'The Haunting' is on later tonight. Oh dear. :indeed:

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I had a good day again (yay)


Work, went to mcd's with ANOTHER friend (fucking hell i'm turning into quite the socialite!) and his gf/my friend. One of those days where you laugh so much. We bounce off each other, and are constantly taking the piss :D


He forgot his phone and was gettin really annoyed about it, and every now and then i just randomly slipped "phone" or "mobile" into the conversation, and watch his face screw up.. :D (evil!)


Ate too much rubbish and i feel a bit wick.


Had my hair cut *points to image gallery* It's all light and hairdresser sexy. <3

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