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Meh, for some strange reason I've gone all depressed again. I dont have a clue why, but I just feel like crying, even though I've finished education and should be enjoying summer, I'm not.


I'm skint, theres no one to hang out with cause their already out some one which involves cash, and most of the events going on I'm not even told about and I look back at the past couple of weeks and I've hardly been out.


Ugh, day = shit.

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blahblahblah. I phone the skin clinic today to check on my meds (applied for funding for new stuffs) Apparently the money has been cleared, but the stuff needs to be ordered. I should be going in to see her next thursday. Thank god things are moving. I want this psoriasis away, its never been so bad in my whole life o_o



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Lazy day today. :D even fell asleep in the afternoon I NEVER do that. :o


Didn't enjoy it, work up confused and annoyed. >___< so I'm not doing that again.


My day started with an episode of Soul Eater and then I went off to the Dentist. It's a new dentist I hadn't had before and he was very friendly. I love how he explained everything he was doing to you. I had some thing he called sticky fish? I didn't ask further...


I was worried about something under my lip and gum but it's just an ulcer! :p


After that went to the bank and Caused chaos like usual. Held up the queue for abut 20 minutes trying to order a new card ,as I'd lost mine, and could not make sure how much money I wanted out as I was suprised to find a tidy sum of money in it! :grin:


After all that sorting it out cancelling the old card Iwas about to walk out of the store and I FOUND THE CARD! :o to everyones annoyance! I found it pretty funny and even made the joke that I'd forgot my pin but that didn't go down to well! :(


After that came home had lunch and fell asleep in the afternoon for an hour and this evening I haven't felt like doing much so have been fatting about on the internet. checking out the latest news, reviews, previews.

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Woke up to find that my Azumanga Daioh boxset had finally arrived, much to my utmost delight and older brother asking what it's about.

Spent most of the day surfing the web, playing Rock Band, and watching a few AzuDai episodes.




Woken up by a bastard fly buzzing around in the net curtains. Was there for an hour, and when it finally buggered off I couldn't get back to sleep. Watched another episode of said anime, then managed to sleep for a hours afterwards.

Just had a good band session on Rock Band. My brother has completed Drums on Expert so we can practically do all the songs without much bother. :smile:

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I had work from 1 til 9 today, so it meant I could have a bit of a sleep-in.


My internet randomly stopped working very early this morning, at a ridiculous time - always when you're doing something important or chatting to someone important. I went to bed at about 2 hours earlier than usual, at 3, haha.


My brother is going to Turkey for a week or two, so I said bye to him, after him and my real Dad gave me a lift to work.


Work was pretty fun today. I only started last Thursday, but already they've got me training or helping out the new starters, haha. I was giving them a run through of the databases and the system yesterday and one of them asked me when I started, and I casually said four days before he did, haha.


It was good fun today, everyone seemed to be on form and happy, which was nice. No real problems. My body still aches from the gym, so I've come home and had a bath, and now going to have some tea.

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Well, that's inconvenient.


I was just hit by an overpowering sense of emptiness. An hour ago I was in a really good mood as I'd finally had some inspiration and was all set to start writing, but then bang, out of nowhere I'm shivering and feel as if my insides are spooling out onto the floor.


Sorry, there I go complaining again. I know there are plenty of people here with actual problems, and I really need to try and keep a better perspective on things. My issues are nothing in comparison, even if sometimes they feel like everything.


Anyway, my day was fine. Just like always.

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Well, that's inconvenient.


I was just hit by an overpowering sense of emptiness. An hour ago I was in a really good mood as I'd finally had some inspiration and was all set to start writing, but then bang, out of nowhere I'm shivering and feel as if my insides are spooling out onto the floor.


Sorry, there I go complaining again. I know there are plenty of people here with actual problems, and I really need to try and keep a better perspective on things. My issues are nothing in comparison, even if sometimes they feel like everything.


Anyway, my day was fine. Just like always.

I don't know what it is, but you sound like you have similar ''moods'' to myself, I get like that quite often and wonder what on earth it could be as there's nothing to suggest that I should be in that kind of mood.


So snap..heh -.-

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Had an alright day. Got up, went to work, kicked some arse at ProEvo, left work slightly early. Chatted on MSN while playing the newly updated Burnout where I could finally listen to music that doesn't rape my eardrums.


I watched the Charlotte Church Show. Really funny. She has some good banter.


Tomorrow I've taken a holiday off work. In the evening I'm off to see Justice, I hope it doesn't rain.

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I don't know what it is, but you sound like you have similar ''moods'' to myself, I get like that quite often and wonder what on earth it could be as there's nothing to suggest that I should be in that kind of mood.


So snap..heh -.-


Once the dust settles from the Fleenuh forum relationship... :heh:

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I don't know what it is, but you sound like you have similar ''moods'' to myself, I get like that quite often and wonder what on earth it could be as there's nothing to suggest that I should be in that kind of mood.


So snap..heh -.-

So basically I'm going to wake up tomorrow with breasts and a shoe fetish? Oh well, so long as Jordan's still busy with his new laptop I should be safe for a few days.


If you get this "often" then all I can say is my heart goes out to you. Well, if it wasn't currently swimming about on my bedroom floor. Still, if you ever need someone to talk with/at then feel free to lay it on me.


Incidentally, definitely go to university if you can. When everyone I knew — and the fact I'm having to use the past tense should be stressed — was applying to go I felt completely useless and never applied. Obviously I don't know what your problems are and I'm not asking you to divulge them, but what I do know is that not applying has led to me wasting three years of my life on nothing and turned out to be a huge regret.


I meant to mention that a while ago but didn't. So there you go.

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Went shopping and didn't buy much but was nice to drift.


Work was busy as heck and again understaffed. The boss keeps moaning about me having not done the e-learning thing and I said "im busy with other stuff and im always here" and he said someone else had completed it and I said "yes, but she's had four days off!" and he moaned again later. And he also said "can you do it in the next week? I need to get my numbers to 100%" so its more about him than me obviously. The more I work with him the less I like him.


Decided come August i'm going to say I can only do one shift a week. Screw money. (and I may have another wedding in the works anyway).


Oh and I've stayed up waiting to see if results would be posted at midnight but no dice. Going to watch Doctor Who and eat apple pie (as you do) then try again when I'm done but I'd imagine they'll be 9....or like 2pm on Monday knowing uni -_-


1am edit; nope.

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Well, that's inconvenient.


I was just hit by an overpowering sense of emptiness. An hour ago I was in a really good mood as I'd finally had some inspiration and was all set to start writing, but then bang, out of nowhere I'm shivering and feel as if my insides are spooling out onto the floor.


Sorry, there I go complaining again. I know there are plenty of people here with actual problems, and I really need to try and keep a better perspective on things. My issues are nothing in comparison, even if sometimes they feel like everything.


Anyway, my day was fine. Just like always.


I hope you're ok, dude. You sound like you need to go out and have some fun, maybe. I think you need to take a train somewhere completely new and have a fun adventure, and this may give you inspiration and a new love of life. :)




Once the dust settles from the Fleenuh forum relationship... :heh:




Squeeeeeeee ^_^ XD




:D :D :D :D :D


I don't see your point....



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Squeeeeeeee ^_^ XD




:D :D :D :D :D


haha I noticed that!! :heart:


Aimless if you end up anything like me you are more than likely to become addicted to lucozade and banana milkshakes and buy alot of hoodies and games. It doesn't seem all that bad does it?


Yes I've felt on and off like this for quite a few years, I assumed it was down in the dumps kind of feeling until it basically start happening when I really shouldn't be feeling down at all.


I will be going to uni in about two months, I'm abit unsure of myself with it at the moment which is probably what is making the nightmares and moods abit more frequent, but never mind!


If you need to chat, I'm pretty much on here constantly, because I have no said life..

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Today, 11th July 2008 is a good day for me, Haggis, Mcoy and Niel. Its our birthdays today and i shall be celebrating mine in style with a meal and a piss-up later on in the day whenever the parents decide to show up home that is. Will also be telling them about Lisa, kept it from them for a few days to see if our relationship sticks which it has.

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I've felt much the same in my mid teens and I realised that it's all physical influences. Your blood sugar is usually low, you're ill or you're tired. Obviously being a bit depressed usually puts a bit more fangs on this but generally its nothing to worry about. Don't let it stress you just say: "pfffffft... silly mood, ill just chill and not let it bother me"


If you start worrying about it then you'll just stress yourself out and you'll get all paranoid.

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Aimless: I pretty much feel the same way very often, and there's more people on the boards here who do as well. I'd give you some advice on how to make it better, but I honestly don't know how. Sorry. =(

Just try and do things you like, and enjoy those to the fullest.


Dyson: thanks for reminding me my picture in my profile needs to be changed, pronto! =P

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I hope you're ok, dude. You sound like you need to go out and have some fun, maybe. I think you need to take a train somewhere completely new and have a fun adventure, and this may give you inspiration and a new love of life. :)

I'm fine, just recovering from an inexplicable gut punch. I'll be back to spouting flowery nonsense in no time.


And I do love life, it just feels rather unrequited at the moment.


If you need to chat, I'm pretty much on here constantly, because I have no said life..

Thanks, but I tend to stick to dealing with things myself. I have a rubbish track record, true, but that just makes it easy to improve upon, right?


I've felt much the same in my mid teens and I realised that it's all physical influences.

I'm supposed to be 22. Back of the line, puberty! You had your turn already.


Aimless: I pretty much feel the same way very often, and there's more people on the boards here who do as well. I'd give you some advice on how to make it better, but I honestly don't know how. Sorry. =(

Just try and do things you like, and enjoy those to the fullest.

Again, my heart goes out to you. I think it slid over by the door somewhere if you want to take it with you.


I'm fine. Well, I'm not but, you know, it isn't a big deal. If I stop making rubbish jokes or extending my metaphors, that's when you'll know to worry!


Sorry for being a nuisance. I did decide to delete my earlier post but nightwolf unwittingly scuppered that plan by quoting me in full before I pushed the button.

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I'm supposed to be 22. Back of the line, puberty! You had your turn already.


I still feel like that lots but becuase I came to realise that it was mostly my body talking not my mind, then I could just let it go. When I get down now, I just remember that it's because I'm tired or run down, not because there's anything wrong.


Chin up man, life's peachy usually.

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Guest bluey
I still feel like that lots

yeah, yeah ~ and he's reeeeallly ooolddd O_____O!!! <-- super serious face.


today i got woken up by MY boyfriend rather than somebody else's in the next room ~ so my day is already made of wins :grin:

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