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Thanks eenuh, I would if I wasn't sure that I think my dongle after only a few months and a few uses has decided to give up the ghost whilst playing coolness on brawl.


It randomly disconnected me and where it used to say my wii it now comes up like it's scrambled.


It seems to be letting me spectate a match but when I tried to join coolness again it kept disconnecting. I have no other way of connecting to the internet :( gah.

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Nothing will ever be as awesome as the blue shit I had once.


What on earth? were you eating nothing but blue food colouring or something? It does sound seriously awesome, and I guess bright colours are definitely some kind of theme :P

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Guest Jordan
What on earth? were you eating nothing but blue food colouring or something? It does sound seriously awesome, and I guess bright colours are definitely some kind of theme :P


She ate soup with blue food colouring in it, apparently it was pretty fucking epic.

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Work was epic busy, as expected. Anyway. Finished there and saved the pub dog from running away (as it had escaped unnoticed and gone down the road). Then in the space of 25 minutes went home, showered, changed and travelled about 5-10 miles. Epic quick.


Family meal...not bad. Free anyway.


Doing some online food handling training shit but boring and annoying so I gave up. Half watching Mean Girls (Amanda Seyfried and Tina Fey are epic).


And speaking of; Wall-E is out in two weeks, Baby Mama the week after :D

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Guest Stefkov

Today was greatish until the train home.

The noise within Euston station was making it difficult to hear the magic voices in the air so it was more failure after hearing everything about the train being delayed and whatnot. Train journey was baaaaad.

Now I have a nice bed

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My day's been alright, although I haven't really done much. I keep meaning to sit down and write something so I can kickstart my RedBubble page again, but I haven't been able to get into the mood.


I've also forgotten what I came in here to post, so here's an excerpt from an MSN conversation instead:

struan says: (02:35:38)

I used to think that bright people realised that there was more to life than making a lot of money and retiring


struan says: (02:35:57)

bright people had artistic principles and liked that old chinese proverb about finding a job you love so you don't have to work a day in your life


struan says: (02:36:01)

now i realise that's all bullshit


struan says: (02:36:07)

make as much money as you can as quickly as you can


Aimless says: (02:36:35)

I must be pretty dumb then; money means little to me.


struan says: (02:36:58)

money = everything in this country


struan says: (02:37:15)

if you want true power then you need money


Aimless says: (02:37:28)

Luckily I don't care about power either.


struan says: (02:37:46)

well you must care about money to an extent


struan says: (02:37:53)

it just depends on the extent to which you care


struan says: (02:38:01)

you'd be unhappy if you couldn't afford to eat for example


Aimless says: (02:38:50)

All right, being rich isn't something I'm aiming for. Better?


struan says: (02:39:01)

No because rich = relative


struan says: (02:39:12)

And it's not about aiming to be rich


struan says: (02:39:18)

it's aiming to be able to do what you want to do


struan says: (02:39:42)

some people just want to be able to live comfortably and send their kids to a good school which is fine


struan says: (02:39:59)

i want to control the world's renewable energy markets


Aimless says: (02:42:41)

I think that would make you needlessly wealthy.


struan says: (02:42:54)

No because there are other things i want to do


struan says: (02:43:02)

controlling the world's energy markets is just the start


Aimless says: (02:44:21)

What's the second step, hire on Dean and refer to him as Pinky, changing your name to Brain in the process?


struan says: (02:44:28)



struan says: (02:44:28)



struan says: (02:44:46)

i literally want to run Europe


struan says: (02:45:06)

I think we need a slightly more right wing government to get the trains running on time etc


struan says: (02:45:09)

not racist or anything


struan says: (02:45:12)

but hardline


struan says: (02:45:46)

anyway if i controlled the energy markets i'd have a great place to start for that


Aimless says: (02:47:01)

Do they encourage megalomania at Exeter, then?


struan says: (02:47:20)

I wouldn't say it's megalomania


struan says: (02:47:45)

I don't really want power but if I see other people misusing it or using it inefficiently then I'll happily step in


Aimless says: (02:49:34)

Well, I suppose you did only claim a desire to rule a third of the world and control all renewable energy. Quite modest goals, really.



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I've also forgotten what I came in here to post, so here's an excerpt from an MSN conversation instead:

struan says: (02:35:38)

I used to think that bright people realised that there was more to life than making a lot of money and retiring


struan says: (02:35:57)

bright people had artistic principles and liked that old chinese proverb about finding a job you love so you don't have to work a day in your life


struan says: (02:36:01)

now i realise that's all bullshit


struan says: (02:36:07)

make as much money as you can as quickly as you can


Aimless says: (02:36:35)

I must be pretty dumb then; money means little to me.


struan says: (02:36:58)

money = everything in this country


struan says: (02:37:15)

if you want true power then you need money


Aimless says: (02:37:28)

Luckily I don't care about power either.


struan says: (02:37:46)

well you must care about money to an extent


struan says: (02:37:53)

it just depends on the extent to which you care


struan says: (02:38:01)

you'd be unhappy if you couldn't afford to eat for example


Aimless says: (02:38:50)

All right, being rich isn't something I'm aiming for. Better?


struan says: (02:39:01)

No because rich = relative


struan says: (02:39:12)

And it's not about aiming to be rich


struan says: (02:39:18)

it's aiming to be able to do what you want to do


struan says: (02:39:42)

some people just want to be able to live comfortably and send their kids to a good school which is fine


struan says: (02:39:59)

i want to control the world's renewable energy markets


Aimless says: (02:42:41)

I think that would make you needlessly wealthy.


struan says: (02:42:54)

No because there are other things i want to do


struan says: (02:43:02)

controlling the world's energy markets is just the start


Aimless says: (02:44:21)

What's the second step, hire on Dean and refer to him as Pinky, changing your name to Brain in the process?


struan says: (02:44:28)



struan says: (02:44:28)



struan says: (02:44:46)

i literally want to run Europe


struan says: (02:45:06)

I think we need a slightly more right wing government to get the trains running on time etc


struan says: (02:45:09)

not racist or anything


struan says: (02:45:12)

but hardline


struan says: (02:45:46)

anyway if i controlled the energy markets i'd have a great place to start for that


Aimless says: (02:47:01)

Do they encourage megalomania at Exeter, then?


struan says: (02:47:20)

I wouldn't say it's megalomania


struan says: (02:47:45)

I don't really want power but if I see other people misusing it or using it inefficiently then I'll happily step in


Aimless says: (02:49:34)

Well, I suppose you did only claim a desire to rule a third of the world and control all renewable energy. Quite modest goals, really.



Regarding the second to last post, I know exactly how he feels.


Now I think about it, I propose a power-sharing arrangement...

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Good start to today.


I was told by my mum that she's booked train tickets to London for this Thursday. I havn't been to London in ages, infact i havn't been very far out of this county in ages. However it does look like it will be raining that day.


Also i got an email from school saying that i will be getting my EMA bonus (£100, hurray!) which will be used to fuel my car when i get one. I won't be getting EMA next year though due to my mum getting a better paid job, although we're no better off due to increased cost of living, yet ema doesn't move their salary boundries :(


(Doesn't want to start EMA debate again)


Rest of today will involve doing nothing.

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Good start to today.


I was told by my mum that she's booked train tickets to London for this Thursday. I havn't been to London in ages, infact i havn't been very far out of this county in ages. However it does look like it will be raining that day.


Also i got an email from school saying that i will be getting my EMA bonus (£100, hurray!) which will be used to fuel my car when i get one. I won't be getting EMA next year though due to my mum getting a better paid job, although we're no better off due to increased cost of living, yet ema doesn't move their salary boundries :(


(Doesn't want to start EMA debate again)


Rest of today will involve doing nothing.


That's the same with me!


My parents get a bit more money because the cost of living goes up but because of that get no EMA when we are effectively no richer than last year. We just don't make the cut...


My day so far has been watching anime and listening to music. Nice and relaxing! :D


Now I'm in the middle of tidying my room which is a complete mess >______<

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Just had a really bad driving lesson, I knew I should have cancelled it when I woke up and nearly fell over, but oh well.


Got my test next wednesday, I feel ready but I'd rather be a non-driver.


I also sat up til 4am thinking about uni, yay..

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Got my test next wednesday, I feel ready.


More confident than i was then :smile:


My advice (which was given to me before i took my test):

- Go in something smart(ish) so the examiner doesn't instantly think your a crap driver. I was told not to wear my hoody as old folk have the same outlook on hoodies.

- Make convo, fairly obvious but it's there.

- Watch out for those dodgy corners where you catch your back wheel on, i almost failed with that. I got a minor for going wide, which was better than failing because i hit the curb.

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Guest Jordan

Great so far: Got alot of work done, talked to Letty (who might be buying me a new DS game :D!), my laptop got dispatched, my bank is allowing me to get a huge overdraft (which i wouldn't be taking.).


All is well.

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I am tired, my last night was spent with the girlfriend who after coming back from Zante merely hours before, kept acting tired and practically falling asleep. This allowed me to watch 300, missed episodes of scrubs and heroes, and even curse of the golden flower. I then woke up with her lying on my floor wincing in pain because of her back, and I promptly turned over and fell asleep =] I have just returned from following her home after having to change her flat tyre, but since the replacement tyre looked damaged I had to follow her home in order to know she is safe.


I am now planning on doing nothing all day. WOO.



Good luck Nightwolf you can do eet.

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Todays actually not been too bad so far...busy at work kinda. Well we had taken and are taking more calls than usual, but it seems to be slowing up a bit now.


When I get back I shall finish (I think) painting my Doctor Octopus heroclix custom, which I hope will be amazinngggg.

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More confident than i was then :smile:


My advice (which was given to me before i took my test):

- Go in something smart(ish) so the examiner doesn't instantly think your a crap driver. I was told not to wear my hoody as old folk have the same outlook on hoodies.

- Make convo, fairly obvious but it's there.

- Watch out for those dodgy corners where you catch your back wheel on, i almost failed with that. I got a minor for going wide, which was better than failing because i hit the curb.


Thats really odd, I've been told time and time again you shouldn't get a fail for catching a tyre unless it's not on a bad corner (I only know that because for the very first time I did it today).


Pssh, I'll wear a hoodie, because thats the only jackets I own, I can honestly say that there's only one bas examiner and he's getting several complaints for tutting and whatnot.

Thankyou for the advice though, I swear to god if I get that man I'll get irratated at him and file a complaint as soon as I get back to the centre. :indeed:


In other news, I'm scared, very very scared. I was up til 4am thinking about uni and I don't think I want to go.. :(

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Day has been good, watching some odd WTC 7 conspiracy show on BBC I-player, controlled demolition or not, it certainly falls like one, like every other building, but the faggots at Loose Change but me off the entire thing.


But what sucks about my day is the lack of cash.

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Guest bluey

oh my gaaawd!

my friends are taking me to see david tennant and patrick stewart performing in hamlet in stratford when i come home to the uk!! :yay::heart:



oh yes do want. do want very much so.

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