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I'd say to do it weekly.


But seriously, people shouldn't think about it as a diet. You need to permenantly change your life style and your weight because you will just go back to being the weight you were before. And for that reason, I don't think that people should give themselves targets and stuff. Your aim should be to just trim down no matter what time period you do it in. It needs to be done at a pace you feel comfortable with, its not a competition.


Generally I did do it weekly, but I found myself fading towards the end of the week, and keeping a more regular check (even twice a week rather than every day) keeps you on target.


And you are right, its more an attitude change than anything and you really have to want it.


I set myself very easy targets, like losing a stone over 3/4 months, and i ended up doing it in about 6 weeks. I think it works better cause if you have a lapse its easier to get back =)

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I'd say to do it weekly.



Agreed, every monday is always a good idea.


Went to a mates again thursday as I'm sick of being here to be honest, at first I wasn't really looking forward to it as another person had a mishap with le friend and it all went abit tits up :blank:


luckily I had a nice night and got back home pretty quickly, nothing really exciting, except shopping and weatherspoons. :heart:

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Got back from road trip with the lads. It was epic except I found out my two best friends have been tapping for a few months and lied to all of us and then the guy tries to turn it around on all of us as though its been the hardest on him. Needless to say this will definitely turn out to be a fun summer =]


Time for a nap maybe

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Oh my fucking god, that was the funniest meeting ever.


Two hilarious things happened. One - (backstory required) theres this new guy at our work. Last week he had a call for a client ringing to confirm some details about his deceased fathers plan...he had the same name as his father. So this new guy sent an email round warning us of this fraud as he thought the client was pretending to be the dead guy. In his contact history notes he wrote "calmly took client through D.O.B." which is pissing hilarious.


Anyway he just walked in on this ten 20 minute long meeting like 1 minute before the end, and the guy running the meeting was like "...No...no not now" and I saw my friend crack up, which set me off, and two other guys...but we had to hold it in because the manager of the whole contact centre was there.


Second funny thing was this utter prick who hangs up on clients all the time on purpose and puts in his notes "phone went dead" or "Hung up accidentally" (I actually listened to one of his calls the other day, and he was searching for something for the client, and hung up, even though his finger should have been nowhere even near the phone device) anyway he said that this particular template we have to fill out takes too long to do. Said template looks something like this ;



Plan number






Phone number



And yes it is as easy to complete as it looks. Whole room was like "WTF?" hes such a retard idiot twat.

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Day has again been kinda boring. I didn't really do much. Cleaned some more in my room and I'm pretty much finished now. Only need to sort out a small cupboard that holds my DS and GC games.


We didn't have any water all day long, so I've been feeling dirty. Now I don't feel like showering anymore, so will wait until tomorrow.


I wanted to draw a bit on my laptop, but for some reason my tablet doesn't work. It recognises the pen and can detect the movement, but when I touch the tablet it won't click or do anything. Bahhhhh. ='(

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Went to my grandparents to show off my good grades, and got some pocket money from them.:D


There was supposed to be a rehearsal with my band, but the guitarist couldn't make it so my day has been pretty uneventful. Oh, and tomorrow I have a gig, so not rehearsing today isn't very fun. Ah well, it'll be fine, we can still jam a bit tomorrow before the gig.


Also played some Killer 7 today. I like the style, the music, the fucked up-ness, but sometimes the gameplay feels broken and makes me want to cut my wrists like Kaede Smith from the game does. I still love love Suda 51 though.


Also played some MGO, I suck but I'm gradually getting better.


Oooh, and I saw Lost season 4 finale, looks like season 5 will be very interesting.


Watched an episode of the anime Speed Grapher. It sucks, but I'm gonna finish it dammit.


That's it!

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Woke up at midday. I was confused how I slept so long. Although I did have a dream whereby my nan came in and was trying to wake me up and I answered her ("What time is it?") and I presume I actually said that as I was half awake but couldn't wake up. Odd.


Went to town for bits but forgot to look for what I went there for...Then came home and then went to the co-op (post office inside) to post something I sold on ebay. Swang by work on my way back to pick up payslip and they asked me to work -_-. And everyone else was going out for a meal for one of their birthdays so at about 10.20 I just said "go, I'll do the rest" then was asked to glass collect. Ah well...money eh?


And I've got back and I've had a slice of chocolate cake and some slices of crusty bread. Healthy pre-bed food im sure.

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Woke up at midday. I was confused how I slept so long. Although I did have a dream whereby my nan came in and was trying to wake me up and I answered her ("What time is it?") and I presume I actually said that as I was half awake but couldn't wake up. Odd.


Went to town for bits but forgot to look for what I went there for...Then came home and then went to the co-op (post office inside) to post something I sold on ebay. Swang by work on my way back to pick up payslip and they asked me to work -_-. And everyone else was going out for a meal for one of their birthdays so at about 10.20 I just said "go, I'll do the rest" then was asked to glass collect. Ah well...money eh?


And I've got back and I've had a slice of chocolate cake and some slices of crusty bread. Healthy pre-bed food im sure.


chocolate cake?

*evil eyes*

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Homemade chocolate cake :D


Lord bless my nan. Although im going to go back to uni fatter at this rate ^_^


meh meh meh

the closest i get to homemade chocolate cake is the stuff out of a packet - lol


bought a top today which is pretty damn awesome but when i took it home its a tad tight - just a lil bit tho - so i cant get the zip up (!)

gonna have to go on a lil diet till the 4th september so i dont die from being stuck in the top all day



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9 days in rooooooooow in at work

On the other end of the spectrum, I'm unchained until Wednesday.


To celebrate my freedom I'm intending to buy a replacement DS, and finally get some decent Brawl time in. I've only been able to put about 30 minutes in so far and I was rubbish, so if anyone wants an easy victory just say.

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On the other end of the spectrum, I'm unchained until Wednesday.


To celebrate my freedom I'm intending to buy a replacement DS, and finally get some decent Brawl time in. I've only been able to put about 30 minutes in so far and I was rubbish, so if anyone wants an easy victory just say.


care to swap?

minimum wage, crap conditions...?!

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care to swap?

minimum wage, crap conditions...?!

My job's minimum wage too, I'm afraid. Conditions aren't too bad, although hairnets are required when packaging things; as if my hair didn't look ridiculous enough already.


Actually that's reminded me of something: I had no idea businesses needed a music license to allow people to listen to the radio. Obviously it's a pretty unenforceable law, but the guy I'm working for likes to do things by the book. Luckily my job is pretty solitary so I can listen to my iPod whilst I get on with things; time moves so much faster when you have something on in the background.

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Guest Jordan

I do love when new drivers actually improve stuff.


My soundcard is some how making shit sound even better...

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Guest Jordan

Ahhh i can finally play my NTSC version of Smash Bros. on 3.3E. God bless the homebrew community.


I shant be illegally download WiiWare roms etc... but i ain't buying/playing through smash bros.

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worst day ever. 2nd interview i was excited about turned out to be DOOR TO DOOR SALES. i spent 8 hours. im flat footed, walking 8 hours isn't great.. i managed, but im hurting.


the guy i was teamed with to show me the ropes made £15, (possibly £25 if the guys commists for 5 months) i found £15 in my jacket pocket this morning. i made as much as the guy in a second as he made in 8 hours.


seriosuly, its opened my eyes. be nice to door to door guys, most are working on commishion and just trying to get some money. telling em to f off just makes you look like a twat. two people offered us a drink of water and they are my new heros.


they may be annoying but there just trying to feed heir families. seriosuly, at least treat them like people. guy i was with was doing it to make money for his daughters school. he made £15. 8 hours for that.


i didnt bother with the final stages of the interview, i went to the pub for a few pints with mates. after they stopped taking the piss out my suit and folder it was fun.

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seriosuly, its opened my eyes. be nice to door to door guys, most are working on commishion and just trying to get some money. telling em to f off just makes you look like a twat. two people offered us a drink of water and they are my new heros.


Word. It really gets on my tits when people are nasty to others when they're working. Like if some guy is handing out leaflets in the street and people walk past and totally ignore them, I think that's bang out of order. There's no point being arseholes, people need to get by any way they can, ffs.


Also, when workers on supermarket tills or shop assistants get pissed at YOU for causing them to do work. Oh no, God forbid that I come into YOUR establishment and ask YOU to do some work which YOU are being paid to do. What do you want the money for? To sit on your arse doing nothing? Piss off!


Sorry to hear the job didn't turn out like you expected, dude.

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Sorry to hear the job didn't turn out like you expected, dude.


meh, it w as bad but the people where great, we played games in the mini bus ride home, i was a little disserpointed id not work with em. but if id done that id end up either becoming a dissalosuined jerk or killing my self. i dont say that ironicly, that job is so depressing.

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meh, it w as bad but the people where great, we played games in the mini bus ride home, i was a little disserpointed id not work with em. but if id done that id end up either becoming a dissalosuined jerk or killing my self. i dont say that ironicly, that job is so depressing.


They're keeping their spirits up, which is a good thing.


I'm gonna be gone! Going back to Brighton for the weekend to collect a few things and sort some things out.


Take care of my loved ones whilst I am gone! Don't forget to feed the fish, and make sure Ashley's tie is not crooked for work.

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A giant mega bee woke me up, so i'm not happy. It was stuck between my curtains and the window and kept buzzing in 5 minute inervals. It woke me up 3 times but i couldn't be arsed to get up and throw it out the window/kill it.


Today will be spent looking for a car (again) No luck so far.

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