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:( Must suck r_a (or should that be rrrrrrraah!..?)


We ran out of washing up liquid some point today and three people went out and bought it without mentioning it, so now we have three and we're only here for the week. lols.


The bomb also finally made BBC news. How special.


Tomorrow I am going to be productive. Finish off this assignment. Tidy. Read. Start packing. But for now im going to watch Akira Jericho followed by Grave of the Fireflies (too tired for subs).

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:( Must suck r_a (or should that be rrrrrrraah!..?)


We ran out of washing up liquid some point today and three people went out and bought it without mentioning it, so now we have three and we're only here for the week. lols.


The bomb also finally made BBC news. How special.


Tomorrow I am going to be productive. Finish off this assignment. Tidy. Read. Start packing. But for now im going to watch Akira.


I feel like raaaahh'ing! Pure raging, but need to keep on with it, onwards and upwards as they say. ^__^


Communication failure much! At least you wont run out of washing up liquid any time soon :D

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I feel like raaaahh'ing! Pure raging, but need to keep on with it, onwards and upwards as they say. ^__^


Communication failure much! At least you wont run out of washing up liquid any time soon :D


*cheerleads* you can do it!


The whole flat is communication failure. A girl and guy have epic fallen out (police involved to boot) and another girl is on the girls side, and the third girl isn't here so its all mah. Ah well, only here for a week and theres only one person who I may keep occassional contact with (none of the aforementioned).

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*cheerleads* you can do it!


The whole flat is communication failure. A girl and guy have epic fallen out (police involved to boot) and another girl is on the girls side, and the third girl isn't here so its all mah. Ah well, only here for a week and theres only one person who I may keep occassional contact with (none of the aforementioned).




One of those complicated things, eh? :/


Thanks for the encouragement ^___^

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Guest Stefkov
I've heard of him. I think he used to work on capital Fm. Someone made me listen to a Cd of his prank calls when i was on a coach trip to somewhere when I was about 12-13. They were quite funny! It past the time. :)

Now that I'm back from work it was quite funny how I found out about him.

Stood there and my dad's saying 'this guys' Steve Penk'. *Bewildered look*.

He's saying all these shows and I don't know. So I get my ipod touch out and ask my dad to get the passcode for getting on wireless.

I stand around the corner, out of the way of the bar and nip on google and check out who he was.

Even checked out the images of him. So then my dad goes round the corner and says 'He knows who you are now, he's just wikipedia'd you'.

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SCANDAL in barratts

cant be bothered to explain it now - but major scandal..lol

bad day in work though.. :( new person being trained up again to keyholder .. n they are crap at bein it! guess ill give them a chance as they are just being trained up but meh...

n my gum is swollen - big blister hting on it.. so im drinking (swirling?) mouthwash around my mouth in order to help - all it seems to have done is numb it a bit..lol.. couldnt smile yesterday b ut now i can SMILE *smiles*..


i hate pity invitations *another thing to complain about*



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wierd...its still dark here....creepy, it usually gets lighter around 4:00am or so


is that a cow, or your hand?


My hand.


Im going to meet Vaila's dad today, and hopefully get some work done. :blank:

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Wow, last night was the first time in ages I slept through the whole night without waking up. Got to sleep at about half 1 I would think and woke up 15 mins ago when someone text me. Didn't even wake up when people were getting ready for school.

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OMFG. Absolutely, massive epic OMFG. I have had a crazy few days. Last night was insane...but Ill get to that.


On Thursday I had a quiz night at work. These are ten minutes long each, and probably not massively entertaining, but there is the odd "zomg lol" moment. :heh:




Okay, so that was fun. Then on Saturday I had a wedding, the first one Ive been old enough to remember so that was fairly cool!




Then there was last night. Sunday night. Epic epic epic epic epic. This was absolutely sicko. So I get a call from my mate asking me what Im doing, I say chilling, he says cool come out at 8. So I go out (I drive there) and we have some fun...they persuade me to drink and just taxi home and drive back the car tomoz*today* as its Bank Holiday. So I have some more drinks, have some fun, epic lolz etc, and then we go to another club, and I suggest the idea of when I come back from holiday to do a sort of "Most Haunted" joke video thing in the old Odeon (In Aylesbury, theres an old Odeon, closed like 10 years ago or something, all boarded up and unaccesable (pretty much)


So as we drank a little more, and met up with someone else (Whos been I think at least once before) we were like...."Lets go". And so we did! So we went there, now I am not a good....whats the word....like....adventurer. When I went out with my old mates and had to jump over a tall fence pillar with like barb wire near, I epic phailed and just could never really do it. We had to do some massive climbage to get in, but luckily all the lads were awesome and we helped eachother a lot. So we climbed over the walls to get through, and walked all the way round to the back, there was a big metal door, which is the "entrance" so we stepped in. Very dark. Like pitch black, so we got the phones out for the old light, take a few photos and do loads of exploring. It was very eerie indeed, but soooo awesome. We saw the old screens, the foyer, loads of secret steps up everywhere, projector rooms, etc etc. We were in a projector room, and I felt a cold breeze...I was like "omg...I just felt a cold breeze" and my might goes "Yeah well check out what Ive just fucking found" I looked and it was the reel case....for....




We were like OMFG! (My phone had run out of battery just before this momeny, so I dont have a pic just yet, but will do) and we all got photos taken with it. Like literally couldnt have found something better! And so then we went up higher to the top room, up a metal staircase, with pigeon shit everywhere. Pigeons kept flying out and jumping us, massive amounts of shit in the room, but there were ridiculously big projectors, built into the room, then through another door it was outside, and like the roof, so we got some fresh air and were able to see Aylesbury from a whole new perspective. It was amazing. Heres some photos.










Then when looking at the photos I saw this. (Bear in mind where this is, is an empty space)








Very very creepy indeed.

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Not when theres nothing to do :p If it weren't rainy I might go for a walk.


Ah well. Been to town and bought a few DVDs. Was going to go to Brum but walking through town and seeing how few shops were open I decided to wait until next week. Plus I need to stop spending...


Done 36 push up and side arm whatevers on Wii Fit so far today. Want to at least double that before the day is out. As well as other exercise. And need to do some assignment work.


Oh and I found my flash pen I lost months ago. Was in the bag I use every day. But in my defense, it has a lot of pockets ^_^


The name of the student who left the bomb in the flats has been released. Don't know him. But apparently he tried to buy a gun a few months ago for a dare. This also made me laugh:


"They found the suspect package in a bin near the flat. We were all evacuated and had no time to take any money or anything with us. There was one student with only a quilt around her and bare feet."
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What's the best thing to do on a rainy day?


GO TO THE CINEMA! :grin: someone just rang me up and asked me whether I wanted to go see Indiana Jones IV so I said yes.


It starts in a minute!!! I'd better get washed and changed! :)


So far my day has been revision and listening to Duffy. I completed 3 practise essays and sent them off to my teachers who will hopefully mark them. :D

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What's the best thing to do on a rainy day?


GO TO THE CINEMA! :grin: someone just rang me up and asked me whether I wanted to go see Indiana Jones IV so I said yes.


It starts in a minute!!! I'd better get washed and changed! :)


So far my day has been revision and listening to Duffy. I completed 3 practise essays and sent them off to my teachers who will hopefully mark them. :D


You got rain? Wow its amazingly warm here ^___^


Went and got my wee sister a birthday present (19 inch hd ready tv!) and enjoyed the sun for a bit.


Sent a help request to paypal, apparently they are having some "upgrade" which means i can't cancel any regular subscription things. They first tried to pay me off with advice to delete my cookies. Now all my forum/bebo/last.fm things have lost their auto sign-in. which makes me angry. :shakehead

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What's the best thing to do on a rainy day?




Not when all your friends are hundreds of miles away/working/doing assignments


Or when theres nothing you want to see at the cinema :p


But enjoy : peace:


I am instead writing the next issue of 'Geektique'

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