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Whooo! Found out that we got 43/60 on a groupswork paper we did for Sociology (the one where people weren't sending me their parts and someone called someone else a bithc). It's the best grade out of all the groups too. =O


Sure it's only a small part of my actual grade for that class (we also get graded on the presentation and on our oral exam), but I didn't expect us to do so well (especially since a couple of groups got a grade below 30, ouch). ^____^



Now just to hope everything else goes fine and all my grades turn out like this. XD


Well Done Eenuh! :yay: You'll do great! :grin:

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Starting this weekend I'll have to study really hard for what seems like infinity.


At least it'll be more productive than moping about it on a message board... or this:



...I'd post a funny gif of a guy lighting his own crotch on fire and other guys putting it out by stomping on it, but I have a shitty connection here and uploading takes ages. Use your imagination.

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Congrats Eenuh!




Such a great day. Went into town with a couple of mates for the day. Danced around in HMV when an 80's song came on, bought a few dvd's and generally messed around. It was so much fun.


Tomorrow it's the year 13's last day, so I'm spending the day at school with some mates before they leave and then on saturday I'm off to sit a mates flat and get rather wankered with her and a few mates before she goes on her hols.


Fun times.

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Hmmm. It was the second HBOS quiz event (that Ive been to) last night. I took my video camera.


Ill check it tonight to see if anything actually happened on it.


Great night though. We did better than last time I think (We were in the top two thirds ish this time)

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Yesterday was my last day at school, we recieved our yearbooks and certificates saying we had left the school etc, the head boy and girl made a speech, both cried, i didn't really feel anything. Through the whole day i didn't feel odd or weird that i was leaving, 7 years of my life in school and i dunno, i said bye and was on my way. Others cried, others were sad and happy and angry and etc. I was talking to my boss about it, she thinks it's because i'm just ready to move on, it's one thing to have something ripped away from you unexpectedly and another to expect something to be ripped away from you. This day was coming, there was nothing i could do to stop it, so it was accepted as happening and i dealt with it. =/


on another note i had my grad/ ball that night too, it was preeeeeeeeeeetty dull. Nothing exciting happened, meh

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Guest Jordan

Well... this is highly gay.


According to o2, if i ever wanted to upgrade my phone i'd have to wait till July 2009! How nuts is that... Ah well. Next year it is >_>.


Also, whats the point of billing me on the 10th of a month but only taking the money out on the 25th? O_O


For the last 2 months, i haven't been able to find out where the hell i'm losing this £30 from each month, since i always budgeted for it at the start of the month. This makes sense now...

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on another note i had my grad/ ball that night too, it was preeeeeeeeeeetty dull. Nothing exciting happened, meh


Where you sitting in a corner all night with your eyes shut and fingers in your ears? Where you even there?


Tsk, silly, blind, deaf boy...

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Yay, my new, see through, nighty arrived in todays post, just in time for my weekend away.


On another note, has anybody else noticed the post coming later than usual lately, today mine arrived at 12.40, and that's the earliest it's arrived all week, every other day it's been here between two and three. When I was a postman we used to have deliveries finished by 9am.

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Do you mean 9AM rok?


Anyway i've also noticed the post being delivered later, it used to arrive before i even went out for school (Around 8:20am) now it turns up around 10:30.




As for my day, it's been quite good. Had a stats exam this morning which i thought i did fairly well on. Since being home i've been playing on GTA 4, problem is, now i'm hungry and there's no food in.

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On another note, has anybody else noticed the post coming later than usual lately, today mine arrived at 12.40, and that's the earliest it's arrived all week, every other day it's been here between two and three. When I was a postman we used to have deliveries finished by 9pm.


Yeah, it sucks. Mine used to come pre-9am but now it's never before 11, usually 12, or if I'm waiting for something important it's usually about 1pm. :(

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