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Oh mate, i hope he gets better soon, i really do! : peace:


Keep ya chin-up! :)


Thanks Owen


What has Mr Owen been up to today? Complete crap again!!! My life is so god-damn boring, i've literally had enough of trying....


and i'm awfully confused and think way too deeply...mmmmm :(


Same with me Owen. :sad:

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after about 3 minutes of trying to explain without using japanese, even going to the extent of drawing phoenix and edgeworth (and gumshoe... because he's the bestest!) i picked up the notes, flicked them, threw them on the table then banged my hand down , struck the pose and shouted "igiari!" :laughing:

......she laughed for about 10 minutes @_________@!!


You're a bit of a legend really aren't you.


Oh mate, i hope he gets better soon, i really do! : peace:


Keep ya chin-up! :)


Yeah, I hope really everything turns out okay Dante.




Ive got my internet back at home! My Iron Man 2 trailer is uploading right now! If you're reading this you must watch it because ;


A) Its lol.

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Well at least i'm not the only one Dante! but i hate the fact others are going through the samething i am...it's terrible! I have so many huge weights on my shoulders that i just can't lift and others would be able too, probably easily...:(

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Guest Stefkov
You're a bit of a legend really aren't you.

What I was thinking. I laughed when I read her mini summary.


As for my day. I think I read over 90 chapters of Naruto.

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after about 3 minutes of trying to explain without using japanese, even going to the extent of drawing phoenix and edgeworth (and gumshoe... because he's the bestest!) i picked up the notes, flicked them, threw them on the table then banged my hand down , struck the pose and shouted "igiari!" :laughing:

......she laughed for about 10 minutes @_________@!!


Ok, I laughed so loudly at that I woke my sister up...whoops. :heh:


It might just be the mental image of you standing in front of a very bemused Japanese girl, trying to get an idea across, and suddenly throwing paper on the table and doing everyone's favorite dramatic point.


This is why this forum loves you. :awesome:

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Guest bluey

it was nothing but a final act of desperation ... :nono:



i'm anticipating a freakin LONG hard day... and then yet another uneventful and slightly lonely night watching pushing daisies as i try to ignore my housemate's constant bragging about how many guy's she's sleeping with behind her boyfriend's back.


seriously - i've lost count and i dont caaaare!!!!!!!

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it was nothing but a final act of desperation ... :nono:



i'm anticipating a freakin LONG hard day... and then yet another uneventful and slightly lonely night watching pushing daisies as i try to ignore my housemate's constant bragging about how many guy's she's sleeping with behind her boyfriend's back.


seriously - i've lost count and i dont caaaare!!!!!!!


Your homemate is tart Miss Bluey. :blank:

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Guest bluey

yeah thats one word for it... :nono:

i dont particularly care - its just annoying the hell outta me that she thinks i need to know EVERY detail..


....every tiny detail.... O____o

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My day was a bit off a strange one emotionally.


It was essentially our last proper day in secondary school, (there is a presentation on monday, but we're off timetable). My poor, little maths teacher cried her tiny eyes out, and thus did many other people in my class. Myself, I'm not really one to show my emotions, and it was touching talking to people that I would never normally talk to.


But it was when I got home and watched a DVD made by 2 of my dear friends with footage of the antics of our friendship groups. The combination of seeing these wondeful people together for perhaps the last time, coupled with the fact that I wasn't on it much due to my being a total arse when it comes to cameras did something weird to me. I actually became really upset watching it.


I have a bucketloads of fantastic friends at school, but I'm generally the one who stands on the outside of the circle, the one who doesn't really get into the wacky conversations, the one who never really spends much time going out with them out of school.


But if I do one more thing in secondary school, I'm going to walk into that building on monday and make every single second I spend with all the amazing people I see count. Then I can maybe make up for being the quiet one for five years.


That sounds incredibly like me. I was the one generally outside the circle of my friends and never really joined them outside school untill after I finished it, now when I meet with them, it can be pretty fun.


I was the quite one aswell, but now not so much, decided to change myself a bit and how I done things.

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*stares at new apollo justice n-e banner*...............


OH! i had a pretty shitty day today... (its a loooong and boring story~) but it was made a little better by

(a) meeting a new student, a high school girl who loves DS games as much as i do... i was supposed to be teaching her idioms but all we did was talk about animal crossing and phoenix wright all lesson (it would have been hard to explain since i dont know the japanese name for the phoenix wright series ~ but i KNEW knowing the japanese for "OBJECTION!!!" would come in handy someday!! ^__^!)

after about 3 minutes of trying to explain without using japanese, even going to the extent of drawing phoenix and edgeworth (and gumshoe... because he's the bestest!) i picked up the notes, flicked them, threw them on the table then banged my hand down , struck the pose and shouted "igiari!" :laughing:

......she laughed for about 10 minutes @_________@!!

and (b) the streaming site i use is FINALLY playing ball and allowing me to watch TV... which is all i can really do atm... i'm skint! oh, and i dont have any friends available for hanging outage... :hmm:

Sounds awesome... anyhoo, it's Gyakuten Saiban, which I translate as "the courtroom of paradigm shifts." :heh:

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yeah thats one word for it... :nono:

i dont particularly care - its just annoying the hell outta me that she thinks i need to know EVERY detail..


....every tiny detail.... O____o


She must be attertion seeker tart that find the need to use fellas behind her boyfriend back to get more love than her boyfriend also wants to get reaction of you from her attertion seeking problems. :blank::hmm:

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My funniest day ever.


I went into school, and was chatting in the classroom before assembly as normal, when my class teacher (a laughing lesbian) told me i'd one the Design Technology prize for the 6th years. I was literally surprised, as though I like DT, i'm really bad at it. When I thanked my DT Teacher (who literally loves me, and is also a lesbian) she was like "OMG IT WAS MY FAVE IN THE WHOLE YEAR/EVER." :)


Then in assembly, we concluded a week of assemblies actually talking about the idea of NOT having faith, rather than beleiving in god as the be all and end all, for once, which I appreicated. Then the teacher used a Sigur Rós video to show his faith in music and nature. I was metaphorically laughing and clapping.

I loved.

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Guest Jordan

The last 10 minutes can be summed up in a few words:


"Lets get! Together! Katamari on the funk!" :D

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Guest bluey
She must be attertion seeker tart that find the need to use fellas behind her boyfriend back to get more love than her boyfriend also wants to get reaction of you from her attertion seeking problems. :blank::hmm:

i see, i see.. cheers freud!!! :grin: its actually gotten to the point where her arguing on skype with the boyfriend - or the incessant loud flirty giggling on the mobile to the ... other friends... is so annoying that i come home and put earphones .. or earplugs(!!!) in!! haha. if anything tho it gets the friggin train station jingles out of my head... every train station in central tokyo has it's own special little tune so that people can tell when they've arrived at their stop even if they cant see outside, or have been sleeping or something.

sounds cool - is annoying :heh:


Cosplay sex?

f - u - N - k ... :smile:

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Just sent in a letter with a CV for a job at head of house in the new jamie oliver restaurant in oxford! Its for my job in the summer! and whislt it would be cool to work there, I just need a job! otherwise you will find me panhandling in oxford city centre in a few weeks! :s

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Have you ever looked at your balls? Like really looked at them?


Man they are ugly.


Bollocks are they ugly I honestly don't know how i think them up




Up to yet, my days consisted of going to pick up some wood with me dad and laying outside on the grass, it's not even that sunny, it's just hot.

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Stayed at my friend's last night, a few people came over and we made a mix-tape for Vaila to listen to in her coma. There was a scare last night that both her kidneys had failed, but she has just been put on dialysis.


Today we went for a walk along some cliffs with her dogs, and one found a massive bone in the lake >.< It was only a cow bone though, it really looked like an arm!


And look at my garlic plant :D


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Having a BBQ for dinner. I have no idea why my parents bothered to do one, not like the weathers great for it and it's cloudy and rained earlier, strange folk.


Now my MSN isn't working properly, keep getting an error code. Was trying to talk to someone aswell ¬_¬

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