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I've done next-to-nothing today! Watched The Incredibles, and got 3 episodes of x-files to watch! yay! Last night had a couple of mates over and we got pissed, watched Steve-o and Almost Famous, and were utterly unsuccessful at smoking salvia repeatedly. Need pipe.


Tomorrow = meat market, maybe uni, ticket purchasing, Operation Sister's Birthday Present, then bbq and booze! It will require actually leaving the house at a reasonable time. Wish me luck!

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I've sent those dirty emails as PM's to the four that asked. :D Enjoy!




My two hours of biology sucked. I have an english essay I haven't done. I also have to miss my geography field trip next week (well, one of the days) due to an english lesson I'm not allowed to miss.


If I say I'm going I get moaned at, If I say I'm not I get moaned at. Ahwell

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I've sent those dirty emails as PM's to the four that asked. :D Enjoy!




My two hours of biology sucked. I have an english essay I haven't done. I also have to miss my geography field trip next week (well, one of the days) due to an english lesson I'm not allowed to miss.


If I say I'm going I get moaned at, If I say I'm not I get moaned at. Ahwell


Can i have a copy too?





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Guest Jordan

My day has been full of connections..


Too many fucking connections and too much crazy shit going on.


My PC is converting video for my Zen.

My server is sending music to my PC then to my Zen.

My phone is sending pictures to my PC over Bluetooth.

My PS3 is downloading off the PSN.

My PSP is doing remote play to my PS3.

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Looooooong day. Got up at 6:40 for school (got there at 8) and only got back home again at 10 pm. So I'm tired!


But got some good comments on my life drawing class (saying I'm a bit above average, which surprised me since I suck at model drawing XD ). Also need to experiment a bit in there.


The lecture we had in the evening was interesting though. An illustrator came to talk about his work and career and stuff. Was nice to see the way he works and how he talks about how you should experiment and not just stick to one style and all that. Plus (if I got this right), he makes his entire living with illustrations (though he also does stuff for adult books, not just childrens books). Awesome. =D

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Cheers Josh, they are class and far funnier than I was expecting. You just keep asking yourself "why would you ever type that?!"


She's been asking herself that for the best part of today. It's hilarious. None of us thought she had it in her! She just doesn't seem like the person. My eyes have been blown wide, wide open. :p

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Back at school today : /


I somehow ended up on a pc with a ball-mouse. It was shit, I couldn't get to the right part of the screen to click most of the time.


Today was also the first day in 2 years that I ditched my nose rings!!

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Guest Jordan
Jordan just wondering what does your job actually entail?


Tech support.

People email in/phone in.

I answer.


There are very few days where i'm constantly busy so i get time to chill on the boards.


ReZ seems to have the same situation as i do.

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That sounds pretty cool but I'm guessing you must get some annoying people every once in a while? I don't know how I would handle situations like that since I'm not really one for talking much. Does sound pretty good just being able to relax though which in retrospect is exactly what I shouldn't be doing.




Hopefully that will help me or not but its worth a shot.

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Today has been the same, monotonous day I've had to endure over the last few months. The only event of today is having acquired some tickets for Villa's last home game of the season against Wigan next month.


But I'm so bored, I want some damn cash in my pocket, I need a job.

If I get a job then I might be able to go to the N-E meetup in July. :smile:

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My dear Haggis, I think you need to be sending a PM my way! You should just make an anonymous page somewhere hosting it, N-E clearly can't resist the juiciness of it!


It's explicit. The only thing that would happen is that Haggis would get banned. Then where would get our supply of hilarious smut-talk?

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Guest Stefkov

I'll hop on this train. Haggis, mind sending it me aswell. I wouldn't mind some light reading.


I have been doing work since the last time I posted. I have finally made some progress in the Unit that should have been done months ago.

Now I'm on msn, playing the night away.

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Haha, yeah Jamba. I'd rather not get banned if I can help it. Anyway, Rummy I've just sent it your way. Stef, I'll send it in a sec.


This is hilarious, if she knew, I wouldn't live to see the light of tomorrow. Still, it's mighty funny. Her dirty talking skills are rather impressive.


Edit: *Sent*

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Guest bluey



...i've had better. (^________^)

@ jamba ~i'd have said the other way around...i thought the first section was ok, but then the replies were VERY "bow-chika-wow-wow" 80's porno... :hmm:

i'm...resisting...the urge...to re-write it >____< hehe


what a coincidence, i was just watching orgazmo last night!!

*sings theme tune*

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