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Mhm its understandable. It must be hard but as they say, it takes a test like this to prove your relationship is strong. And you two seem strong, and im sure you can make it :D


Anyway. Enough waxing optimistic. My night turned out...well, not as expected. After my panicking the neighbour was going to baseball bat me to death my housemate returned with some friends, and some random people. Sat around chatting for ages. Then started watching Dumb and Dumber by which point it was me, housemate, random girl and random guy. Housemate started giving me subtle signs ("Dumb and Dumber ain't your kind of film is it?") so I left. Bit later I heard them go to bed, and due to boredom I slept with the random guy.


But now im knackered, got like an hour or twos sleep. And I gotta go deal with the evil bitch at accomodation. Basically saying how we don't feel safe at home anymore. Fun fun fun!

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You'll be fine jamba. I'm sure bluey won't deny you the occasional webcam experience.




My PSU arrived today. Tried putting it in and I didn't have a clue. I couldn't seem to fit it into the cd drive. So I took it back out and I've put my old one back in. I'll wait for my sister's boyfriend to come. Althought it does look rather sexy. (The PSU not my sister's boyfriend). Damn I wish I was good at this sort of thing.

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Poor Jamba and Bluey! :(

You seem like as strong couple, though, and this will make you stronger!

If you ever have any doubts, bear in mind that whoever thinks of ditching the other should expect "a friendly visit" from some of my GLA associates within 24 hours. :)

Yay, violence...


In other news, I got the result back of my physics synoptic mock today. I, along with everyone else in my class, failed! I came joint lowest, but in defence of myself and the other guy, due to shite timetabling we had it at the end of a day which saw us both doing 6 and a half hours of exams. :blank:

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Guest bluey
Jamba is a sad Panda... but only a little one.


Seeing Bluey off at the platform yesterday was really hard. I phoned a little bit after she left to inform her that I had finally been affected by her going away only to get rudely cut-off just when I was getting a bit upset! Damn networks!


Anyway, I'm good now. I'm glad that she's going cos she needs to do this. Just bear with us for the next month or so cos we migh both be a little off.

"eeh, just a little one.." :smile: i'm just as sorry as you are that we got cut off right then - i was holding it together like a TROOPER up till then! getting cut off then not being able to call you back just felt like a taster of not being able to call you at all... and then i cried.... :weep:

but i'm ok now too ^____^ it's just... going to be difficult!


You'll be fine jamba. I'm sure bluey won't deny you the occasional webcam experience.



Poor Jamba and Bluey! :(

You seem like as strong couple, though, and this will make you stronger!

If you ever have any doubts, bear in mind that whoever thinks of ditching the other should expect "a friendly visit" from some of my GLA associates within 24 hours. :)

Yay, violence...


yay for violence!! :grin: thanks guys for the supporting messages of good luck, it's really nice of you all! i feel really encouraged!!


still bricking it - but more encouragingly so!!

*goes to practice tetris*

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Goodluck both to both Bluey and Jamba. :)


You two are going to be fine. Phone sex is a wonderful thing.



Today has been ok, I woke up with a banging headache and haven't really felt all that great the last few days.

Spoke to my housemate on the phone and have been txting her all day. It's such a strange situation, I really miss her and she keeps asking me when I'm coming home cos she misses me. I have to admit, I'm a little chuffed, it's nice to be in demand, haha...:(

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Today was great, well last lesson was anyway. Miss had to mark work, so we got let out of lesson. Went to one of the many computer rooms with a couple of mates. Alot of flirting occured between an awesome girl (a really good mate) and I. I love our conversations, I always leave in pain because we've both laughed so much. :yay::heart:

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My day has been good! :)


Not much to do in lessons and i was playing Pokemon Pearl at breaktime.


Some people came to put a new roof above my room today and have bashed a few large chunks out of my ceiling it looks ugly!


Tonight i have no work to do! :D


Tomorrow is Cross-Country! :( A Coolness is not built for running!

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Tomorrow is Cross-Country! :( A Coolness is not built for running!

When I was in school our PE teacher used to follow our cross-country runs in his car, calling out such encouraging phrases as, "Come on you slackers, run don't jog!" The irony was often heavier than my leaden legs the next day.


I ate three Creme Eggs today, which was an honest mistake. Sure, they tasted nice at the time — I have a high tolerance for sickly foods — but an hour later I was feeling the stomach-churning effects. It's a blessing in disguise that they aren't available all year round.

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When I was in school our PE teacher used to follow our cross-country runs in his car, calling out such encouraging phrases as, "Come on you slackers, run don't jog!" The irony was often heavier than my leaden legs the next day.


I ate three Creme Eggs today, which was an honest mistake. Sure, they tasted nice at the time — I have a high tolerance for sickly foods — but an hour later I was feeling the stomach-churning effects. It's a blessing in disguise that they aren't available all year round.


How far did you have to run? :)


I feel like i'm going to faint by the end of it and it isn't even that far!


And although i get more encouragement cheered at me near the finish line i can't help but feel it as patronizing even if it isn't! :)


I don't come near last though! :D


Also I had that with Harribo at the time eating to packets of Fizzy Cola ottles was very nice but an hour late and i felt really sick and couldn't eat my dinner!

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How far did you have to run? :)

I... don't know. A lot of it was uphill, though; one of the problems with living where I do.


I never really had the stamina for cross-country as I'm not very sporty, although I would be sure not to come in at the tail end. I was more of a sprinter/jumpy person.


As for the Eggs, they were free, hence my overindulgence. They aren't really something I'd buy myself, but in my experience when someone offers you gratis chocolate you take it.

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